Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

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(onm ihhimi i amhr mminenbat ai hi nt ii ini it ii by Ily Vogel Thlrlv-anvrn pear In Ilia drug tiiialnrM In t'nriu (InUll hair glvrn A Tliwms Ilia dla-Umtluii of mirrallng lh nldral lninluraa In Ilia cHr under Hi aam on naralilg and manage-nipiil Two or llirra lMiliirr ara olilrr Ilian hla hoi during llirlr 1 1 in Ihry hart au rhangra In inaiiagoinnil During hla Jrear In InikliiPM haa hrit pare with lha 1 1 me anil Ivilay hla lire la an itinilorn a ilia day itnalf Tliiimaa apt-nd prai-lirally all nf hla llna will! hla bind hum and lu nuranl II through drouth fluoil and (lr Two yrara after roiulug In Corpus hrlatl In 190- Thoiiiaa niirnl a branch kliu In Klnie-villa Hhli-h wa not only (It firai bualnraa bul lha firai building In that rltr A eompareilve newMrfner to Torpu fhfatl aha ha made many friend aineo he hi been here Howard ooper operating vlce-prel-deni of Ih Central Rower a CUM fompnr He I a friend of Ihe young man aod Phd A mneh of hi time In atudrlng aod practizing o- rational gnldaoee and fitting aoen for nw One of hi main InlerMto In otomlng Ihe char-aeleriatlr of people If I 0 llMttf eon vertlonalla and a go-getter In Ih hoalnew world PrW to roming to Lorpo Lferfoti lat year ago he wa wlirr In Klwanla and Hot Scout work In Madlvm hoi he ha found little tim for thoae IntoreaU alnre he ha bee here if ha been In Ihe utility kodneeo for more than IP year ha a wife and l)t children ffleen Id Cleon II Carol Jl fany and Raul 7 Alfred IS I'tkhii'ri nutugrr and wM-itry-liHwitr Ihf Sunshine I HiiJrt' 1316 lroUid Kiwi he bre i iwlilnl hfi tliin Mur INI II Im tied lived her Ihvre yrr pre-lieu llut limn IfVhtH In Tw ft a Vm (tu Mexico wlw-r hi Uihrr i A irkhavd orrird at Ami-itvsn cniwil tul ranch tv(iHiin It I aiaduale Si Hard' VwfrmUy AuMlu nuirini anil ha na urn II a nieuitw nf lha vli wf Ilia Church pt lh (lend tihrphrrd a I7nd drgtrr Man ami IkMuri and a member of (be linn i'lub A Wakefield for II year a resident of orpua ChrlMf haa been a spearhead for almoal that long In lha program in put real rafale opera Ilona In Ihla rlly nn a eonatanlly higher level A an arlive member of ih Carpus fhrltll Ural KaiaU Board ha haa fought 16 year for a real ratale llrrnae law In leaaa and anrh a meaaure waa finally enacted ai Ibe lf legU lalura haa Bought in maha lha really coda of elhlea reapreled and observed by all real ealate dealer lie I a paat preoldent of Ihe tea Real MUl AaaorUUnn end lh loeaf Real haiala Hoard for approalmoiely live year he ha served on Ihe directorate of Ihe local hoard and a few month ago wa given an honorary life memherahlp Mrdllh Qun vlia-prraMrnt and general manager of ilia (Irai Federal Having and Loan AvMN'Iailon bnaatg ona of lha tnoti rabidly aur restful hualnrag rarrera In I boa Chrlall In rare ni yearn Oiganlrrr of hla ronibany ha haa dlraeled (la growth Inin on of lha leading fllianelal Inalllutlnna A hard worker rloaa flgurer and talkative Quern never ahlrka hla peraonal wmk or rivla rrnponalliillly fait aunihirr he aervrd aa rhalrman of iba line ranrrr llaya-Onlenulal CominlUre lla la a World War veteran naM (- Highway ISeaulifiralitm Meeting (JiMFRea iif $Hfnilljng Fifed Attain! Two Men In Jir Theft Kilim I 'mint For Knl ire llug-llic-Coast Area Is Selieilulcil IIitc for August 31 i Button and A Vl-liarn were rtm4 on teperato charges of swindling in filed yesterday jrt of the Peace Jar fsutheijand'a court fj Modessette NUt Hghwey Patrolman signed toe complaint ft was alleged that S-stfo frau-rfenlly represented to Jvx Vinzton that he fSLlion) was to owner of a J939 Plymouth sedan and traded the car to Wiiwton fur a 1933 Ford sedan aod $359 The 6tir charge thi Williams fraiidently reprertd to Smith that he (William) was the owner of a J924 Oidirr'-ble and traded the car to fim for a 1935 Otrfrmotoift and tW) The charges ver DM a an oulgro-A'th of fr('etgton lorn a car theft ring in which at 15 10 automobile were brought from other state aod sold in the Rio Grand Vsiley During 153" toe Bom (hon nf Cansde produced 144101 1 tor of ief highest reported sine 14181 when tne tonnage wz 1 5729' 4 DR THOMAS SHELTON REGISTERED CHIROPODIST FOOT SPECIALIST Associated With DR II PKRECO 703 Medical-Prof CMiaual Bldg TREATING ALL DISORDERS OF THE FEET For Appointment Phone 2-3961 HomcstcadTax ffrmUnoed from fa*g ti turned to i'r city's wait and fund 'IM remaining 43 rent nf the 77 -cent tae ad ra: (pad Into fhe Confederate- pent on and ytol fundi nf the a fVu to toe homestead ta exemption Pay $1 Weekly SCHOOLDAYS MEAN EYESTRAIN DAYS gj-JiMf irk tok serf toll of yeesg Artificial 1J4 ve r4tn mwr rHirg laersMM tjMtnin tnt aentoaslf Lei ettailae vmr cfeR-tns'i eM scienidtesif to-for KkiMt toftoa ((I VIM CbMM Clz Sii gwrisaUmi UXAS 12:7 Pvrntn 0r lr(Kv Siru Dial mi Variable Stand Owner Fined $200 On Health ('mini Failiirr To IVot hlo IVtUr Scrmiiiig For Foot ('liargrtl A Ovmlrert who operate a end vegetable atand on Vrt Avenvi near tha Ague street inter eefUmi war found yetetdaj by a juatnw court jury of fading to provide psvpor M-reemsg and other protect uni for food vfiered for aie A (in of waa aaseeeed Ovmueet whiL'h is thu haviet penalty p-pliCtf in the city or county tor vioiaUon of Ute health laws with repvt to (oid di'play kiiuu tive City Hwith Unit began operation Albert Searcy ncy lor Ovnaticvt gave nouce of appeal to ti'uniy court it marked tne that tune that Ciy Couniy Health Unit officials iuu obtained a conviction in justice ou such charges Last rnmilar charge were Med agiunsf other fruit and vegetable wnd operator justice court out the jury found for the defen- hunts Ah ether cuc of the City-CVuiuy Health Unit against fmd Ui vC'islcr have been filed in court nhcre comic-L oai have been obtained frequently' However in: most recent case ua taken to juUce vouit in order So icich alleged violatots beyond the city knuU frahiis Saliivan City-County Health uispector regarded it as a lest case He pointed out tna lumiiar charge have been i-ei against four other persons i also jusuce court They are Kaum Mrs woe Dinn Harry Crsharn ard A H- Munoz Sulra in vi ho complaint gainst ak of them gave warning trat the Cy-Coun'y Health Unit to centrnue its effort ton ard seeuvg that all food or display at various stands is properly protected from fLes and dust The Overstreet ca se nas heard befme a jury a Justue of i i-i I i I 1 I i It I MOVING! CROCKER TRANSFER STORAGE CO lono oictanck ovfw 1117 Broadway Ats for -iin vi Lie (Ntir CurtMM) IVac Jack SulherlHiid'a rmul lint RucIihI was pvowcutilig attorney Public Records Marriage llcirni 1-nit ilua! ml Atiilrn Unlit Haiti 3 lllllJIli anil JkiIiiii iViaiiaiigli Uitni RoHriguri mot Vlrgiiila Rtvlitstiti Vuiitliii Huarrani n4 Sire JiiIiih Iiih lITth 0'lri Curl HriilgAC JultlKlnn Jain Pt'DKia Jthnalon (I linn' Vintn ilalMI i 11 A lhry rtl-vn Kllrlitrn' Kutig lnilmiiity i'ii auu on bond ullding Ptrnula AI Honnrli rraiilem-a Villa fS-M day labor tl II Vnl iiiril I'nli lUmilii' ial too day laiue Mi It I iHitlHK alii Ynaima Airitu pltio day Ulmr Mr Wlrkrr irW'Irnf IIS Slultaak Kirt fl'N day lalmr Villsnar ailtltiinn ir-idani'v IMS lti'an Siravi MSA day labor Pa WlIkriiMin y-nrial riwir In rntnc SVS A I'M thrawt SUMS day labor jma KiliVvar 1o entiaa 11 Twemy-RiUrili Mrl SliO day lalrM A (iotHi'try tvuMaiu'r and ilmibla aaraa IJS Hirknridr Htrvwl Stk)t IVwnll ooniincior 1 t) Poarrll rritulrlti' taint ilould tar HI Normandy mrrrl 11 WO i com rati or Oaiar Caatra (nur-car aaraa and sonant qnarlora SIS North c'aniau Uirwt ftSl'D day labor Viatml roaub'iii' anil alnalo aaraa Aarlta Sweet day llhiir Arrh Wllllaina coda 417 Tlilr-lorn III Snoot ST day labor IT fih marki-t 417 Tnmm Houlaiard t'i dny labor t-mii laauod yoaiorday IVrmita ihia nook IMiiS VVrmM ihla month F'ormK thi year SlJI4tiS Anuual Scout Uuiiiulii Open Scplemher IK Films Kxhibilnl Ai Junior AAA Meeting Two film Wing of and "Modern Men of Wai1-! men" were shown by Navy recruiting of- fleer at tiie meeting last night in the Cent) si Power Light Co auditorium of tiie local junior i chapter of the National Aerunau-tic Association Wings of Gold" portray-jed the activities of the nnval air cadet at Pensacola The other flint depicted life aboard ship i Corpus Christi Sea Seoul weie special guests at the meeting It was announced that a contest for gas model airplanes will be held irom 6:30 to 9 next Sunday morning on the Oso flats outh of the city It will be for club member only Ab Walker of ihe Hobby Shop has posted two SO-rent propelloi a first prize and Davenport will give i a huarl of oil a second prize Those in charge of arrangement are Roy Dimblcby Frank Dinblcby (Pat) Amlm Herbert Noakcs Earl Tilton John Udden and Ab Walker DR LACKEY REGISTERED CHIROPODIST FOOT SPECIALIST Announce the Opening of Office for the PRACTICE OF CHIROPODY gee Mieifi'ai aig COW4b CHUHTI TtXAg PHONg f-J7 fe AM(tmM i i Plan were laid at a meeting of the Scoutmasters Association of Corpus Christi last night for an annual round-up of Scoula in the Corpus Chriti district to be held between September 18 and December 16 The round-up will assume the form of a campaign for increased membership although it will not be known as a campaign Preceding the opening of the round-up there will be a eamporee set for September 8 at Cole Park It will be an all-day affair Bdinbridge discuiu-ed the ihelgiouth of the Cub movement in iCoipu Christi and Estes talked on Sea Scouting The meeting was held at the Plaza Hotel Scoutmasters decided upon a civic service award plan to be instituted soon and discussed a merit badge show for fall although no actum was taken on the latter Larry Tryon president presided at the meeting RHEUMATISM Mattit* trMitiBek 4 Rhmaauina or LiiaiMr ia a (on ta mJtidid lonavla rrg4 ml-n ooie tr Mm retier and i itm etiem ar Out auger Art your a tai guaiaauc Deaths Ilearn Funeral nr vice weie held St tii David Perl Funeral Cbapi at 9 o'clock yesterday afternoon for Hearn 64 lifelong mi-dent tit Corpus Christi who died Sunday in a local hoepiUl The Rvr John McCormack aiUot pastor of tii Fut Methodist Church officjaled Heard operated a U-d ear lot here He survived by his wife (our sons one brother this listers and five grandchildren Burial wa in Rose Hill Cemetery Kants Kalina Gonxalr Funeral service for Santa Salinas Gonzales 79 native of Nueces County who died Sunday at her home 1234 Mary Street were held at Sacred Heart Church at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon Burial was in Holy Cror Cemetery under direction of the David Peel Funeral Home She I survived by four granddugnfer one grandson a great-grandson and two half sister Kilmer Dodaon Funeral services were held at 230 o'clock yesterday afternoon for Kilmer Dodson 5) Jim Welts County rancher who died Monday afternoon at a Mathis hospital following a long dine Services were held at the Dodon home with the Rev Hoellman officiating Burial waa in the family buriai ground at Wade City Cemetery near Casa Blanca Dodson ia survived by his wife two step-daughters a brother two sisters one nephew and three nieces James Aullen Wallace FREER (Sp) Funeral rite will be conducted at 3 Wednesday afternoon at the Freer Baptist Church for James Aulton Wallace 6 son of Mr and Mrs Minor Wallace of Freer Mrs Wallace found the boy about 6 o'clock Monday afternoon crumpled up near a broken power line running from the garage to the house He had been playing outside the house following a rain which wa accompanied by some lightning The Rev Ray Harrell is to officiate at funeral aervices end burial will be in Fraternal Cemetery at Alice under direction of Moyer Mortuary Survivors Include the parents the maternal grandparents Mr and Mrs A Henslee of Fort Worth and the paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Wallace of Rio Vista The father is a rig builder at Freer DR PEREGO FOOT SFICIAIIST Announces return to hit practice after aa absence of several week duo to lllneso 701 Medical Professional Bldg Dial X-2II1 mart to drink Below tifrio 7FON-UP right froo the kaody fmty ua Raf Km Hw Ur liitMi kla Onaa At eotd drink ttandt nd JottnUtintj emtt or WON-UP TAKE HOME A DOZnCAXS3y HfM-Vl t'ihtoter ftCMOTt jn 1IU vrt Caft Cr rtf LESTER'S A meeting of the board of diiee- bus of tiie Salvation Army for A o'clock this afternoon at the Salvation Army C'lladel Rfifl Nmlh Staple Street New Utfieers fur Hit year will be elected aod few hoard members appointed 1'fce Chapman Ranch fublle School will open the 193940 school term Monday September 11 Baker superintendent and faculty members are GUIett Mix Foster1 Mix Gilk-U Noel Reed Mis Harold Power Mjx Thomson Louise Lowe and Ruth Eaton Speaking before the Lions (Tula luncheon yesterday Rue Witt field seci clary of the Oklahoma Crippled Society told of the work of the Oklahoma organization She said the society aided more than 1000 crippled children )at year and that inoie than 9000 indigent children were given hospitalization for various aliments Mr and Mrs Kenneth Me- Cumey announce the birth of a daughter Martha McCatncy Friday at Spolm Hospital Two film "Navy Wing of Gold" and "Modern Man obtained from the naval air base at Pensacola Fla were shown to Corpus Christi Sea Scouts and member of the Junior chapter of tiie National Aeronautic Association in the Central Power Light Co auditorium last night The motion picture were presented by Ballard Navy recruiting officer here ft McAdams area Scout executive for tiie Gulf Coast Council and Mix McAdams will leave for Bretton Woods 11 early Friday morning to attend a national Scout convention McAdams will attend the convention with 129 executives from Region 9 which includes Texas Oklahoma and New Mexico The Rev lloke Hunter of Corsicana is to conduct a revival of several weeks at the Hillcrest Assembly of God Church 1216 Kenedy Street Ih Rev Iiarrold Spurgeon pastor announced yesterday Tha first services were last night Allen Wood returned home yesterday from a three-week trip to McMmnvile Tenn visiting in Alexandria La and in Dallas and Austin before arriving here Hugh Henry recreation up erintendent announced yesterday that the dramatic are department of the recreation council has been discontinued due to lack of funds and that no one is authorized to solicit fund for its support CUy Finance Commissioner Joe Mireur plans to leave Sunday lor California where he will visit with his son Sheriey who is in the United State Cciit Guard at San Pedro Siieriey Mireur has been visiting hi tidier (or 10 days The commissioner will visit San Pedro Lev Angeles and San Francisco on trip of about two week Antonin CaMlIa chancellor of the Mexxui consulate in Corpus Christi has returned to the con sul's office from a vacation in Mexico City Car theft charges were filed lu Justice of the Peace Jack Suth erland' mat yesterday against Mix Geotge Debingham in connection uitn tne theft of a 1934 Plymouth coach from Tom Le-Bleu 2312 Niagaia Street The ear figured in an accident on Staples Street late Monday and destroyed a isn of tiie Belle Isle Court on North Water Street Brlch ha returned from a station at Red River Mrs Brieh no accompanied him on the vacation is staying a few days at KenrviKe before returning to Corpu Chnati On their return trip they stopped at Gallup to ee the Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial dances and Carlsbad Cavern Isnacio Lopes a Injured about 7:15 o'clrrk right at the chemical plant when he fell from a car-toad rf to-e He taken to Hospital TR David P-i Lopes litiflert-J ii-k Closing Out JACOB'S Stock Srnaiiuia Open In To ll( He ld Al Niircc lldlel Advocate of highway beautification from large section of the gulf coast ares hit expected to meet here August 31 with local liootilci for a conference and luncheon ilciigned In advance the movement in tin section ii cording to Mrs Smedley of Houston of I tie Citrmix Organization for Highway Beautification Mr Snioilley who is secrplary hi Stale Chairman Mis 1 McFarland of Houston said a branch of Ihe organization would be Ion ned line The slate organization is cu-operaling with the State Highway Department The meeting here for 10 o'clock Thursday morning August 31 is to be in Rimin 227 of tiie Nueces Hold with a luncheon to follow in the Marine Room All iiersons and organizations interested In highway beautification are invited to attend the only admission being the regular price of the luncheon Texas is first In the nation in highway beautification but there is much yet to be dune Mrs Smedley said This particular division of the State Highway Department is behind mony others in beautification work she added The state is 32nd in the nation however when it comes to beautification of property adjoining late highways Highway beautiiication has a number of advantages in addition- to being pleasing to the eye Mrs Smedley pointed out Soil conservation brought about by planting shrubs is important she said adding that proper beautification programs also make for safety on the highways Removal or unsightly biiboards is one of the aims of the organization A meeting for the Fort Worth area last month attracted a large delegation from that section of the state and an equally large meeting ia expected here Mrs Smothers said adding that delegations from the entire hug-lhe-coast divisions were being invited Burglaries (Continued from Tage 1) t-ash register but lie had spent he took $585 from the drug store's the money when arrested The case was investigated by city detective and Pizzini police identification expert Police yesterday were still investigating the burglary of the Eight Ball Drive- Stand at Peabody and Antelope Streets which also occurred Saturday rvight Charges of theft from person probably will be filed today against a man charged with stealing S228 from the place of business of Luz Alvarez at 2417 Marguerite Street City Detective Ike Elliff said the man entered Alvarez' residence which adjoins his bar and grocery store July 30 mid removed a door latch from a closet to steal $21654 hidden -in the closet On August 14 the man snatched $12 from the hands of Everisto Gutierez Eliff said The man waa arrested by Patrolman Chester Cartwright two days ago He waa transferred to the county jail yesterday afternoon the three other prisoners London (Con tinned from Page 1) the view that Britain and France might yet conelude a mutual assistance pact with Russia the gen-eral view in diplomatic circle wa that a German -Russian nonaggression pact would encourage Germsnv to pre her demands against Poland Significance was seen in the fart that air raid precaution and British civil defense force were being called up a well as reserve fn the army nvy and airforce In 1917 more coal was used In the United State than in any other year tor per rapi retard that probibly ill 1 stand forever (lily Council (Continued from Page 1) hospilul educationnl and philun-thrupiri institution aurh retail slorr a gisoluia alntlon re-tauruntg or theatres parking lot for automobile ami whoiexalc sale ulfice and aumplo or display loom Bay rout District No 3 may Include use permitted in Ilayfront Dialnel 1 and 2 and separate tourist cottage which are not attached to plhrr cottage At icuil Ad per cent of a lot on which one of the cottage i aituuied must lie lert vacant For Hayfront No 4 district are provided any use allowed in Huy-front District 1 2 unrt wholesale sale office sample rooms and public garage provided all oteratious for the garages are housed within a permanent building Tourist Callage Ruleg Regulation for tourist collage district limit use to one and two-family dwelling rhurches school colleges libraries public parka or playgrounds public buildings apartment houses hotel biKirding or lodging houses banks office studios nurseriex or greenhouse operated a retail businesses hospital or clinics educational or philanthropic institutions and court for cottage where at least 40 per (Tilt of the lot area remain open The continuous roof type i permitted for tourist cottage Amusem*nt districts are limited to uses prevented in a tourist cottage district commercial amusem*nt parks skating rinks dance hall and restaurants Camp trailer districts may include uses permitted in tourist cottage districts commercial amusem*nt parks skaltbg rink dance hall and campground and camp trailer uses provided tha ground and trailers comply with city ordinances regulating them Section 8 subdivision 4 of the zoning ordinance was amended to Include tourist courts on North Beach which leave at least 40 per cent of their lot vacant The resolution adopted by the council last night provide that the original zoning ordinance be printed in pamphlet form and designated as the official zoning ordinance of tiie City of Corpus Christi Radio Tower Lease The council last night passed a resolution lor a nve-year lease of iand from Mayberry just oH Lawrence Drive in Bay-moor Addition for erection of the police radio tower which being moved from it position on the triangle immediately west of the city hall The council also agreed to lease to Valentine for 21 years a tract on the municipal wharf now being constructed to extend out into the bay from the new sea wall The lease provides that Valentine will invest $15000 in improving Die site for a boat-landing and repair business The lease calls lor a rental of $000 for three years the rental thereafter to be Sect by the city and not to exceed twice the original amount stipulated Bond of Robert Porter a city employee and Clyde Simpson city purchasing agent were approved by the council Last night's meeting wn recessed until 11:30 o'clock this morning when other business will be considered After this morning's meeting the council will recess again until the new city charter tv ill be submitted later in the week following which tiie council will set an election date for submitting it to a vote Final draft of the charier ha been completed by the charter commission Buy'i Leg Crulioil Iu Truck Accident Both legs of Anaslacio Cantu about 12 were crushed and about 2 yesterday (- terroon when a (nick on the Whit-'mtie farm five miles out on the Airport Road we backed over ihim The b-'or brought to Spohn Hospital in a David Peel am balance resting well" bit night 0 Ptu'm Paia la fit Ta nan IsRKing Nren'm Nmncata aaw NUJUTO led tnoamadf Em tat wora pm I nu iifU-ta your oner rsjrn Mdr lar NVJUTO Dr de Cordova announces the opening of office for general practice of dentjrry SOS Medical-Dental Building Phone 2-373! Attention Patients DR STAMM OPTOMETRIST who Is now decraved fitted thousand of patient with tlaaaei while practicing in Unr-pug Christi Any of ill patient requiring any service will find their complete cane history and prescription at the office of the Texas State Optical Company 117-118 Furman Bldg YOU CAN AFFORD BETTER EYE GLASSES And Guaranteed Glasses for distance or reading as low as Complrte with examination good framo and first quality lenses TIMI PAYMENT PUN $675 DR ORAN RIPS IN TEXAS SINCE 111! Comer Mesquite and Srhateel Simla Arms from Rullr tattou PAY 50-FIECI 1847 ROGERS SILVERWARE i Off Was $5869 NOW SELECT YOUR SET TODAY 416 PEOPLES STREET it i a 1 1 4 I tt 1.

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Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)


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This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

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What is the phone number for Corpus Christi Texas? ›

We'd like to hear it. If you have a general question, you can call us at 361-561-2000 or toll-free at 1-(800)-766-2322. If you are looking for a specific contact, check out our staff directory. The Corpus Christi Visitor Info Center is open and located in Water Street Market.

What number is Corpus Christi? ›

Corpus Christi, Texas
Corpus Christi
Area code361
FIPS code48-17000
GNIS feature ID2410234
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What did Corpus Christi used to be called? ›

Corpus Christi began as a frontier trading post, founded in 1838-39 by Colonel Henry Lawrence Kinney, an adventurer, impresario, and colonizer. The small settlement was called Kinney's Trading Post, or Kinney's Ranch.

How does Corpus Christi make money? ›

Tourism employs more than 24,000 people in Corpus Christi, with the hospitality industry being one of the largest sectors in the city. Corpus Christi tourism is identified as the 2nd largest industry for community economic development, and generates 26% of sales tax collections for the city of Corpus Christi.

How deep is the Corpus Christi Channel? ›

BACKGROUND: The Corpus Christi Ship Channel (CCSC) is a 45-ft deep channel that extends from the Gulf of Mexico 34 miles into the Port of Corpus Christi.

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How can I cancel my subscription? i) If you wish to cancel, please call our Customer Services team on 0800 068 4965. ii) You can cancel within 14 days of the start of your subscription without giving any reason and we will refund all payments received from you.

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One solution is to send letters revoking your authorization to the subscription company and your bank. Some banks offer ready-made online forms to help you do so. Another way is to give your bank a stop payment order in person, over the phone, or in writing.

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11. You may suspend the delivery of your print newspaper(s) temporarily (“Temporary Stop”) by submitting a request through the following link:

Why is Corpus Christi so famous? ›

After being named “America's Birdiest City” for over a decade, Corpus Christi is home to the annual festival, Birdiest Festival in America. Bird enthusiasts can expect to see over 200 species of birds during Spring migration in Corpus Christi.

Who owns the corpus Christi caller times? ›

On Oct 15, 1997, the paper itself, long owned by Harte-Hanks Communications, was taken over by the E. W. Scripps Company. On April 1, 2015, we joined the Journal Media Group and as of April 8, 2016, we are now a proud member of Gannett Inc..

What is Corpus Christi popular for? ›

The main reason to head to Corpus Christi is its plentiful beaches. While you'll find many pristine sands along the Padre Island National Seashore and Mustang Island, you can also find a few beaches closer to town along the Corpus Christi Bay.

How do I contact Corpus Christi ISD? ›

District Name: CORPUS CHRISTI ISD schools for this districtNCES District ID: 4815270State District ID: TX-178904
Mailing Address: P O Box 110 Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0110Physical Address: 801 Leopard St Corpus Christi, TX 78401-2421Phone: (361)695-7405
Type: Regular local school districtStatus: OpenTotal Schools: 57
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What is Corpus Christi phone code? ›

North American area code 361 is a state of Texas telephone area code for numbers in the Corpus Christi area, the Coastal Bend and the Victoria Crossroads.

Does Corpus Christi have a newspaper? ›

The Corpus Christi Caller-Times is the newspaper of record for Corpus Christi, Texas.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.