Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 8, 1915, p. 2 (2024)

v wuxbon w h lkaixno firvrnxi ihukot olt xv v kuhalhkk meteaa qgoaoa k timfadey lv jn okr rr7 t qikd lejkawln f lv4itmi 11 wbcymi ihift i v ulovwltvwthioa lake awl mvlmtt end fl daya fautfal tjhoa hunday iv amber lli hub mry carry beloved wlupl lb- j ii kjkndub hnjrin geotiiabwnrofl tueeday thv ctam 7tb iplboiwio 11 tune in tile kxirfml cmylw 10th d isopovj the 6eor6etown flebali wdsianv nycl ripe otbipv ttn wpntar vr nl tbe jtlgh bclwyit jftf llilr annual eonceti friday averting w djgfri yuy bad f vnlk odion decmcytn tnaltulo uiiw when eeked kindly br tberebajrmya todovo in order that tbel gnat might enjoy lb program t thiy acted like anything but gaulleman looerely bop that ibeguihy hoy kny acquire a llitl a its along with uvir knowledge before another year roll by obituary high school concert annul even w decided so preaaej- tatlon o diploma and otlncat- iial high lbhod cmocrt al hunt ik r laoe imm lul vrlilay ni itluil wm b ih chhd eucc aw tito hall wo pafeori iothnrtoonian1 p biduuiull imuwliuj wed kukdefod ly w tihj tatty u1j u cw wl4 4j imfniojil wr vprwjti 1 try vjt ilun joautwusnke aoota- tb haft wn takmifuliy owrreurtj wlfli flaga andbuntlng wbjlttart jdcuro eilorood tlio walls i tttrlaij tho evoiilng ueylt r ceiaor- itttalrniao of tlio llluli buool hnnr1 and irlpcllluaoj aalroeaotl thanad loncd oa tltwl rnattru xiki- uo iubcalhlcal u tbf lafgoet in tin ilalitcy tbeohooltrx nf tttanrtbotw tltuwir- otumcd r b it iiufi hunuivy wbater iin iti iktvrio uick tyu kaqurdy uamv jihk iiakku oh tlumdy lut dve 2di jv elihl ftmtllir n uarglown hlglilv kvpvowl iiunti in ih pniri of uary juxmr blord mllolur tikmb- iak ivcbmi wil in hf tidtb yi- ttd m bora at 8ukiiwwtrdl ttul- bmuklrt ugiml in imy jrilr73ilmi cam uh lif huhaitd locuuda m mtwd in 0illl wiwm lb rvaiaed i twenty yi nd wbti mini of th fanit- if were torn poor rani trarapnt o ttejottb t wblcb wi umlly raovd to ooratoo and dacaaaad hm llvad hr o u p is y rats th had not bo in good haaltb forlorn hiimi pravloua to brlfi- tbdcraamt wm tnamtar of fit oaorera cborcli tro ehibtlan woman ba llttd rr lf lf br botna aod lawlly and mm a lovlna wlf ami bbothr will br tadly btoofot thta ta baantlwlirft hrrak in tba mlly in w yrart itmldrt lb biiaband a family of tbra ilanabivra and ova bom ram i via ejaaidtnd thonaa llallaybtt v mraqanriu barru uta etontpf h- mwal jiwrh h powaaaan obafi ijtkflld 4oifa tlmmloa nawoolj and mjrjw ol bom tba fnnoral took ura nnrotulayaftr boon tba avlw bring rnndodad dy bay a ii hlnhtmon tha rama w xra lnlrrd in irenwiod oucurv tba m1 brarta km four noa and to oaaluuw jo larvln and k foliar church news mktiiouiar tli kpworib lmgtia tiaxt monday tbawoawn ululotiary hdcmy will wt t lbs bom of mip- j w kaooadv uila tliurwliiy al a ovimk tiih pa- iimuljiniti for huittur rtt will fca oi nilltif tba wllll of mm lib kai ovuiiitir car allluiy ihiiyat tbi uma tba mcnilfrfm f mm womens qaelntv ar wttfitlntu llflr imtlianda at ana in i be rbrui tuoin ibu tvrnln and tl a cwl limn tb toplo at tba utiu wk turalli g timorrow avanlntf will lj tbeuod i imuva n kvt kobuy bmriilna dr oltt wh takaliulfkt tba aoidiof iba urkphft lit kfliralui itarakdnot lufrtnl and a hi ajitak of man and ihlojn in can ada i hat utt ba1fblatt ovrdna and undetdoua in tbf avanlbg ba wt i pk of men wbo hava won ilia vi toruciaia laltatikm abd vlalloraid way waloinur iitmty warlotfi wlokajiritmoaai lfom1 iydlo wiuinldhotur knltmnco to karilty iurt 1 joli co lori miliar boi lt ftyau u uriel ttuitiibou ttoy van- aitiotr aiyrtltf younu knuanco to noumi krtn itoll darrlo lluck uyrilo yotot vorpl vrouio clatoticd uubter fyla krnnody honota hata korr uarvoy mokiuiuy utrl uattbuw honor uarlotui nu- kll kliia loarim llonorx lydla wblttlrbl ufonotu art bur wllwut uatrloulaluin lriua iuill yla kon- lifnty dorlu uallbow harvay afokin imy kibta loartu lydla wbltnobt harobl hndlb 1attlal uairloulalloit claionco hun tor arthur vviunu- lowor uhool knlrauco lo honual liorolby llronktfclinotd crooltnan rww yoriimui luarl vletbaii wllfrtul rotil wamer vwuro hull joriuyta jo4uii rjuby howard uaxwoll luyrtla ua- curier curotico ifuntor wubolmlin wilkinson honom in vtirtu ii lorla frrtiiimtn honor in form i uary vftnnattor kvolyu wllklnaon itouboo tkiuiroa malcolm hatuaay doatrloo lloanmonl enuhit lfarrou town council tha council wt on innday awnlrnr utm vuek in tli chair and round i low ktrk uaaoo and wntaon prwot mlnulaa of tba war read and cooflrux oommunleatlno a raad foc- w j wetland ra eorapanaalloa far lutttrla aaatalnod b blaaoa ba bavin had bw uir brnkea ba claimed by faltlngoo ado- active walk tba ooanell daddrd to inqnlra into die mat tar ii r j a wlllooibby and bandmaatr oaatall wallad on tba oonudl and ekad for the annual grant of 7 00 ontnoliodof walton and uieon lb band waa gl van tba annnil arant on motion of kirk and waaon hugh uonally waaappolntad a member of tliw yir brlsada tba woolun mill tlyuw to loan henry orketha tutd riflflooo waa read tba third lline and finally b4ed llovad by kirk aacandad by wauon i bat t folloulnif aooamda ba tkald u- cwlll tnidnif tdano 4 00 goo correspondence gmrgvtown dee ttui 10is ur kdllnr can you minim tw by wltaeaanlbotll ibalotetl n f tba tllum aarkno abo uto bclianijwl from ifr olravuj farui on ilia aoollfwtt abb of ue vlll ti college vbw no i bo txltrin nortbaiii wear of tayrporuliny otn you 11 1 wby ihrha jn l t ba tuada and aay wbo utij niirgor in lb wood ha or rttliar lor bi buflt bjtln- eliangt ut lua ntadrf i tael uiv i bit ilia tiiu ordtti twnlm ira rot dolnir it from hou bui ratbtr uudvr pfautv from tvin qutirlvr tfbo obaniio la roitalolv not in ilia ifibititt ol iliw mojodly of ibe rale pajer aim ottd lor ilia bciiui tba tjral w on i jthi tinltla wae eartwia lit raiuru for ilo lub ranhd un dr tba byl tba uouncll oinnci compel a tungla orn of iba leaniyutt workman lo rije in and pay uxr in lorii own o tlui by mnvins be plantmniu iiibd ball uay out lo hat vtilliaio ibii linc are ibat a larwi koporllon tl ie uifii will makw ibaii iniaouinio tbi- crji ahon hniiijbiii ta ibe company la t bt iraa iath atil wtar for tun jraiaat lain what do at for u a uirat ruk nl having to pay u lttla30 00ull lhutiiuuny fad l ron duct a aun tol bnalitai ln the olber band if hm tuiil la nrciwl on m cvata fanit v it aubi toay ibat at uuit ulualy r c m ol ihu uorbliirn urlll ih ronia itldriilk aid lav jria in jwinji- town whuitbtt totu war tabfui it wt fully onilffiooti tbal iho woika weto l baou mr t itaviia urm o i tblnk it l it uiiwtrrjiilabltt lilmly lor lht ltrou ortbitkitvi niid llmild to luako ai dtautra vlllioin rallmu a publlo mullny ollbfwawho xlid lor ilio llyjw i ak tbm adum m the uiullar 1 ioul tl lbl in mui h irontfr laufutga bui will lt it u ul hint tlibj llmr y h rt tut fully john it barbtr tlio glnwu oflidcii ihilldoru inailo thalrnwu cboico of location and havo alalod that iboj h prufor i bo bjo vlow prourt to llu cuavu prowrly icraouall wo would profor wflii4 thin now ludiihtry lucutu on iho cloavu proi- orty and wo ih lloto tbu projutt own emvutoilfor ibo bylaw tlib hut ok- j too a i ion tbiil ii uoiibl lomti limn fowomr ttricln tlllili nlllth uiijkui tul inj aiiliiii l hi itittt pniju rtj ultlcli tlio llrtu bi ht wil vwiiihl inati ilally bin der tbo pmyicmi of ibolr liuulucuu and they dtulditl to inko iho othrr pniiiorty boluvluu in to doiiij l bey wcro llvlnu up to tho full iiidunum of ihu bylaw heiiarillnu tho iiltiuor lu tbu uootlpilo wo know iiotbliiii nor linto wo lluui lo look for him ibtrti aru mouuh wblti uon out lo ihu ujm n who ucotl watihlur to koop olid buyyllui j a vvllloughhy ttvery lutiry mrchmnl an henry liarrhuteol ww w lfc4ibui bw w m veret clanli gdlleb henry jfffery ww henry march men t ww kdwiu oouuau ww ja hailood ww ilanry uarcbmanl ww ifenry mirehuiaiit aia municipal world aupnllra ilfdrobyatam btraat light i ii hartwall u ian walla ww i john walburn ww lunry kranole ww hydro hyaleni light town bal hydro ryatatn light town hall tloitftown vunilry pound w k hrown altendlng roort j n oneill ww a hydro a 0 hoe attending court- ilanry uarrbment eta ilanry uaiehmant ww w 1 johnaton avavel ii j afalthaxm tampa a ink j a willoughby giavel llylwa txpne a ahtbony luming w h anlbony atiwd waurlu 3mtnoiu atakmeklnnan haiy wramwr iwla oaipatilar w o anlhnnv tlio trai kjbow htimlrua v ii morvhon ovaraear v riundohi m curpanur h framli w danihl taamlnf v klnu uamlng ii morriaon ovffr k kaundfrra moarpanior ii rtunela j 1 1 will w tjambln tfamlnj k krwln train lug v king irantltilt ii ii llditaoll ira in inn ilunlonfc rbeir npttia w o anthony lib ii morrlaon nvprtr j w knitedy aronunt a m i j randy pitrhvr x ii llumlortspr rublwr lnna ii jackaou 1 r nihurr ttoola 1 wckiieiy woikftralhf jb a itvil wood 1 j libtora tliutwr in 00 10 jit ill rui 6 00 8 00 3 00 300 a m ft 40 u 01 tl 04 423 00 17 10 300 j 00 5 00 4 1 4 47 3 00 14 00 15 wi 3 1 b bit 4 m lk oo 40 00 10a 00 13 so 7 80 10 00 moo utaw uo x llflw lo mllwi otturu ioul tid uoeti toirifl lfwy tinhj hon ciulp pmjr illtol y aftmtf bnll ikrlo vhra iiirfnpalynjuti i mirauiit lb aewtwhlv t k elul ofwr- wnnbp orouraili nl hre wlh- tfca it llrlo tlllwy aei ii mirrin therale wilt jk in rjirlnmr calla mder vff r nnl tpra i hi eqiilpmaal w uffhtie lh 1 1 ttirvhiah lb umtlelpeuty of th tcjniii tf k ualrtfri intl rprinn vt mmuttrtpal bi llortd thr latnl l ondimokn ubm lo tlieorovulona b 4uril ttlinfelnxf bt yujktmmftt 4t m ih ibla liylaer ni hrrordniifw lb rmta orito lkdhvtul v te lh aai lhataeld ml o ike wrft uq4r lb traa aaravnaef iljrjlllv arid rhra ibtruee la mt or iii eeqklvwlloh no4 vaoltf- hin ur ba tip t w born- by tk oirpflritilon rthii htbolotpalhy pf laf 7lwnlp- llmhinlna u rlbomd jllj j kat owl in juhwtubt 11 to fn void armnr wibwl to adjltnl- muli pjldpoflmnmia lltvan utr rpvalioaa fcy th 4r rrb unia ta llnw pvovad by hj ab am wh4m th ibtal emouht alii mll ffl iwf vvpllrd to ih wialnta htw at lh fallway apvt tr opara llrur nnu bln2 alrhlml 9stliirarvl dperallor abd math lama wr a ivbjti and whafaria the total annual anwuiii vallmalat lo tx taulrad lor lh tar- tiul ft ikh yaaru immadlataly followlnt ilia data ttf the uu fit ih llaniit lu b uauad undir ih aald aurolun tor inlxraxt ort ih aald 114 nd i ittiloi arxl tltt4aftr tut tba maut anatllnm forty yaara tba annual atnnunl aallm ald to ltl requital tor kinking rutid rharna for tb rtlranianl of tba bam lionda u 117311 and rr lttrwtdn iii aald hfliida la tka7a ami wttaraa tba porllnn lo b bornu by lb uutilfllpallly ti th twp or ka- fuaaltuf of ih aald annual amount a 1 1 m tad to b raviuliad tar malnlan- arte ulnfalna fllnd char and inlar- in vallmatad al js lor thu rlral ian yaara a aforanatdumd lharaflr at lttj on lh aama aa h por tion of tba coat of rona i ruction end iulpmant aa afaiaaald aubl to ad- jualnunl and apportion man i btwn lb porporatlon by ih commission rrom tlm to urn aa provided by ih aald ajruamamt 1 and wbaraa the amount ot th whol relaabl property or th corporation according lo ibe taat luvlaed aeaaaa- rnanl toll fa sltait end tba amount nt lb debenture dabl of the corpor ttf reaa f inlareal aodlnhlaa fend ih jiwtnay invealed and anew r daduotluna aa are bare a pro- frttn enr ru en annual aum tw al or ny warfca balonxtna in lo uurt in tba undartaklna t mmt nelly l ih dimad advlaebla by tb xt ntloi lb ril i mia eoaari by the eurporalleaa an4 b awpdati ot b dabfrrtoraa aa eajlad in- 4indr euuae t i hi tfartasd ooiptna operation of aanaaalma aoon h poealbla afajr 4ta ufraluon joxto mak auehexiatiawtaaia ilia rallwiyaribd iw ab4ul 5 may appear aw proffl abt rraantlme i lima k i to ronal4ar4oa- ot the yit ami of ih aaureanaata heveiar ael 7itk iaoh of th rorpprnllpna far ileal r aiaj t ie foe ibe other agraae wil ofnrtilvnlj i t 7er fo ttr ic aher pt the eoet luilimi aebel to ad7aalmnt a0 poojiannt betwean tit eerporeu i ion by lbe commtaalba tepen tfeaa- tq blto laaba dabanlure or ue u mount aet forth jn eobedule fr ven turing in rifiy yaara rrom the dale- pf ihu thura ehd parable yearlr al the llartk at toronte itoiarut hoch dabaniura ahall be aeeoetted wltw u r i i- i ttorlaav t be ihavabai ibureaaeo or ih lartwnmfewwmii- ta4eirolaly f- htsop4y of th eorpirairon partlaj vaamaenl cjf w qnlred fhdar ibfa afeounl ehalll nean tkevaonaejit or the- eollmll or each eeforel ion aurli v r rarvavpt arnurtlnlpal d by th- council uln alon pravjou to i wiufi rnantlenecj m xad ot n jnoaad ot rvr- cannnulln e erovtd iajt of ih boi may ba laid lo lima by th ad tar iii elaua 4 hataof in atteb btnounl at aunh rale at diaeuunt or nfamluih and on aucb lirnui ami van- illllon a tb fomlaalon in ma aole ilaeratlon ahall dam to be in the ln- laraal or ibe railway the proceed nt ailnh debenture belnat uaag aolety for lb purpoaae herein eoatalaaaitlie amount or debenture of aeah aorpor- mtt auld r dlapoaed of from lime to mm ahalt ta urh proportion a in ihi rilled by th coeunlastoa of tbf to let entoiui or dabanturea da rdkerd italnir alvjn lo th pepltal lnvrajed7the lloii l mob nviihar prlne- nh jpul nor intereat i in erraari and wbaraa only a portion nl ibe uunulpslliy or ih tovnahlp ht ka mialntf aa anurrterelvd ul to tlie aatd aareees by the aald hallway thararore lb municipal founcli th nrporallon of ih townahlp or ijuealne- niul aa followei 1 it ahall be lawful for ih conn lion of th townahlp at kequealng and lb aald corporation lehereby eulf r ihi jyd rporellom of ontario and other cor- krat too aald aijamtm reby ineorporated into aad fo a pari at lb i dyiaw and nrkw the ooryw by nuthortaed end dire linn leherel nlo ibe following a arm inanl with the llydroklaetrle iwi t lb i dyfawand the sleeve ration ere bre reby ineorpoi irt of ibt rier jjrj thirfjhi corporallon and to aita the corporation thereto 1 only ibpae duly qualified elector raaldltig irt th townahlp t irl ih dlatrbjt enumerated id amrmmojt ah of ieqilaaln i in wehaduu iall le enlltl d to vol on vb iiyjawraiid any r i be uvied for peymard o or tatawal i relaed levied mmdcolb riouirrd rd front tb raiaable property in aueb dl vj lavrloi avihisieukny lratiriwnbfc hb- vttniitd to thla dabehture made the alxlh day of lec ih the year of our lard on nmuwmiij nine hundred and fifteen lieiwn th llyilioldlertrlr 1owar comral- slen of ontario fhrlnrter cnllad the commieion of th first i arc and th municipal corporation of th tomhfchlp 01 u niton the towhhlt 1rifalr j r- ahlt of u the townuhlp e toronto the towmhip rfaaaaifawkya th townahlp of tluelpb ihf townahlp or vhomcour the town ahlp nt kartb vlarthope th townahlp of uiddulph the town ina the townahlp at townahlp nl kramoea the townahlp of nloi ihe townahlp of ullto lh- townahlp of kl eorva the cily o toronto ihe cliy of lhdoii the city o llarllh ihaclly of uuelph the city o hiraford ihe town of waterloo ih town or hi uarya ihe town or ull ion lha vllleil dfulrnlco ihe vi fa*g tom me the village of i or l itwl the oorpoi of the seeand rmrl where pursuant to th hydro kl- eolri ttallway aet laid abd amend ment iberato the eommlaalen wni qua a tad to anqulr into skatnln veatlget end raport upon the eoat of coeetrucllom and oparellon of an alec irl railway or railway tobe on- a i rue tad ikrowah pertain district in which the vorporalfena lire eltueted greament or ar- llh and to a rant no bon- indueemaat to any vet ro roab rangomant with and to rfrant nc us llfljnm or oihar indueemeat t other railway or iran port el on fsnv without tha written eonaeat of ha cvmmieelonj d to keep observe and perfi nonvananl proviso and eov el foflh in thl agreement intei he kept and obearved a ad 1 by ihe corporation and to geta uueh jurtber or other doe urn t raa such bylawa may ba rq y iho commlaalon tor the parj fully erretuatlng th objaote a lent of thl mgreameatj 1 f fo uintah a free right of h tba riilwe and for ibe power l the cimmlaslon over any proe r any prop ji bains eo r i commission end to with ieaar by the poj ba lawfojju l irhii bolavrul and tb oawala- alon i hereby authorised to flrtale or eeuae to be created aa leaae or boada end to 4l or dlapoe of the aacae an bebeu of the po ratio atutit*ooi lo be ohargad upon and aeeuredby the railway and all eaaata right prlvf tree aeveouea work propertx a feele belong na thereto or held in eonneotlon wltb the rt trueted acq u i red opera ted lalned b th cosjunlaaloej agreetrleat and to be for coneetit a harefn defload of lbadr- tloga inoreaae th aue or tr the landing ibe raltwaybd may al out aueh eoneent tncroaee bond taaue to cover tb oot or addi tional work or aqulpmaal or ay kind for us on tha railway to not ecadinsj ton pa it ihi tin lima i lime 1 ih ohur rveuue of the railway ertev a or oparailng axpeneea includl r- trtcal powark and eeet or adnttaj tlnn aei ade a suf rliilent utes vide a alnktng fuaa lor tba pjmmi radeamlng lb niaturl dfj kdeamlng the eeau nture laauod by the illanoe wltb elaue f b k view rsrgw jelher with lb probabbi tr that witula reeult from lha operation of 3 41 0 10 00 w 40 0 3t 0 4 ofi ml 43 00 s 00 7 hi 3 oo 7 00 0 u 1a 0r id to vi fit 11 la 7 h 1 bl 7 01 7 37 hi h 0u 4 4 00 0 ml h 00 10 oh 7 wi so 0 jqu lshd the corporation with eucb lowing tp lha total i operating reenu rnae or railway or railway iba proportion ot tba capital taf the proportion of tba ci to he born by each of ihu ror eol forth in aetiodule r aberias on receipt of aald report pore i ion rimiueaied ibe toinmu- i cuhhlrilol equip ami nperhla syaloni of aleatrlo railway thereln- ailed tho retrway pverthe a ol id con ria act stt lorib ru loan it upon tho bk he romniualo liable by rea mission in an miiriratloiia fn flnaticlal or other obligation or wtiatnoever by vlrlue of thla lament or arlahig oit nt ihe uer- jnhn teylr flwball mia wm lloara gravel hiinlor a kiasr arooiiut fiaorgeuiwii herald prlntlnir io 103 10 oarriwi on uwllon tbaoounrll adjourned card of tbuka tlit iiniuialaned eaprwa ihflr hurt felt npprorlullon of tba blntlnau and yrn- palbv landerad by an many binila ami inlubhore in ihelr bormw ahl baraavo nit nt raikvil by the tlsalh nl lliw twdovid huiltaiid and athrrol tbflr b ina mia a hykreai i- nilh mr smlk flood jeraoy tu due jan let apply to v mvi uahv hu norlli j i foh smlt ijiig lux tlvi aply to mr builili gl ollln ia blero tiuiru lowu rbtt hint ikar sltilnu firiiiafly no- notice to creditors uluhnn wautr llonr lute of the itluitfl of ultwwiuimu county of jul ion parmer th- rrituru iubiiii uisluliry at lac had herein and ilia oo elon a syuioni of aleeirlc- rat after oellsd tho railway rouid laid down in twhadule tnchuil huroto upon ilia leriu dlllnue ami in hie manner her i forth anil wlmreae the nommtealon ba agreed wltb iho corporation on be half of the corporation lo eohsiruot p and op rale iho railway muin die is anl condition and herein net forlhi but upon tho e press eoudlllona that tha ioinnilsali all not in any way be n or any error or iw aellnialc plan or aneeiriratioiia for financial or olbar obilg whataoever by vlr greament or arising out nance of tha trim ihi sil wheraaa the iet ie cnrporatlena tmvo aasanl w nuihorlalng ih cornoi to ciller into thla aureamanl wi fomhiliislon for the coijulruetloii cqulti- iiteiit and operation of ihe railway a aid down ih tn said acbedul uh- act lo lha following icrma and condi tional and wbaraa lb corporation have each learnt delienttirea for the amount t forth in hcliedule tl altachei herein ami have depoaltad tba aali deheiilurea wltb the cominuslooi now tn ere fore ttile liideulure wit- 1 in eonilderatlon of the premise and or agreement of tha corporation herein contained and euhjucl in lha provision of the aald act and aiuenii- a thereto the com ml ion ahwlt to th etflept of th pel vajoe of any bond outstanding from time lo tlnwbe held or dtepoeed of by t e com misalon in trust for ih holler of auch boni aa eollaieral aeeu ly for payment lhareor it being uneratoed and agreed that lucre ot ibe i rorporailoh ahall upon veiueal if the conmilaalon deposit witii ile tlnnmta- alon additional dabeniuraa ad dfserlbed in oleuae x tb hereof to be belqor dle- poeed of by the com ml taral aecurlty ffor eqch lot i hvld by the comnilnlontn of the bar value of the ourataaw ma boada free lima to time uw be held or dlapoaed prty lha fto4dfaoo o eecure layman of any dellell mur ing from foe operation of tb rhiw 1 in tbe even of tba revenue 4 niniei 2ong allwa for intrel and a ink log fund bond and for renewal of wbojg cowmlj-jlj- a ihe comndaalon mi ui ma failure of any lo vuy he share of aub a illufcfe1 by lha conthilselon tl commies itosa of uobej upon doe justed b ielontmiaaion in th i in clause tb ilure held by ihatj ion n aeeurlty for any uch ismelt iny arreare by any torporatloa ahall mar interest at a legal rate i a hbiuld any cotpontlloh fall f- m- orm any of th obllnatian i tba omiiiwion under bl agraemefl the ommleiloit may in addition to all ilber rf media wuhout notice dleeoa inua the aerylp of tha railway to iuoii rorporatleb in default uplil the laid ohlljfatlortba beenfulfltl and mariflfy of each tile to lorellona wilh ota be ral rhlc i i bio ii i thereto the commission au with the corporation respectively to conairucl equip and oporata allw4y through th district in tbe corporatluna are eltuato on of the corpora 1 1 on j nil to oonatruct and i aflway over the route cliadule a c to iuud hontl a provlil in araaraph i of thla ugreeiimiil lo nvoi i iicuctriig and equipping i laid down tba islble quip the railway to operate ttve the best nil aril i rlngiil ld u um wlir b uilbaiwaimrib 1 lun ibi vai it ii r urlio ilud on i i wiv muf tuta ai iwautttsavf krauia in cipljlm i wlllmuli tl ikay aptly in j a hillh toh salt vti hh it r m lib or nearly new i i mi- a iubli pt- ii k wrtahl pi i- 1 uk n 8- up itmbr lui litaiiil lr pul lflll ur il arlow a v cuijull uf lu vlluun f rnliwii uoijrllur lur fbnuwin ialvb lha auiur f lha l4w will and uuemsul of ilia il uraat ibalr rbilsluu attil tufnonr iliaieim anil ilccvrlpll ui lull mlifuui uilr vlslins mslinan t ol ibelr anuuuia ami i lulur nl lit- aeiuililm il ur bald ly us 111141 aabl due n 4 kitl luiiixr iska unlii mist after lurb ian ollowad ill ilibisid onfutir will luortail illtlrllwia ibe tun ul tbe sall uateil lb its hits llttlfd lliaiali lvlr lollta ruluta i i wl lib lit thuu i tin illliamltaehllrimuiir iii in j laid axels t iy jjt ikataul tamy paieuniir leieuueut wliutacuiueboilie ball no bava bu taicluid iy i id al b iliu of aueb iiimi iiuiuimi w a v- uauiiiicbt eol it ilur lur j- kisreb r uaulaailm pelrli deled u oeefgiawh ible ub ay t ue ull flrat ilea modern and no nt for use on ihe ral ills emolument so ua jo ulv ervlou uml ccoiniiiadallini puuaiuie laving ruueril lu i lie dial r let sarvuil li lypn of coiialructlon yiul luliniiuiu duple i and all oilier ixjutleljlo uiilt- lun and in uaercluu all dun klll and iillliienoa so aa lo atiruro ihu iiiual of- focllvo operation ami aurvlru of the railway tonmstont with good manauu- meuti i to rauulalo and fla the fare in ha rullucteil by the railway fur all luaaoa of sitvlroi f to uiillao lb ie rallws it is pouslblu fo cflinhlni iho vaalon euploelnn act of lt kihu eiientle ar any other rguae reasonably beyond it control lnn tha commission ahall not be bound ie epey nie tha railway or aueb part iheraof during auch timei but th eoivortllpna khali not l relieved from ery liabil ity or payment under thla agrwiaanu mid aa uaon aa ihe nana of eueh fnfer- ruplloit i removed ibe comirgpejnn a delay continut rxili n of the rfilwa and aack of er ta ratnove am it shall hm lawul tn ih railway with tha railway ayslem ptai part by lb uminlal ehana you if oil nl is ii anl and iparetor from a aiiiilhar prooar trovi- ad ao lhal mrb ayali f any iulpmnl ul in ipal corporation in batng i ill pv ii rojaelbai tu unblpalty ta iwi- mai tytltr lb jipplfilntend raifone in writing j r a mi itwl thd pliuv i hr hi rpti thiff mar be made aa t inrrptma am uotllbnerejajfng t uji lr v atneh it un ihe raoinmaioalkn- at the oitnlmianauch litialonhel be euthorlsad wllhnux dmrlnmnetlij in fever of thai appllcani aw to ih eost lnurrd er to be inurrad tttf by roaavd ot any auab atlaiiaton ih cawmimlan may tm tbe teirwa upawt a tie h twrnui and rbndlllopa e mai appear tmlllbblv to h mmleaon ho eueh applleetlnn tar an eaten gloa of the rauwevlnlp tarty miintelp jrjytoapjperllbit j the eorpora- the crtoifnhaslon nhell al leewf bn- adjuat nd apportion iwiwaan jopkiluna the coal of eonalrul- hot eqalomenf onerellon int alnklnp fund and a law ih oe of i newlng lb proparly of lb railway kvery railway end all ih 1 conalruolal i wratvd and lnalnlalnd by i work i uaad i 0i a ra oparalvd and inalnlalnad by 1 jniaeloa under ihi agraamanl l ltd ant ahall be vaalad in th com- lslon on bahalf or hi rorporatlonsj kit the commlaalon shell b anllllad ii a llan upon ha aame for all mon ey eanendad by ih cotiimunjuh under thl agreemapt and not rpald is keflh of ihe rorporallon coveli- int sixl aara wllb th obr itavto carry out lite agreamattt and provlelmiabaralii eonlalnad b lo eoooeral by nil meant ite powar al ell tint with ihe t nl as on to eraat ihe moat fevoreble eondlllon for ihe carrying out of the obleete at thl gramnt and ot the aald act and to incr the revenue of the railway and enaure ii aue ii in lha event of any dfrferam be twean the eorpdrallona the commualoi martapo application rle a lime n plaeaj to hear all representation that mgy be made by the partis mnd thr comrottadhi shall adjuat aueb differ ence add auch adjueiueate shell in final the commlaalon shall hove all tb powere that may be conferred up on a cemmwionr appointed and from whb iheeoneept of tha ttontlnuo tlere and eitendoraperlod of fifty yi t ibe dale hereof and al the el tlon thereof be ubt to rnwi oorporejlon and poretll arlod apportionment aa herein provided for the purpoee of tbl aareament ae though th term hereof hd suit e pimi at ihe eaplration of thl agree heht the cammfaaton aiiall deterraln d adluat th right of the corpora- ina having regard to the amoanf paid or eaenntaaj by and the ihe eepl ammiaaron right ma of r eonaldaratloaa e may appear equitable to the commission end ytherii reeeeetlvaly of ihia agrwement i tne cammfaaton ahall and adluat th right or tb ring tattn sech olbefeonatdai r equllabi to th appiroved by the loeut aovemor lilt u ubderetood and eg read that the rata impoeed for the share of lb eoat to be born by thoee municpelltle n eehadule ct attached herein toead upon the forth reapactlvel hall noteotni sr in wltrtaee whirol t commieeioi and the cotporauon have rsspelive ly nfflaed their corporal al and tb handa of their proper offker bv toronto teimlnal llumber ulver fteo from ibe paeeaugtr ivrmlnal locad f- he foot of yung hi the line run weeterly to bunnyalile using hour board property and private gnralfel the otll u at prsant aot trueted llumber- rrom the of toronto at tne numimr invir in una run weeterly parallel lo lltll main line it eroasa ihe credit ulv- er at a polhi betweeh ibe uu and the xfx toa ulltonauelph seelioni croeelng tba cviu alalloi townahlp iwuahlp nl township of 1uslli thene la a general dl at milton f suuue- raagweya usllnob and breetlon of the ejr- ltiver to uuelph unalphutiiln beet km from uuelph the line continue ti berlfn leaving uuelph in a weaterlj dlreatlon aodenlerlmg llerlln from un nortbeest the locallon ua north of the areeenl ut1l btiwx uuelpb and iterllnhtratford uecllom ihe alst matn fine wh to a po nt peeruadan and asufp b7 the otril lo a point fitrptford where it will true lb and unler the city lfordalt hecllont om t ret ford tho i efly dire ne runs to the parallel ihvooi jhi thl oti u waatel main ln of ml wary alt alaryelondon lieclloni rbiounli mt rv tpf unf flio in u enutbwwalorly reolhn i 4 1 reel nteilw unit urn lha ca railo nod t lift tiro an lirlf rat aradti ami over ihrt v runnlitif ibenre parallel tpehe old main line or iho tlraud trunk hallway to a point near dran- toni thence in a anulberly illroctlon through uiddulph tow hull in to the northern boumiary of uitilmi town- tence in a aoulheaslerly ulr- rom eon- tl to 0 inrlualve in townahlp front thin point tho run tn a southerly direction ifwvwing ina thantaa lllvar thrnuub- ron 9 to 1 inclusive in lni1oii twp 10 a nolnt between the hernia lload and ih thantas itlver a short dlwunrt west or ihe warnellffe roail nutehic or westerly boundary lino of ibe ortl alp i cllor ifet awiudoi -a- aaa toll aloiliil ifl- j sbrks lyaletide greetings tiwnablp of trafalgar 17- i v j x twlp of huialard ij i w ilttlxf tuwmahlii or wllmul i7t l x pimlithev mens storej township mt klobrf ivji- township ef worth kuiiutcj lit- twoahmoftmdlmlft8 11 i- iwealdp of iitio- 3iir twneti p if piutjti ia jjj if- jtiwnahi ponemp yef ftll ofkaat rra irohlt t tliy of ltrin j leiv oliluui cliy of hlrauord tawftor watrlorja oiwp ef mtv mr viiaa drwimvo v viotiaof wewer vhngwor ne7 liamburaj- vtl l isaued rth37vs apdev tbvalamlwpvp vhliillnhall bearilte ret lwll eualiullbtf uiirimt- h townsbfti tf luv- ia flrat and lril onivkalnii rrupt jot on loloi fonranvb a tb 111 b i noli 10 both inotuajva th till aien frol lol on- to lot bolb jv the iii oorteaaun frtnl lot a both incluarv l made ueasad iml ewured this clb day prxeeeibr 115 i iteav uitynr cluru norval tb death ut wfk hi toronto ol mrs tboma foraier ttuilhtrnf llntm-l- partrall pahtler j w i konur iacuiu ilta fact thstlio and hrr bus i and mr thom poretar ownnl and live i i i ihe farm now owned by mts v hunter but below tha villsge and tliefo tacd tlmlr twn boy jantnj ami john liotli gating tlitlr primary education in tba iclnj held mr a melaagltllii of hamilton apciit list week with b lets live ra mue margaret ingle ami mr w j blr warn quietly marilrd una day ian weak we wleb th young couple uiuoli bapplo hlaa anabel uoieugilln gave a paly ton boroberf of btr young friend khu- day aiternoon siiaa lotiuueuaalar of orange vl he vieiled telgllve beus weak mr jaa mektnney haj ittsullad anew furnao in hb home tlle- jltoann tbdyiayiattobk fcr curjtted wufn tivirj- tlii iftofl u radfjurt vwui tuo uatwcwi w f liirarid culourfaiiuivi it flrifl kroliwtnr bliirit oloyig ityu i t stlumultjora- hilt ntij lniiial unciuorulljrliic b-lu- r cojttrf for mort atuljuiya ktc f z univfal tttojnn ioay isyiat io rivq r curiainsei f mt mun likn w4 prhtlloftl qutu tb itiml lhl ftylklimloratift vrwetfnf 4vitjf tllla iftofl u tailourt vvith jjju utwrl tfj etyil 3 r lump atir cojttrf tnf a i tiij at ujotiojt omiubroiliui irailiiijlii for pita our si imuitltttiflfipfivliiicht is roiiuiiu witlfau die ltttoat ijtft ipobkjl salt 0 min youtjia iithl lhiyg ftondytovaavy batu uvarcoaii aoj odd 1unln no yvbuonablo ottor roqaed muat bo cloorotl bjiho tmil ortlm voitr tliiu in tlio iitaco lo gfitoot diff for your boy liiiabrunl or uititlufunu riutul oiwn ovory ovenlnif a mkitltv guhistua8 skab0n to all millar co i georgetown phone h2b pine hioh clash t ailortno anq menv uhni8hinaa as real estate coniuit j u lane georgetown if mil am draiioiianf arcbaalng a hoiiiit g faiu or any klnl ul ka yutaw in title i tlon monbr in loan ii innrtgagm imonk isorlnga real estate egey tm ttmm mi imwtut mtm erf tmtmrmsi m tsrm mmmbmr mf tmrms ty ggtjg gaaarp owmw0 etflaf mtumt frmp0rtf tm mil pmti mf tbm uwm wm hm0 mvmry fbmtttty ttw irmmtmmtlmt mmr tmimm tm rmmr mmmlmim tmtutmmttwm j jl wtllovohby blatgest sate biest bargains a a a a 1 14 big bargain days 14 f a case of all kinds of woollens in stock today and go on christmas sale at once look at thir list and como quick sotlosancblblrvne wool horn tegular price sftit sate price 104 lodoaantnani huavy wod ang rrg 35o jc 60j hale price jjfd ji paire woo hurko also bravy irgulir pihala do flo i- i 10 tlolett man bin boya fur lined gvyvl bfav lino 7ti ualo prioe h9o s3t9 ii u iniia litavy wool mi- ur un f1 wl kale l o ra lodiiii muni ni il bus nxtra it4v ibliiiblluripe fiirllim rvj 100 hjiu prico tiffs lotlowh rhlhltaua wool under wear hale ulco m8m t r ihe railway liana aballbe the corporation ahall 6 prompt diligent lu doing everything la it fiat or lb nortbwa ly of itoniton thence tlto a aoiiilfmchtefly direction over ir al propihy and tdiy alroets crosal pvy lha tbamea lllvar in ibe cliy london lo a point on ltalbursi btreeii thence daalerly alnnir liathurst miroet is the london von uianuy 10 which al present terminates on ursl hb immediately east of itlchmond see te b crothers buimiau to 1 w kemiody tu to cflinhlrui iirka fliie jall un ua ion wbe i rsamllile and mi atlway kal to lioib io ral j ni 161i to pernill in irriu w th uiliv ul eeid pruflt it ibe iivr railway whoruver ufllablei supply eleulrlcal power ituy fur oiiurmtlun of ihu ralluay as cniislsteiil with those chnrgi works railway slun il ran used by the wllll the ioiiilulh- us lu a fair man regard lo ihu an r vice turn- pu mil lure undvr cum vlnir i liint by the ntloii tkl to apply ttw oparhlhin of ihe railway derived from th christmas specials chuloa florida orani awaal aud tilcy pardoi 2ao choice hal mou hllvea epaulal par tin 6c flaretoittced corn l or totnalora 3um for ma o dib leaded uajtlhg urge leukaga lor jao oamphrlla uoupa aeeottad s for oo vraeli thelled walnut uerlb 4ao hulphur tl lb or sau 1 upaonibalu 6iljfor u6o qwttfadgootfaa reeuifound nar tb 0a iuie oelaa tag 8 ihi 1 puw japan tog h ihi 1 00 cora buwb 0 lor 3ao olaiki poik and uaathi with chill bauea 3 ala at 7c 10c and 1 8a c wa auo iiiva bin ud olbar wl pluit for xtnu daooiatlon and ilu be practical and the family will have i a very merry christmas i a a a a a a a a a a a all christmas goodc go at sale prices a a a a a a a a 0 56 tloun hint h moii uthjrmar mi vtl y ill ltd liar ii 35 bt1 llmiiln livavy iwh1 iuii iii lul ilk clal iitrim fllilml in llui iml 11 ill tillrwk1 prtr ill d8 space will not iillow uh tr ihcribu oods gome and see monw sweatov coats nil sizes extra good value ugtts ovencomts ah hum will be c cared at a bin cut a very tlioeay biiiu viilnit overcoat pxlr4 wu isllou d and ulmiued teg el0o iule lad its ontsszs a rphinlli tnii iklbailrra- lor boihn wear tub tnbo 99o rlmnmkltrrz ml in flaniiouhn light or dirk cuildilths coats a epiklnl lino of limiiucnaia nadolol lluiiliir itu w nil noon oil cloths nuos car pits 4o a big tutting in ull ruje mat oiuiliiu and tiutlltui wool yoqurs a good llndrtl hutvy wool rap for boya plain color hgiu pibti lmditi coars wo have a goutl chnlre of coals for lotllra uml will uloar al hlg cuu prlwa fiom 9t2q boysswcattn coats a go t u nriiiii ut ol ihiv e bhiiitur ciml iuiu prlci fffs hjieeui valune in imuu heavy iiralu bajji itrgiilar bibo bj 7n the balance of our millinery at half price f f rtfa ollr f tliiim tics rrlovca hearts jll lblllcl uulltl c fumy collars lmmlkerchiefs doll c will receive a liliiril cut all lines must be cleurul in the ib ilnys com mencing saturday december 4th groceries sale prlcch now we urge an early ell for that ciiriutiiimi order ns iiiuiiy line i me tiiiijv out itittity ul prieth much lower than whole- you milil juhl nswell imy uul sie toiuy ibliiil puitae tl or e eiiuu derived and any ttder i ihe uual t b crothers phnne 70 georgetown we want chickcili geese luiueys tluelis butler eggs uml pntatoeu at highest muuel prices lor iirit class stock be the first to save money in thin 18 days bale adaas dfc coy qeorgetown a a e a a e a a a a a a a a a a a e a a a a a a nil m a a e a a a a a a a this is the store for your xmas buying i e e phone 43 main tt mil streets



Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 8, 1915, p. 2 (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.