Machine learning method for tight-binding Hamiltonian ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

Machine learning method for tight-binding Hamiltonian ... - [PDF Document] (1)


Machine learning method for tight-binding Hamiltonianparameterization from ab-initio band structureZifeng Wang 1, Shizhuo Ye 1, Hao Wang1, Jin He 1, Qijun Huang1 and Sheng Chang 1✉

The tight-binding (TB) method is an ideal candidate for determining electronic and transport properties for a large-scale system. Itdescribes the system as real-space Hamiltonian matrices expressed on a manageable number of parameters, leading tosubstantially lower computational costs than the ab-initio methods. Since the whole system is defined by the parameterizationscheme, the choice of the TB parameters decides the reliability of the TB calculations. The typical empirical TB method uses the TBparameters directly from the existing parameter sets, which hardly reproduces the desired electronic structures quantitativelywithout specific optimizations. It is thus not suitable for quantitative studies like the transport property calculations. The ab-initio TBmethod derives the TB parameters from the ab-initio results through the transformation of basis functions, which achieves muchhigher numerical accuracy. However, it assumes prior knowledge of the basis and may encompass truncation error. Here, a machinelearning method for TB Hamiltonian parameterization is proposed, within which a neural network (NN) is introduced with itsneurons acting as the TB matrix elements. This method can construct the empirical TB model that reproduces the given ab-initioenergy bands with predefined accuracy, which provides a fast and convenient way for TB model construction and gives insightsinto machine learning applications in physical problems.

npj Computational Materials (2021) 7:11 ;

INTRODUCTIONNew materials with attractive properties are springing up, sparkingthe exploration of their potential for electronics. During explora-tion, it is necessary to determine the band structures and transportproperties of these systems. Fortunately, both of these factors canbe derived from the Hamiltonian of the system1–3.For a realistic large-scale system, especially with limited

periodicity, the calculation of the corresponding Hamiltonian isoften intractable in a conventional ab-initio study. Additionally,the resultant Hamiltonian usually has a large number of basisfunctions, thus increasing the temporal complexity of transportproperty calculations in which many matrix diagonalizationoperations are involved. In this regard, the tight-binding (TB)method becomes a practicable approach, describing a system asreal-space TB Hamiltonian matrices expressed on a manageablenumber of parameters4,5 to reduce the subsequent computingtime. The choice of the TB parameters thus determines thereliability of the TB calculations. Traditionally, considering theamount of time required to obtain the reasonable TB parameterson one’s own, the TB parameters are often obtained from thepublished TB parameter sets to construct the empirical TB modelsfor the desired systems. However, these published empiricalparameters are usually obtained by fitting to the ab-initio resultsof certain materials with fixed geometries and boundary condi-tions. As a result, the TB models constructed from theseparameters can hardly reproduce the ab-initio band structuresof the materials with different geometries and boundary condi-tions quantitatively, which becomes a source of the unreliability ofthis typical empirical TB method in quantitative research. In recentyears, the reliability of the TB method has been greatly improvedby the introduction of several ab-initio TB methods, which arebased on the projection of the extended Bloch states obtainedfrom the ab-initio calculations onto a much smaller set of localized

orbitals6–10. Such methods drive the TB parameters directly fromthe ab-initio results of the desired material systems without thefitting process. The resulting ab-initio TB models are compatiblewith the typical TB form and reproduce the selected ab-initioenergy bands with high accuracy. However, though successfullyadopted in numerical studies of a variety of materials anddevices11–15, these projection-based methods have their ownchallenges.First, these methods require full knowledge of the eigenener-

gies and eigenfunctions calculated from the ab-initio methods.The corresponding time-consuming ab-initio calculations must beperformed before the TB Hamiltonian construction, which hindersmassive high-throughput investigations. Additionally, the abun-dant experience is needed when selecting TB basis functions inthese methods. An accurate representation of the ab-initio bandsin the much smaller TB basis requires the good projectability16 ofthe corresponding ab-initio Bloch states onto the finite Hilbertspace spanned by these TB basis functions. For methods based onnon-iterative projection schemes, such as the direct projection10

and Quasi-atomic orbitals9, the TB basis is predetermined as aspecific set of atomic or atomic-like orbitals, so the choice of theab-initio bands to be reproduced is limited to those withsatisfactory projectability on the specific Hilbert space considered.Though improved by a series of studies16–18, such methods arestill not good at dealing with the projection of unoccupied statesfar above the Fermi level unless increasing the richness of thebasis. For iterative methods such as the maximally localizedWannier functions (MLWFs)19,20 approach and muffin-tin orbitalsof arbitrary order (NMTO)6 approach, any bundle of the ab-initiobands can be selected for projection, whereas the TB basisfunctions should be iteratively optimized to span a suitable Hilbertspace, which requires detailed knowledge of the underlyingsystem and sufficient time for trial-and-error procedures21. Finally,

1Key Laboratory of Artificial Micro- and Nano-Structures of Ministry of Education and School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, 430072 Wuhan, Hubei, People’sRepublic of China. ✉email: [emailprotected]

Published in partnership with the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences



Machine learning method for tight-binding Hamiltonian ... - [PDF Document] (2)

even well-projected orbitals may produce Hamiltonian matrixelements associated with long-range neighbor interactions22.Suppose the desired TB representation (like the nearest-neighbor TB model) does not consider such long-range interac-tions. In that case, these elements need to be truncated, and theresulting TB representation will suffer a loss of accuracy7.This work explores another way for TB Hamiltonian parameter-

ization, with machine learning (ML) techniques. This method usesa fast scheme to fit the ab-initio energy bands by focusing directlyon adjusting the TB matrix elements. Specifically, a neural network(NN) model is introduced to fill the preselected real-space TBHamiltonian matrices with the neurons by treating them as thematrix elements. The values of these neurons, which determinethe TB matrices, will be flexibly updated to achieve a satisfactorymatch between the produced TB bands and the ab-initio bandsduring the training phase by a back-propagation algorithm23,24.This method assigns an individual NN model to every desiredsystem for TB parametrization, which is affordable because of thefast fitting scheme. The resulting one-to-one empirical TB modelcan achieve better reliability on the chosen system, than thetypical empirical model constructed from TB parameter sets,because of the concentration on the reproduction of the givenbands without considering the transferability to other systems.Additionally, the matrix element adjustment scheme is free fromthe issues mentioned above that bother the projection-basedmethods. Within this method, the ab-initio band structure data ofthe desired material are used as the only training data, and noother input, such as atomic coordinate information or eigenfunc-tion data, is needed. Therefore, the vast existing resources of bandstructures in public databases can be used, bypassing the ab-initiocalculations. This approach implicitly defines the TB basisfunctions by directly parameterizing the TB Hamiltonian matrices,so no prior knowledge of the functions is involved. Furthermore,this method can in advance exclude the matrix elements thatneed to be truncated according to the desired TB model so thatthe truncation error can be avoided. Most importantly, thismethod is applicable to any material system with accessible andreliable band structure data. In the following article, this method isdescribed in detail, and its merits are verified.

RESULTSParameterized TB Hamiltonian matrixThe empirical TB method works by writing the eigenstates of theHamiltonian H in a basis set of atomic or atomic-like orbitals, ϕij i,and replacing the exact many-body Hamiltonian operator with aparametrized Hamiltonian matrix H, which can then be used tocompute the desired electronic and transport properties of thegiven system. Typically, the basis set is not explicitly constructedbut defined by the empirical parameters used to form H.Generally, the parametrized TB Hamiltonian matrix H can bewritten as follows:

H ¼ Piϵini þ


tijcyi cj ; (1)

where i and j run over the considered basis orbitals, ϵi denotes theenergy of the electron at site i, tij is the hopping energy betweenthe sites i and j, and cyi (cj) are the creation (annihilation) operatorof electrons at site i(j). Since these on-site and hopping terms areusually obtained from the existing TB parameter sets, specificoptimizations have to be performed according to the studiedsystem at hand, or the numerical accuracy should be significantlylower than the ab-initio calculations. We address these problemswith our tight-binding Hamiltonian construction neural network(TBHCNN), which uses the neurons to represent the TB matrixelements. The number and values of the neurons are adjustedcontinuously during the training phase with the ab-initio bands asreferences. After training, the neurons can be used to form the

parameterized TB Hamiltonian, which conforms to the matrix formas Eq. (1) and at the same time reproduces the reference bands.

Workflow of the TBHCNNFigure 1 schematically illustrates the workflow of using theTBHCNN model for TB Hamiltonian parametrization, taking theexamples of a one-dimensional (1D) periodic system and auniform 1D non-periodic system.For the periodic system, we first obtain its band structure data

by searching in the online database if possible or by performingthe ab-initio calculations on it, and then we select the energybands of interest as the training set. When preparing the ab-initiocalculations, although the unit cells of arbitrary sizes can bechosen, we advocate keeping the unit cell as small as possible. Asthe unit cell becomes larger, the corresponding first Brillouin zoneshrinks and the calculated band structure becomes graduallydense energy levels25. It is hard to extract useful information fromsuch a heavily folded band structure26, and thus hard todetermine the selection of the energy bands as references. Also,more computing time is required with a larger unit cell for the ab-initio calculations. After selecting the unit cell and the ab-initioenergy bands as references, we then determine the interactionrange (i.e., the distances range in which two orbitals areconsidered to have hopping terms) considered in the desired TBmodel. Since our method does not assume the knowledge of theatomic coordinate information, we determine the interactionrange by deciding on the real-space Hamiltonian matrices used inthe chosen unit cell representation. For example, we may just useH0–1, H00, and H01, which denote the real-space Hamiltonianmatrices between the unit cell of the lattice vector R = 0 and thecells of the lattice vector R = −1, 0, and 1, to construct the TBmodel where the interactions beyond the nearest unit cells aremade negligible. Of course, other choices can be made on-demand. Then, we initialize the TBHCNN model according to theselected energy bands and real-space Hamiltonian matrices.Specifically, the Hamiltonian matrix size will default to the numberof reference bands to ensure that the eventual TB model containsenough bands, and the proper number of neurons will be addedto the TBHCNN model to fill in these matrices as their elements.These neurons have the initial values sampled from a standardnormal distribution and will remain real numbers during training.Note to ensure that H00 should maintain a symmetric form, andthe real-space Hamiltonian matrices with opposite lattice vectorsshould transpose each other. Now, we get a randomly initializedTB model. To obtain the TB band structure, ensure theorthogonality of the TB basis and diagonalize the reciprocal-space Hamiltonian,

HTB kð Þ ¼ PReik�RH0R; (2)

where R runs over the lattice vectors of the selected real-spaceHamiltonian matrices, for desired k vectors in the Brillouin zone toobtain the band energies εTBn;k and the eigenvectors ψTB

n;k ,

HTB kð ÞψTBn;k ¼ εTBn;kψ

TBn;k; (3)

where n is the band index. The TB band structure can be obtainedby assembling all the band energies εTBn;k for all the k vectorsconsidered. The quality of the TB model can be evaluated bycomparing the TB bands with the chosen ab-initio bands. As ameasure of their mismatch, the mean squared error (MSE)between the energy eigenvalues is adopted (in units of (eV)2):

ΔE ¼ 1N



PkðεTBi;k � εAbi;k Þ2; (4)

where Nk is the number of k-points sampled in the referencebands. The procedure mentioned above is the forward pass, andΔE serves as the loss function Loss. In the backward pass, the


Z. Wang et al.


npj Computational Materials (2021) 11 Published in partnership with the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Machine learning method for tight-binding Hamiltonian ... - [PDF Document] (3)

derivative of the loss function with respect to the elements of thereal-space TB Hamiltonian H0R, denoted by H0R using standardalgorithmic differentiation terminology27, will be computed as

H0R ¼ Pkeik�RΨkEkΨT

k; (5)


Ek ¼ diag ∂Loss∂εTB1;k

; ∂Loss∂εTB2;k

¼ ; ∂Loss∂εTBN;k

� �; (6)


Ψk ¼ ψTB1;k;ψ

TB2;k ¼ ;ψTB


� �: (7)

Then, the matrix elements in the Hamiltonian can be updatedby using the gradient descent algorithm

H0Rnþ1 ¼ H0R

n � αH0Rn ; (8)

where α is the learning rate, and the subscripts of the matricesrepresent the number of training steps in the TBHCNN.

Through the back-propagation process, the values of theneurons are continuously adjusted to minimize the loss function,leading to an improved match between the resultant TB bandsand the ab-initio references. The numerical threshold for the lossfunction and the maximum number of training steps should bepredefined as the criteria for ending the training. Once the lossfunction value touches down the preset threshold, the TBHCNNwill end the training, and its neurons will be used for TBHamiltonian parameterization, resulting in the TB model reprodu-cing the reference bands with the MSE being the value of thepreset threshold. However, If the loss function value remainshigher than the preset threshold after the maximum number oftraining steps, the TBHCNN will add extra neurons and increasethe basis size of the real-space Hamiltonian by a predefinednumber to enlarge the basis set; then, the whole network will bereinitialized, and a new round of training will begin. It can be seenthat the TBHCNN model is in fact a dynamic network with avariable number of neurons. The additional bands induced by theincrease of basis will be put above or below the set of referencebands and will not be used for loss function computation. These


From the TB matrices whose lattice vectors are preselected as desired









As the training set

Initialize the neuron number

Tight-binding model

Energy bands data

TBHCNN model

Ab-initio bands layer

Tight-binding bands layer

Matrix elements (on-site and hopping terms) layer...




Uniform 1-D non-periodic system

1 2 Nr-1 Nr

... ... ...

1-D periodic system

... ...

Ab-initio band structure

E - E

F (eV



ε Ab1, k1 ε Ab

1, k2 ε Ab1, kn

ε Ab2, k1 ε Ab

2, k2 ε Ab2, kn

ε AbN, k1 ε Ab

N, k2 ε AbN, kn







Energy bands data

TBHCNN modelTight-binding modelTight-binding Hamiltonian

Ab-initio calculations

or from database

As the training setPrincipal-layerapproximation

Reproduce with the predefined accuracy


Fig. 1 Workflow of the TBHCNN. a The workflows of obtaining the TB model for a 1D periodic system and constructing the TB Hamiltonianmatrix for a uniform 1D non-periodic system. There are two additional steps for the latter, which are marked with the red arrows. b Structurediagram of the TBHCNN model. The matrix elements layer in the TBHCNN will be initialized according to the number of the reference ab-initiobands and the real-space TB Hamiltonian matrices considered in the desired TB model. The reference bands data are used as the training set,of which the eigenenergies εAbi;k are encoded within the ab-initio bands layer for computing the loss function by comparing with the TB resultsencoded in the tight-binding bands layer. The loss function value will be backpropagated to train the value of the neurons in the matrixelement layer, which will be used as the matrix elements to construct the considered real-space Hamiltonians. When the loss function cannottouch down the predefined threshold, the TBHCNN model will add new neurons to the matrix element layer and reinitialize the whole layer tostart a new round of training.

Z. Wang et al.


Published in partnership with the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences npj Computational Materials (2021) 11


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procedures will be repeated until a satisfactory agreementbetween the produced TB bands and references is achieved. Nomanual intervention is needed. We hasten to add that theselection of the hyperparameters mentioned above should not bestrictly fixed but rather a choice on demand. The loss functionthreshold should be determined according to the accuracydesired; the setting of the maximum number of training stepsdepends on the convergence of the loss function on the selectedreference bands; the neurons added, i.e., the basis functionsincreased, should be chosen considering the tradeoff between thetraining time and the basis size of the resulting Hamiltonian. Alarge number may result in the TB model consisting of more basisfunctions than is actually needed to reproduce the referencebands, whereas a small number might lead to more training time.For the uniform 1D system with limited periodicity, which

cannot be represented by a set of real-space Hamiltonian matricesH0R labeled with lattice vector R but rather a whole real-spaceHamiltonian matrix containing all the considered on-site andhopping terms, we present a simple TB Hamiltonian constructionscheme with the principal-layer (PL) approximation28. Comparedwith the 1D periodic system, two additional steps are requiredwithin the construction scheme. One is to select a fragment7 ofthis system. The fragment should be a repeating structural unit ofthe system. We then use the fragment as a unit cell of thecorresponding periodic system to obtain its band structure. Forthe same reasons we stated above, the size of the fragmentshould be as small as possible. Then we can obtain the TB modelof the corresponding periodic system using the same proceduresas we demonstrated above. There comes the other additional stepwhere the Hamiltonian matrix of the 1D non-periodic system isconstructed by the produced TB model. Using the PL approach,we let the PL consist of one unit cell and make the TB modelconsider the real-space Hamiltonian H0–1, H00, and H01 only. In thiscase, the Hamiltonian of the desired 1D non-periodic system canbe constructed by these matrices as

H00 H01 0 0 0

H0�1 H00 H01 0 0

0 H0�1 H00 H01 0

0 0 H0�1 H00 . ..

0 0 0 . .. . .




Nf ´Nrð Þ ´ Nf ´Nrð Þ

; (9)

where Nf is the final size of the trained real-space Hamiltonianmatrices and Nr is the number of fragments required to rebuildthe 1D non-periodic system.Theoretically, the TBHCNN applies to systems of any dimension.

The 1D models above are used as examples for the sake ofsimplicity and brevity. To extend the above procedures to arbitraryperiodic systems, take into account the real-space Hamiltonianmatrices which describe the interactions along every periodicdirection. And these matrices can be used to construct TBHamiltonians of the corresponding uniform non-periodic systemsin the same way as stated above.We must emphasize that, within the method presented above,

only the ab-initio energies are used for training the TBHCNNwithout the involvement of any information of the basis functionsand atomic coordinate of the given system. Therefore, the methodin its current form cannot ensure the match of the symmetrycharacters between the predicted TB bands and reference bands,nor the resulting Hamiltonian elements could reflect the geome-trical symmetries. These should be considered as the limitations ofthe proposed method. However, we will show the validity of theresulting TB Hamiltonian parameterization for transport propertycalculations in the following text. We will also present a variation ofthis method to deal with the limitations by introducing and

exploiting the additional information of geometry and thesymmetry of reference bands in later sections.Additionally, the construction scheme that is shown in Eq. (9)

with the PL approximation is suitable for the presented uniformsystem but would not apply to a general inhom*ogeneous system.In this case, the common practices are to divide the inhom*oge-neous system into several hom*ogeneous subsystems, and then toperform the TB Hamiltonian parameterizations for these sub-systems, respectively. And the proper stitching of these TB modelsshould be performed to construct the Hamiltonian of the wholeinhom*ogeneous system, which is also an important researchaspect where serval research findings have been published14,29

but would be out of the scope of this paper. Therefore, we do notexpand on the stitching schemes in detail but recommend thecited references to the interested readers.

Application and validation of the proposed methodFor novel material systems, the experience with and knowledge ofthe basis functions are not sufficient, so relevant TB models arerare, which severely hampers transport analyses with andapplications of these systems. For example, 2D-InSe nanosheetis a prospective system since this typical III–VI semiconductor hasmany attractive properties, such as high electron mobility30–32 andgood ohmic contact33. Few-layer and monolayer InSe nanosheetshave been successfully synthesized34, but there have been fewdirect theoretical studies on quantum transport in 2D-Inse-baseddevices for the above reason. Here, the simulation of an InSenanoribbon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor(MOSFET) is performed with the TB Hamiltonian generated bythe proposed ML method to illustrate the capacity of this methodto accurately and efficiently solve cutting-edge problems.The device geometry is shown in Fig. 2. A 13-atom-wide InSe

nanoribbon with a hydrogen-passivated boundary is sandwichedbetween 2-nm-thick oxide layers with a relative dielectric constantof 3.9. The length of the source and drain is 5 nm, and the channellength is 10 nm. Both the source and the drain regions are dopedwith a molar fraction of fully ionized donors of 5 × 10−3. Thechannel region is undoped, and the double gates cover the wholechannel. The gates and oxide layers are not modeled atomicallybut are introduced to change the potential of the channel regionand to act as the dielectric layers with a desired dielectricpermittivity, respectively. To eliminate the impact of the workfunction values of different gate metals, we located the Fermi levelof the channel in the middle of the bandgap in the followingcalculations.To verify the merits of the proposed method, two TB models for

the periodic InSe nanoribbon using the TBHCNN model and theMLWFs method, the most popular projection-based method, wereobtained. Their corresponding device Hamiltonians were con-structed according to Eq. (9), considering the interactions betweenadjacent unit cells only. During training, the TBHCNN modeladded the proper number of neurons to increase the TB basis sizeby 2 every 10000 training steps until that Loss ≤ 1.0 × 10−5 wasachieved, resulting in the TB model with a basis size of 18. And the

Fig. 2 Sketch of the simulated InSe nanoribbon-based transistor.Only the InSe nanoribbon is modeled atomically, whereas the gatemetals and oxide layers are not introduced as entities but used tochange the gate voltage and provide the dielectric layers.

Z. Wang et al.


npj Computational Materials (2021) 11 Published in partnership with the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

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MLWFs method obtained the TB model containing 208 basisfunctions, taking into account the outermost s and p orbitals ofeach In and Se atom in the unit cell, which is a common choice inexisting research on layered InSe materials35. In the followingsections, the two TB models are called the machine learning tight-binding (MLTB) model and the Wannier tight-binding (WTB)model, and the corresponding device Hamiltonians are called theMLTB Hamiltonian and the WTB Hamiltonian, respectively. Theband structures of the two TB models were calculated andcompared with the ab-initio band structure, as shown in Fig. 3.Only the 7 conduction bands and 7 valence bands around theFermi level with a 1 × 1 × 26 uniform k-points sampling along thek-path from high symmetry points Γ (0, 0, 0) to X (0, 0, 1/2), whichreflect the key physical properties and notably influence thedetermination of transport properties, were selected as references.That is to say, there were 14 × 26 = 364 ab-initio energies as thetraining data. There was little difference between these two TBmodels in the reproduction of the ab-initio band structure; both ofthem fit the selected ab-initio bands with high accuracy. However,considering their respective TB basis sizes, the complexities of ourmethod and the MLWFs method were completely different. Theautomated creation of the MLTB model was finished in 110 swithin our method. Figure 4 shows the convergence of the lossfunction over the training time; the loss function value quicklydecreases before the predefined threshold is reached. The MLWFsmethod required over 30 h to obtain the 208-orbital WTB model inthe same computing environment, even without considering thetime required to find the optimal parameter values, which in facttook up much time. Furthermore, even with a smaller basis andlower computational cost, the band structure generated by theproposed MLTB model is more accurate (ΔE = 1.0 × 10−5) thanthat derived from the WTB model (ΔE = 1.7 × 10−5).In addition to the ab-initio band structure reproduction, the

transport properties of the InSe nanoribbon-based MOSFET werealso investigated. With the MLTB Hamiltonian and the WTBHamiltonian, the corresponding quantum transport propertieswere obtained by self-consistently coupling the Schrodinger andPoisson equations using the NanoTCAD ViDES software package36.Figure 5 plots the IGS − VGS and IGS − VDS curves. Each pair ofcurves under different voltage biases is almost the same in trendswhile slightly different in values. Considering the widespreadacceptance of the reliability of the MLWFs method, theconsistency here reflects the excellent applicability of our method

to the device-performance level. Similar to the energy bandcomputation, the device simulation with the MLTB Hamiltonianwas more efficient than that with the WTB Hamiltonian.Specifically, the above device simulation was finished within 1 husing the MLTB Hamiltonian but more than 2 days with the WTBHamiltonian.As can be seen from the applications above, unlike previous ML

methods introduced to handle the TB models37–46, our algorithmdoes not require a large training set to make predictions. Thesepredictive methods are introduced in an attempt to build ageneral mapping from the input data to the output data, using theinput–output pairs within the training set. The predictive power ofthose methods will decrease when data considerably differentfrom the training data are considered; as a result, these methodsare not suitable for applications with limited datasets. Ourmethod, instead, provides a generic way to construct the one-to-one TBHCNN model, which will be trained on the selectedenergy bands of the desired system and apply exclusively to thesystem. Hence, the required training set consists of thecorresponding ab-initio energy bands only. The TBHCNN modelhere is introduced to represent the TB Hamiltonian elementsdirectly rather than to act as the inferred function for mapping anexternal input to the Hamiltonian elements. Once a set of energybands need to be reproduced, we can use them as the trainingdata to initialize and train a TBHCNN model to obtain the TBmodel specifically suitable for the system with such energy bands.








E - E

F (eV



Γ X7.07 Åz





Fig. 3 Geometrical and electronic structure of the InSe nanoribbon. a Optimized structure of the 13-atom-wide InSe nanoribbon. Theorange, brown, and white balls represent Se, In, and H atoms, respectively. The unit cell used is marked with a dotted rectangle. b Comparisonbetween the ab-initio band structure (black) and the band structures calculated from the WTB model (orange) and the MLTB model (lilac) forthe InSe nanoribbon. Only the 14 bands selected for reference are plotted for clarity.

Initialization Reinitialization Reinitialization14 16 18

Training endedin 110 seconds

0 20 40 60 80 100Training time (s)





2 ]









Fig. 4 Loss function for the TBHCNN. The red line represents thevalue of the loss function. The TBHCNN added neurons to increasethe TB basis functions by 2 to restart training every 10,000 trainingsteps until the ending criterion Loss ≤ 1 × 10−5 was achieved. Theblue, yellow, and red blocks denote the time regions when the TBbasis contains 14, 16, and 18 basis functions, respectively.

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Published in partnership with the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences npj Computational Materials (2021) 11

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We hope that our method provides insight into applying ML toolsto physical problems, especially when data-driven methods areinaccessible.To verify the generalization ability of the proposed method on

different systems, extra simulations on 13-atom-wide graphenenanoribbon (13-AGNR), 2D MoS2, and the devices based on thesetwo materials were performed. The simulation results showed thatour method could apply to different material systems and achievebetter ab-initio band structure reproduction than the MLWFsmethod (Supplementary Note 1). Furthermore, to showcase thecapability of the TBHCNN model of being trained on previouslypublished data, we performed the TB Hamiltonian parameteriza-tions for Si of the diamond structure and GaN of the wurtzitestructure using the band structure data from the online data setMaterials Project47 (Supplementary Note 2). Additionally, westudied the impacts of the initialization of the TBHCNN modeland the k-point sampling used in the loss function on the qualityof the resulting TB Hamiltonian for bands reproduction andtransport property calculations. We found that, as long as thetraining hyperparameters were fixed, different initializations of theTBHCNN model would result in the TB models with different TBparameters that could reproduce the reference bands with thesame accuracy. And the utilization of the device Hamiltoniansfrom these different TB models on device simulation obtainedvery close results (Supplementary Note 3).

Two variations of the proposed methodSince the TBHCNN employed within our method can beconveniently customized, our method has the potential to bemodified to meet the requirements of personalized analysis. Here,we develop two variations of the proposed method, which extendthe applications of the TBHCNN to the fields outside the energy-space transport property calculations.Variation I is to optimize a given TB model by fine-tuning the

Hamiltonian elements. The basic version of our method focuses onconstructing an accurate TB Hamiltonian with a minimal basis forthe desired system to perform band structure and I–V curvecalculations. However, it can also be modified to optimize a givenTB model without breaking down the real-space Hamiltonianmatrix structures.Real-space information and time-consuming searches for

optimal parameter values are not needed in Variation I byinitializing the values of the neurons in the TBHCNN based on thematrix elements of the unoptimized TB model. Such a TB modelcan be obtained from projection-based approaches or the existingempirical TB parameter sets; both methods should retain thesymmetry characters of the atomic basis to some extent. Then, aregularization term ΔR, which penalizes the deviation of theHamiltonian matrix elements from the original values, is added to

the loss function.

ΔR ¼ λPiðVi � UiÞ2; (10)

where λ sets the magnitude of the penalty, for which the sum isover all matrix elements of the real-space Hamiltonians involved;Vi is the current value of the ith matrix element, and Ui is the valueof the corresponding element in the unoptimized TB model.During training, the TBHCNN will hold the number of neurons butadjust their values to obtain an improved description of theselected ab-initio energy bands. By doing so, we can maintain theinitial form of the given TB model to a large extent while greatlyincrease its accuracy for band reproduction. Variation I would alsobe very suitable for truncating a given TB model to have a smallernumber of real-space Hamiltonian matrices while maintaining theband reproduction accuracy. The loss of accuracy caused by thetruncated TB matrices, which describe the interactions in a longerrange than is needed, can be mitigated by adjusting the elementsof the TB matrices considered to implicitly include the impact ofthe truncated interactions.To test the validity of Variation I, a 2D phosphorene system was

tested. The sp TB model obtained by the MLWFs method wasemployed as the initial template, which could ensure thecompleteness of the TB basis48. However, as illustrated in the leftpanel of Fig. 6a, the band structure obtained by this TB modeldeviates substantially from the corresponding ab-initio bandstructure. This sp TB model, deemed the WTB model here still,consisted of the real-space Hamiltonian matrices describing theinteractions within a unit cell and between this unit cell with its 8neighbor cells, as shown in Fig. 6b. This deviation indicated thatthe hopping terms describing the interactions in a longer rangeshould be considered. Using the proposed variation, we con-structed the optimized TB model on top of the WTB model, whichis deemed the MLTB model here. It can be seen that the MLTBmodel succeeds in including the impact of longer-range interac-tions by modifying the elements in considered Hamiltonianmatrices, as it reduced the MSE in-band energies from ΔE = 0.14 toΔE = 8.8 × 10−7 when reproducing the 8 bands around the Fermilevel. And the average absolute deviation per element of the 9considered matrices was less than 0.04 eV. The difference matricesbetween these matrices before and after the optimization areplotted in Fig. 6c. It can be shown that Variation I has the potentialto optimize the given TB model in the desired basis of atomicorbitals and maintain the symmetry characters of the basis to alarge extent.Variation II can construct the Slater–Koster TB Hamiltonian for

the desired system from scratch by changing the mapping fromthe neurons to Hamiltonian elements.To achieve this goal, the values of neurons are no longer

assigned to the Hamiltonian elements directly. Instead, neuronsare now used as adjustable parameters to calculate the

WTB Model: WTB Model: VGS = 0.3 V VGS = -0.3 V VGS = 0 V

MLTB Model:

MLTB Model:

VGS = -0.3 V





10-18 VGS = 0.3 V VGS = 0 V

VDS = 0.5 V VDS = 0.3 V VDS = 0.1 V

VDS = 0.5 V VDS = 0.3 V VDS = 0.1 V

0.5 0 1.0 0.10 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5-0.5 VGS (V) VDS (V)





I DS (


I DS (



Fig. 5 Transfer characteristics of the InSe MOSFET. a Transfer characteristics of the device with the drain-source voltage VDS being 0.5, 0.3,and 0.1 V. b Transfer characteristics of the device with the gate voltage VGS being −0.3, 0.0, and 0.3 V.

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Slater–Koster parameters, such as Vssσ, Vspσ, and Vppπ, to obtain thematrix elements, using the two-center or three-center approxima-tions proposed by Slater and Koster5. Variation II requires that thereference bands be analyzed in advance for choosing the types ofatomic orbitals used for fitting the bands and thus for determiningthe fitting formulae. And the atomic coordinate information of thestudied system needs to be obtained for providing the distanceinformation used in the fitting formulae. This form is like thetraditional methods for the determination of the Slater–Kosterparameters. However, the gradient descent algorithm makes thismethod faster than the least-squares process used in traditionalmethods. During training, the types and number of the basisorbitals will be fixed, i.e., the fitting formulae and Hamiltonianmatrix size will be held. And the Slater–Koster parameters will beoptimized by adjusting the neuron values to better describe theab-initio bands.Taking the 13-atom-wide armchair graphene nanoribbon (13-

AGNR) presented in Supplementary Note 1 as an example, weconsidered the pz orbital of each C atom in the unit cell, and thereal-space Hamiltonian matrices H00, H0�1, and H01, whichdescribe the interactions within a unit cell and between the unitcell with its 2 neighbor cells. With two-center approximations, thehopping parameters are expressed as49:

Vppπ rij� � ¼ α1r

�α2ij exp �α3r


� �; (11)

where rij is the distance between atom i and j, which can be readdirectly from the real-space structure of the 13-AGNR, and α1, α2,α3, and α4 are variable parameters, which will be represented byfour different neurons, respectively. Still, the loss function was the

mean squared error between the ab-initio energy eigenvalues andthe TB ones. After training, the optimal values of these parameterswere obtained, and the TB Hamiltonian matrices calculated bythese parameters were in the desired Slater–Koster form on thebasis of pz orbitals. Since much fewer neurons were used inVariation II than in the basic TBHCNN method, the produced TBHamiltonian reproduced the ab-initio bands qualitatively. How-ever, we advocate using Variation II for TB Hamiltonianparameterization when the information of the geometry isaccessible, and the symmetry characters of reference bands areknown, for analyzing the properties on which the symmetrycharacters have a significant impact. Variation II can be consideredas a complement to our basic method to deal with its limitationson the match of the symmetry characters of the reference bandsand on the reflection of geometric symmetry of the given system.Figure 7 plots the comparison between the TB models obtained

by using Variation II and the well-known empirical TB parameter-ization for graphene systems, which employs a value of −2.7 eV asthe hopping parameter between the nearest-neighbor C atomsand 0 eV for otherwise. The Hamiltonian matrices of these two TBmodels have the same structures and slightly different matrixelements, and their TB band structures have similar accuracy.Figure 8 shows the charge distribution of the 13-AGNR-MOSFET,

which is presented in Supplementary Note 1. The devicesimulations were performed with the device Hamiltoniansconstructed by the produced TB model and a Wannier TB modelfrom the MLWFs method. The comparison between the simulationresults showed that the produced TB model could be used forqualitatively accurate real-space transport analysis.

E - E

F (eV






E - E

F (eV







cbΓ X Y Γ Γ X Y Γ

4.58 Å





(0, 1,

-1)(0, 1, 1)

(0, -1, -1) (0, -1

, 1)

(0, 1, 0)


0, -1



0, 1


(0, -1, 0)



Fig. 6 The optimization for the sp TB model for the 2D phosphorene system using Variation I. a Comparison of the ab-initio band structure(black lines) and those calculated from the unoptimized WTB model (orange lines) and MLTB model (lilac lines) for the phosphorene. b Thegeometrical structure of the phosphorene. The unoptimized WTB model comprises the real-space Hamiltonian matrices describing theinteractions within a unit cell (marked with the solid rectangle) and between this unit cell with its 8 neighbor cells (marked with the dottedrectangles). c The difference matrices between the considered real-space TB Hamiltonians before and after the optimization. The differencematrix of H00 is placed in the center while others are labeled with the lattice vectors alongside.

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DISCUSSIONIn summary, we developed a generic method for TB Hamiltonianparameterization from the ab-initio band structure with MLalgorithms. Our method’s validity was tested through thecalculations of the electronic structure of layered InSe and thetransport characteristics of the InSe-based MOSFET. In theproposed case, our method surpassed the MLWFs method inboth efficiency and accuracy. As an approach for TB modelconstruction, the proposed method is free from prior knowledgerequirements and truncation error. Additionally, the introductionof the one-to-one dynamic NN model can provide insights intoapplying ML methods to practical problems when it is difficult oreven impossible to gather sufficient training data to build ageneral ML model. Also, two variations of our method werepresented, which can to some extent deal with the mentionedlimitations of our basic method, showing the flexibility of theproposed TBHCNN model. We believe our method cannot onlypromote the development of materials and device research butalso help to improve the combination of ML techniques in thephysics, chemistry, and materials science research communities.

METHODSNeural network trainingThe proposed ML algorithm and neural network architecture can beconveniently achieved using mainstream ML platforms. In this work, wechoose the widely used TensorFlow50 framework, and employ its built-inAdam optimizer51 to perform relevant automatic differentiation tasks withan initial learning rate of α = 0.001.

Ab-initio band structure calculation detailsThe ab-initio band structure calculations on the InSe nanoribbon, the 2Dphosphorene, and the 13-AGNR, were carried out using the open-sourceab-initio package QUANTUM ESPRESSO52. The exchange and correlationinteractions between valence electrons are described by the Perdew−Burke−Ernzerhof (PBE) functional within the generalized gradientapproximation (GGA)53. The ultrasoft pseudopotential is used. The kineticenergy cutoff of the wave functions is 40 Ry, and the estimated energyerror is less than 1 × 10−6 Ry.For the InSe nanoribbon, in the chosen unit cell, the vacuum space is

20 Å, to ensure the interaction between periodic images can be safelyavoided. The Brillouin zone is sampled with 1 × 1 × 10 and 1 × 1 × 200Monkhorst–Pack54 k-points for the structure relaxation as well as self-consistent calculations and for the band structure calculations,respectively. The geometry is fully relaxed using the BFGS quasi-newton algorithm, with the criteria being that all components of allforces are smaller than 1 × 10−3 Ry/au, and the total energy changes are<1 × 10−4 Ry.For the 2D phosphorene, in the chosen unit cell, the vacuum space is

15 Å, to ensure the interaction between periodic images can be safelyavoided. The Brillouin zone is sampled with 1 × 10 × 10 Monkhorst–Pack k-points for structure relaxation and self-consistent calculations. And 100 k-points per k-path are sampled uniformly for the band structurecalculations on the three k-paths: from Γ (0, 0, 0) to X (0, 1/2, 0), from X(0, 1/2, 0) to Y (0, 0, 1/2), and from Y (0, 0, 1/2) to Γ (0, 0, 0).For the 13-AGNR, in the chosen unit cell, the vacuum space is 15 Å, to

ensure the interaction between periodic images can be safely avoided. TheBrillouin zone is sampled with 1 × 1 × 10 and 1 × 1 × 50 Monkhorst–Packk-points for the self-consistent calculations and the band structurecalculations, respectively.Here, we declare that the utilization of the calculation methods within

the density functional theory (DFT) framework is not a strict request. Whenthe effective single-particle band structures derived from DFT arequalitatively wrong, other more accurate methods for electronic structurecalculations (e.g., DFT’s many-body extensions like GW approximation)may be considered in place of the DFT method for obtaining the bandstructures. And It will not affect the existing framework of the proposedmethod since the TBHCNN model does not require a specific source of theenergy band data.

MLWFs transformation detailsThe MLWFs method was implemented using Wannier90 softwarepackage55.For the InSe nanoribbon, the number of MLWFs is set to 208, which are

initialized to the outermost s and p orbitals of In and Se atoms within the
















y (e


a b

Empirical TB model H00

Produced TB model H00 Produced TB model H01

Empirical TB model H01

Fig. 7 The TB Hamiltonians for 13-AGNR in Slater–Koster form constructed from Variation II. a Comparison of the Hamiltonian elements ofthe produced TB model in Slater–Koster form and the empirical TB model. b Comparison of the ab-initio band structure (blue lines) and thosecalculated from the produced TB model (red dashed lines) and empirical TB model (green dashed lines) for 13-AGNR.

Fig. 8 Comparison of the charge distributions of the 13-AGNR-MOSFET using the WTB device Hamiltonian (above) and theproduced TB device Hamiltonian (below). The gate voltage VGS isset to be 0 V, and the drain-source voltage VDS is set to be 0.2 V. Thegray balls represent C atoms, whereas H atoms on the edges are notplotted.

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unit cell. The outer energy window is set to [−8 eV, 6 eV] and the innerenergy window is set to [−2.6 eV, 0.4 eV]. The transformation is performedon top of the corresponding ab-initio calculation results with a 1 × 1 × 50Monkhorst–Pack k-points sampling.For the 2D phosphorene, the number of MLWFs is set to 16, which are

initialized to the outermost s and p orbitals of P atoms within the unit cell.The outer energy window is set to [−11.5 eV, 6 eV] and the inner energywindow is set to [−2.0 eV, 0.0 eV]. The transformation is performed on topof the corresponding ab-initio calculation results with a 1 × 10 × 10Monkhorst–Pack k-points sampling.For the 13-AGNR, the number of MLWFs is set to 26, which are initialized

to the pz orbitals of C atoms within the unit cell. The outer energy windowis set to [−15.0 eV, 9.0 eV] and the inner energy window is set to [−4.0 eV,−2.0 eV]. The transformation is performed on top of the corresponding ab-initio calculation results with a 1 × 1 × 50 Monkhorst–Pack k-pointssampling.

DATA AVAILABILITYAll the input files necessary to reproduce the ab-initio calculation results andtransport property results presented in this paper are available on

CODE AVAILABILITYThe codes developed in this paper are available on

Received: 5 August 2020; Accepted: 28 December 2020;

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank the supercomputing system in the Supercomputing Center of WuhanUniversity, on which the numerical calculations in this paper have been performed. Weacknowledge support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61874079,62074116, 81971702, and 61774113), the Wuhan Research Program of ApplicationFoundation (2018010401011289), and the Luojia Young Scholars Program.

AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONSZ.W. and S.C. designed the algorithms of this work. Z.W. and S.Y. coded the TBHCNN.All authors discussed the results, commented on the manuscript, and edited themanuscript before submission.

COMPETING INTERESTSThe authors declare no competing interests.

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