Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (2024)


This page lists the uncertain transactions that occur in GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B, along with the corresponding resolution.

Resolve Transactions Accidentally Marked for Deletion

TheMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection ofGSTR-1provides you with an overall picture of the vouchers that have to be deleted from the portal, due to any changes in the transactions in your books. For such transactions, this section will help you identify the original entry on the portal, so that you can re-upload the transaction with the revised details.

However, in some cases, the transactions might accidentally appear in this section due to some changes in the transaction details, as explained below. You can easily address such cases by making the suggested updates.

In this section

  • Change in company GSTIN
  • Change in party
  • Change in party GSTIN/UIN
  • Change in GST amount
  • Change in voucher number
  • Deletion of transaction from books

Change in company GSTIN

In some cases, the GSTIN of your company might have been changed after the return was exported. The affected transactions will appear in theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

You can find the same voucher underUncertain TransactionsasMismatch in GST Registration Details between the GST Registration master and the transaction.

PressEnteron the voucher.

If the voucher has the correct information, select the optionApply changes from Transaction to Master. The transaction will be removed from theMarked for Deletion on Portalsection andmovedto theB2B Invoicesor relevant section.

Alternatively, you can also update the GSTIN/UIN as per the original details to resolve this issue.

  1. In TallyPrime, pressF11to open theCompany Features Alterationscreen.
  2. Set the optionEnable Goods and Services Tax (GST)toYes.
  3. Select the required GST Registration.
    TheGST Registration Alterationscreen appears.
  4. Update theGSTIN/UIN, as per the original details.
  5. PressCtrl+Ato accept the details.

Change in party

In some cases, the party might have been changed in the transaction after the return was exported. In such cases, the affected transactions will appear in theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

  1. Open theGSTR-1report and drill down to theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.
  2. Drill down from the relevant entry to open the original transaction.
  3. Update the party ledger in theParty A/c Namefield as per the original transaction.
  4. PressCtrl+Ato save the transaction.

The transaction will no longer appear intheMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

Now, consider that you could not identify the original party.

You can mark this voucher as cancelled.
PressSpacebarto select the voucher, and pressAlt+X(Cancel Vch).

Thereafter, you can record a new voucher whenever you identify the original party.

Change in party GSTIN/UIN

In some cases, the GSTIN/UIN of the party might have been changed after the return was exported. The affected transactions will appear in theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

You can find the same voucher underUncertain TransactionsasMismatch in GST Registration Details between the Party and the transaction.

  1. Open theGSTR-1report and drill down to theMismatch in GST Registration Details between the Party and the transactionexception.
  2. In theParty Detailsscreen, update theGSTIN/UINof the party as per the original transaction.
    Note: You can also update theGSTIN/UINdirectly in the party ledger.
  3. PressCtrl+Ato save the transaction.

As a result, the voucher moves from theUncertain Transactionsto theB2B Invoicesor relevant section. Also, the transaction will no longer appear intheMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

Change in GST amount

In some cases, the CGST or SGST amount might have been altered in the transaction after the return was exported. Such transactions will appear in theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

You can find the same voucher underUncertain Transactionsas aMismatch between Expected Tax Amount and Modified Tax Amountin the transaction.

  1. OpentheGSTR-1report and drill down to theMismatch between the Expected Tax Amount and the Modified Tax Amount in the transactionexception.
  2. Drill down from the relevant entry to open the original transaction.
  3. Select the relevant GST ledgers (CGST/SGST/IGST).
    The tax amount will be automatically recalculated as per the defined tax rates. You can also pressSpacebarto remove the GST duty ledgers and select the relevant GST ledgers again,to refresh the details.
  4. PressCtrl+Ato save the transaction.

As a result, the voucher moves from theUncertain Transactionssection to the relevant section. Also, the transaction will no longer appear in theMarked for Deletion on Portalsection.

Change in voucher number

In some cases, the voucher number might have been manually updated in the transaction after the return was signed. Moreover, the voucher numbering method might have been updated from Automatic to Manual. For such transactions, the voucher number will appear blank, and the transactions will appear in theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

  1. Open theGSTR-1report and drill down to theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.
  2. Drill down from the relevant entry to open the original transaction.
  3. Update the voucher number as per the original transaction.
  4. PressCtrl+Ato save the transaction.

The transaction will no longer appear intheMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

However, if you wish to retain the revised voucher number, then you can undo the signing (by pressingAlt+F10) and then sign the return(by pressingF10). This will savethe revised voucher number while removing the transaction fromtheMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

Deletion oftransactionfrom books

In some cases, the transaction might have been deleted from the books after the return was signed or exported. Such transactions will appear in theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

  1. Open theGSTR-1report and drill down to theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.
  2. Select theentry for(Delete) Outward Supply (Non-Accounting)and pressAlt+Dto delete it.

The transaction will no longer appear intheMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection.

However,theHSN Summary (Deleted)andDocument Summary (Deleted)might appear in theMarkedfor Deletion on Portalsection, which cannot be deleted at the moment.

Invalid or Missing Information

Unable to determine the transaction Type

When a ledger with GST applicability is used in a transaction, and it is unclear if the transaction is a Sale or Purchase, the uncertain ‘Unable to determine transaction type’ is detected.

Typically, the adjusted transactions that are passed for non-compliance purposes are detected as ‘Unable to determine transaction type’, for example, Expense booking.

These conflicts can be resolved in the following three ways:

  1. Exclude the voucher from GST return.
  2. Mark the ledger as ‘GST not Applicable’.
  3. Change the voucher into a Purchase or Sales voucher, as applicable by adding Party details and tax ledgers.

To resolve the conflict:

Exclude the voucher from GST return

  1. Open the GSTR-3B report.
  2. Select Uncertain Transactions (Corrections needed) > Unable to Determine Transaction and press Enter.
  3. Select the voucher for which you wish to determine the original sales value and press Enter.
  4. In the Update the GST status screen, set Status of Returns as Excluded.

Mark the ledger as GST not Applicable

Open the particular ledger in the alteration mode and set the GST applicability as Not Applicable.

  1. Press Alt+G(Go To) >Alter Master> type or selectLedgerand pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Alter> type or selectLedgerand pressEnter.
  2. Set the GST applicability as Not Applicable.

Change the voucher into a Purchase or Sale voucher

You can change the particular voucher into a Purchase or Sale by adding the necessary party details and tax ledgers.

  1. Open the GSTR-1 report.
  2. Select Uncertain Transactions (Corrections needed)> Unable to Determine Transaction and press Enter.
  3. Select the voucher you wish to change.
  4. Enter the party and duty details.
  5. Press Ctrl+A to save the voucher.
GST Rate Details are overridden in transactionGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This uncertainty is detected while passing a sales voucher if you have changed the Taxable value in the GST Rate and Related Details screen.

The GST rate details are prefilled based on stock items or ledgers, but TallyPrime allows you to change them during data entry. If you do, you will see a prompt to save the transaction with Conflict (Y: Accept), which can be verified later during return filing. If the change is intentional and no further review is needed, you can save the voucher by selecting O: Override.

As you try to save the voucher, a screen appears in the bottom right corner, as shown below:

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (5)

If you press O (Override), the voucher will not come up in the GSTR-1 report under the uncertainties and will be listed under Included in Return.

If you press Y (Accept), you can accept the conflicts and resolve later.

To resolve the conflicts:

  1. Open the GSTR-1 report.
  2. Select Uncertain Transactions (Corrections needed).
  3. Drill down further and select GST Rate Details are overridden in transaction.
  4. Drill down further to view the overridden value.
    A sample image of GST Rate and Related Details sub-form appears, as shown below:
  5. Change the value, as per your preference and Accept.
  6. Select Ctrl+J (Accept As Is).

Now the voucher is listed under Included in Return.

Unable to determine the Original Sales ValueGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

When a Credit Note is passed against an interstate B2C sale, information of original sale value is needed to determine the section to which the Credit Note belongs to (B2C Small Invoices or Credit or Debit Notes (Unregistered)).

If the value of sales is greater than 2.5 lakhs, the corresponding credit note is to be reported in Credit or Debit Notes (Unregistered) – 9B.

If the value of sales is less than or equal to 2.5 lakhs, the corresponding credit note is to be reported in B2C Small Invoices – 7.

Hence, while passing a credit note against interstate B2C sales, it is mandatory to provide the original sales value. You can press Ctrl+I (More Details) for additional details.

However, in case the same is not provided, it is detected as uncertain.

To resolve the conflict:

  1. Open the GSTR-1 report.
  2. Select Uncertain Transactions (Corrections needed)> Unable to determine the original sales value and press Enter.
  3. Select the voucher you wish to determine the original sales value for and press Enter.
  4. Set the Original sales invoice value, as per your preference.
  5. As always, you can pressCtrlAto save.

Now the voucher is listed under Included in Return in GSTR-3B report.

If you select Less Than or Equal to 2.5 Lakhs, then the voucher will be listed under B2C Small Invoices – 7. If you select More than 2.5 Lakhs, then the voucher will be listed under Credit or Debit Notes (Unregistered) – 9B.

GST Registration Detailsof the Partyare invalid or not specifiedGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when certain GST Registration Details are missing or invalid for your party.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (10)

Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (11)

Now you can resolve this exception using any one of the following methods, as per your convenience.

  • Update transactions party-wise
  • Update transactions using Multi Alter

  • Update transactions one by one

Update transactions party-wise

This is a convenient way for updating all your transactions at once for a particular party.

  1. In the GSTR-3B – Resolution of Uncertain Transactions screen, press F8 (Party-wise).
    The transaction details will be listed as per the party.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (12)
  2. Press Enter on the required party, and update the required registration details, such as Registration Type, GSTIN/UIN, and so on.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (13)
  3. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (14)
  4. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  5. Press Enter to accept the details.

All the transactions recorded for the party will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the GST registration details for the other parties.

Update transactions using Multi Alter

TallyPrime also provides you with the additional flexibility to update the transactions details for multiple parties at one go.

  1. In the GSTR-3B – Resolution of Uncertain Transactions screen, press F8 (Party-wise).
    The transaction details will be listed as per the party.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (15)
  2. Press Alt+R (Multi Alter).
    The GSTR-3B – Resolution of Uncertain Transactions screen appears in the edit mode.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (16)
  3. Update the required registration details for your parties, such as Registration Type, GSTIN/UIN, and so on.
  4. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (17)
  5. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  6. Press Enter to accept the details.

In this way, all the transactions recorded for all the parties can be easily resolved with the updated details.

Similarly, you can also use Multi Alter to update the exceptions for individual transactions (Transaction-wise).

Update transactions one by one

You also have the choice to update the GST registration details for your transactions one by one, if needed.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (18)

  1. In the GSTR-3B – Resolution of Uncertain Transactions screen, press Enter on the required transaction, and update the required registration details, such as State, Country, GST Registration Type, GSTIN/UIN, and so on.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (19)
  2. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (20)
  3. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  4. Press Enter to accept the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions one by one.

Place of Supply isinvalid or not specifiedGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when the Place of Supply is missing or invalid.

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  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (22)
  2. Press Enter on the required transaction, and update the Place of Supply.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (23)
  3. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (24)
  4. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  5. Press Enter to accept the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions.

Taxability Type isinvalid or not specifiedGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when the Taxability Type is missing or invalid.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (25)

You can resolve this exception using any one of the following methods, as per your convenience.

  • Update transactions Ledger-wise or Stock Item-wise
  • Update transactions one by one

Update transactionsLedger-wise or Stock Item-wise

This is a convenient way for updating all your transactions at once for a particular stock item or ledger.

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (26)
  2. Press F5 (Stock Item-wise) or Ctrl+F5 (Ledger-wise), as per your business needs.
    The transaction details will be listed as per the relevant stock items or ledgers.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (27)
  3. Select the required stock item or ledger, and press Alt+S (Update GST Details).
    The Update GST Details screen appears.
  4. Update the Taxability Type and other relevant details.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (28)
  5. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (29)
  6. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  7. Press Enter to accept the details.

All the transactions recorded with the stock item or ledger will be resolved with the updated details.

Update transactions one by one

You also have the choice to update the Taxability Type for your transactions one by one, if needed.

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (30)
  2. Press Enter on the required transaction, and update the Taxability Type and other relevant details.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (31)
  3. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (32)
  4. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  5. Press Enter to accept the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions one by one.

Tax Rateis not specifiedGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when the Tax Rate is missing.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (33)

You can resolve this exception using any one of the following methods, as per your convenience.

  • Update transactions Ledger-wise or Stock Item-wise
  • Update transactions one by one

Update transactionsLedger-wise or Stock Item-wise

This is a convenient way for updating all your transactions at once for a particular stock item or ledger.

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (34)
  2. Press F5 (Stock Item-wise) or Ctrl+F5 (Ledger-wise), as per your business needs.
    The transaction details will be listed as per the relevant stock items or ledgers.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (35)
  3. Select the required stock item or ledger, and press Alt+S (Update GST Details).
    The Update GST Details screen appears.
  4. Update the GST Rate.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (36)
  5. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (37)
  6. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  7. Press Enter to accept the details..

All the transactions recorded with the stock item or ledger will be resolved with the updated details.

Update transactions one by one

You also have the choice to update the Tax Rate for your transactions one by one, if needed.

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (38)
  2. Press Enter on the required transaction, and update the IGST Rate, CGST Rate, and SGST/UTGST Rate, as needed.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (39)
  3. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (40)
  4. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  5. Press Enter to accept the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions one by one.

HSN/SAC is invalid or not specifiedGSTR-1

This exception occurs when the HSN/SAC is missing or invalid.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (41)

You can resolve this exception using any one of the following methods, as per your convenience.

  • Update transactions Ledger-wise or Stock Item-wise
  • Update transactions one by one

Update transactionsLedger-wise or Stock Item-wise

This is a convenient way for updating all your transactions at once for a particular stock item or ledger.

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (42)
  2. Press F5 (Stock Item-wise) or Ctrl+F5 (Ledger-wise), as per your business needs.
    The transaction details will be listed as per the relevant stock items or ledgers.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (43)
  3. Select the required stock item or ledger, and press Alt+S (Update GST Details).
    The Update GST Details screen appears.
  4. Update the HSN/SAC.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (44)
  5. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (45)
  6. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  7. Press Enter to accept the details.

All the transactions recorded with the stock item or ledger will be resolved with the updated details.

Update transactions one by one

You also have the choice to update the HSN/SAC for your transactions one by one, if needed.

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (46)
  2. Press Enter on the required transaction, and update the HSN/SAC.
  3. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (47)
  4. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  5. Press Enter to accept the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions one by one.

UOM is not mapped to theUnit Quantity Code (UQC)GSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when the UOM is not mapped to the Unit Quantity Code (UQC).

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (48)

You can resolve this exception using any one of the following methods, as per your convenience.

  • Map multiple UOM to UQC
  • Map UOM to UQC one by one

Map multiple UOM to UQC

This is a convenient way for updating all your transactions at once for a particular UOM.

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (49)
  2. Press F5 (Update UQC).
    The report will appear in the edit mode.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (50)
  3. Map all the UOM to the relevant UQC directly in this screen.
  4. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (51)
  5. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  6. Press Enter to accept the details.

All the transactions recorded with the UOM will be resolved with the updated details.

Map UOM to UQC one by one

You also have the choice to map the UOM to UQC for your transactions one by one, if needed.

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (52)
  2. Press Enter on the UOM and select the relevant UQC.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (53)
  3. Press Enter to save the details.

    It is recommended that you press Enter here, and not Ctrl+A, to ensure that the proper Effective Date is applied.

    The Effective Date screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (54)
  4. Specify the Effective Date for revised GST details.
  5. Press Enter to accept the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions one by one.

TaxLedger is not specifiedGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when the Tax Ledger is missing.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (55)

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (56)
  2. Drill down to the transaction that you want to update.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (57)
  3. Update the relevant tax ledgers.
  4. Press Enter to save the transaction.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions.

Incorrect Tax Ledger is selectedGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when an incorrect Tax Ledger was selected in the transaction.

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  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (59)
  2. Drill down to the transaction that you want to update.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (60)
  3. Update the relevant tax ledgers.
  4. Press Enter to save the transaction.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions.

Voucher No. is incorrect or not specifiedGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when the voucher number is missing or incorrect.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (61)

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Here you can see that the Vch No. exceeds the limit of 16 characters.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (62)

    If you want to continue with the existing voucher number, then you can press Alt+V (Accept As Is).

  2. Drill down to the transaction.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (63)
  3. Update the Invoice No. to ensure that it does not exceed 16 characters.
  4. Press Enter to save the transaction.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details.

However, if the voucher numbering method is not manual, then you have to add a prefix or suffix by altering the voucher type master.

  1. Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master >Voucher Type, and select the required voucher type.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (64)
  2. SetDefine multiple numbering series for vouchersto Yes.
  3. Select the Series Name.
  4. Set the Set/Alter additional numbering details option to Yes.
    The Voucher Type Alteration screen appears, where you can update the voucher numbering details.
  5. Specify a suitable prefix or suffix for the voucher numbering, while ensuring that it does not exceed 16 characters.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (65)
  6. Press Ctrl+A to save the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details.

Supplier Invoice No. isincorrect ornot specifiedGSTR-3B

This exception occurs when the Supplier Invoice No. is missing or incorrect.

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  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (67)
  2. Press Enter on the transaction that you want to update.
    The Supplier Details screen appears.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (68)
  3. Update the Supplier Invoice No. and the Date.
  4. Press Enter to save the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions.

Duplicate Voucher No./Document No.GSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when the Voucher No. or Document No. is duplicate.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (69)

For inward supplies

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Here you can see that the Doc No. 001 (that is, Supplier Invoice No.) is the same in two transactions.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (70)
  2. Drill down to the transaction that you want to update.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (71)
  3. Update the Supplier Invoice No.
  4. Press Enter to save the transaction.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details.

For outward supplies

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Here you can see that the Vch No. 1 is the same in sales as well as in the journal vouchers.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (72)
    In this, the voucher numbering is not manual, so you cannot update the voucher numbering directly.
  2. Update the voucher numbering from the respective voucher type master.
    1. Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master >Voucher Type, and select the required voucher type (Journal, in this case).
      Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (73)
    2. SetDefine multiple numbering series for vouchersto Yes.
    3. Select the Series Name.
    4. Set the Set/Alter additional numbering details option to Yes.
      The Voucher Type Alteration screen appears, where you can update the voucher numbering details.
    5. Specify a suitable prefix or suffix for the voucher number. This will ensure that the voucher numbering remains unique for different types of vouchers, such as sales and journal.
      Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (74)
  3. Press Ctrl+A to save the details.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details.

Mismatch in Information Between Masters and Transactions

Mismatch between Expected Tax Amount and Modified Tax Amount in transactionGSTR-1 & GSTR-3B

This exception occurs when then there is a mismatch between the calculated tax amount and the applied tax amount.

Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (75)

  1. Drill down from the exception to view the transactions that have to be updated.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (76)
    However, if you want to continue with the existing Tax Amount, then you can press Alt+J(Accept As Is).
  2. Drill down to the transaction that you want to update.
  3. Select the Amount under the tax ledgers and press Spacebar.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (77)
    The Amount will get automatically recalculated as per the tax rates.
    Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (78)
  4. Press Ctrl+A to save the transaction.

The transaction will be resolved with the updated details. Similarly, you can resolve the other transactions.

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Rel 3.0 - GSTR-1/GSTR-3B Exceptions & Resolutions (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.