RMJI - V.#1 - #75 law military and using (2024)

The 75 th methodicalness military and using第75章法武并用After Han Li since learned Imperial Flight, Soul-lock Talisman and drove technique interest to be bigger to other two magic spell, he has spent the massive time and energy on them, hopes that had one day to be able like Imperial Flight to comprehend suddenly thoroughly, but universality of contradictions. Writing first round network韩立自从学会“御风决”后,对其他两种法术定神符”和“驱物术”兴趣就更加大了,他花费了大量的时间和精力在它们上面,希望有一日能像“御风决”那样突然领悟透彻,而茅塞顿开。【文字首发网】But after study time and time again, the discovery of Han Li accident/surprise, is unable to display these two magic spell, perhaps is not his own reason, but possibly is only the external condition does not have.但经过一次又一次的钻研后,韩立意外的发现,无法施展这两种法术,也许并不是他自身的缘故,而可能只是施法的外部条件并不具备。Soul-lock Talisman according to the book in said that is a spell, must use beforehand ready law rune/symbol Caihang. Therefore before Han Li, continuously with the yellow paper that in nearby town buys, in the symbol design according to book, pen described the so-called law symbol to come out with' wool' again.定神符”按书上所说是一种符咒,必须使用事先预备好的法符才行。因此韩立以前一直用附近镇子上买来的黄纸,再按书上的符号图案,用'毛'笔描绘出所谓的法符出来。Although in the book had not said that the plan law symbol design needs any coating, but he recalled that Doctor Mo that silver' color' the symbol law symbol, naturally has used aluminum dusting powder type of expensive luxury goods. Is this pigment effective, Han Li does not know, but most at least looks like from the semblance, on these self-made law rune/symbol Heshu examples are completely exactly the same.虽然书上并没有说绘制法符图案需用什么涂料,但他回想起墨大夫那张银'色'符号的法符,自然就采用了银粉这种贵重的奢侈品。这种颜料有没有效,韩立并不知道,但最起码从外表上看起来,这些自制的法符和书上的示例完全一模一样。What a pity, the semblance is merely same, is not good.可惜,仅仅外表一样,还是不行。When the Han Li use incantation urges with these law symbols, when symbol in law symbol not like the Doctor Mo use, sends out dazzling silver light, does not have other strange elephants to occur, can say that his use technique outright failure, and made him be in a tight corner being in a dilemma. Because he does not know, failure, because of the mistake of incantation or formed hand seals posture , because of the law symbol manufacture is not successful.韩立使用咒语来催同这些法符时,法符上的符号并没有像墨大夫使用时那样,发出耀眼的银光,也没有其它奇异之象发生,可以说他的施术彻底失败了,并让他陷入了一种进退维谷的窘境。因为他不知,施法的失败,是因为咒语或掐诀姿势的错误,还是因法符制造的不成功。But after undergoing this research, was different.但经过这次研究之后则不同了。Through inquired various related information and related magic spell legends thoroughly and so on books, Han Li discovered finally, law symbol that Immortal cultivator used, definitely was not their these mortals the cognition ordinary paper and pigment casual plan, but should be is made from the Immortal cultivator unique certain materials, perhaps when manufacture also needed some special method. Therefore even if he were impregnable in the incantation hand signal, but is impossible to succeed.通过深入查询各种相关资料和有关法术传说之类的书籍,韩立终于发现,修仙者所使用的法符,肯定不是他们这些凡人所认知的普通纸张和颜料随便绘制而成,而应是由修仙者们之间特有的某些材料制成,说不定制作时还需要某种特殊的方法。因此即使他在咒语手势上都无懈可击了,但施法还是不可能会成功。As for drives technique is also the similar truth.至于“驱物术”也是同样道理。Before Han Li believes, drives technique to look for a thing to treat as the target casually to come, therefore pinches definitely the objects who chanted incantations to urge is the furniture or the sword and so on common thing, naturally did not have the slight effect.韩立以前认为,“驱物术”随便找个东西就可以当作靶子来施法,所以掐决念咒驱使的对象都是家具或者刀剑之类的常见之物,当然没有丝毫的效果。But now by a matter of reminder talisman paper, he understand comes, this drives definitely is not the ordinary thing that technique urges, but should be the specific goods that Immortal cultivator use.但如今被符纸之事一提醒,他才明白过来,这“驱物术”所驱使的肯定不是普通物件,而应是修仙者们使用的特定物品。Therefore Han Li the strange thing that obtains from Doctor Mo there, with displayingseven ghosts bites the soul including Soul Guiding Bell **that seven silver edges that and other goods uses, regarded have driven technique the object of obligation, experimented, what a pity did not have the same thing to be able by to be succeeded. This makes Han Li be greatly disappointed, it seems like drives technique obligation is not these magical tool, should be other any thing.于是韩立把从墨大夫那里得到的稀奇古怪的东西,包括“引魂钟”和施展”七鬼噬魂**”所用的那七把银刃等物品,都当成了“驱物术”驱使的对象,试验了一番,可惜还是没有一样东西能被施法成功。这让韩立大失所望,看来“驱物术”驱使的也不是这些法器,应该是别的什么东西。Since knows that the issue the general root is , the understand corresponding goods are impossible to display Soul-lock Talisman and drive technique, Han Li since then above moved to the attention, instead hit is used the idea military study Secret Technique and several magic spell, planned that rapidly enhanced own strength by this, in a short time caused on oneself (one/first) layer building.既然知道问题的大概根源所在,明白没有相应的物品不可能施展出“定神符”和“驱物术”,韩立就把注意力从此上面移了开来,反而打起了把武学秘术和几种法术相结合使用的主意,打算以此来迅速提高自身的实力,在短时间内使自己更上一层楼。After having idea of this indulging in fantasy, Han Li the difficult travel that starts to discipline, and quick slightly had small accomplishment.有了这个异想天开的想法后,韩立又开始了自我磨练的艰苦之旅,并且很快就略有了小成After an attempt, he finally and Imperial Flight fused Shifting Smoke Steps.经过一番尝试之后,他终于把“罗烟步”和“御风决”融合到了一起。Said is the fusion, actually just first displays Imperial Flight magic spell in the body, then utilizes Shifting Smoke Steps, but coordination and matching between both must control, otherwise is extremely mistakable, for this reason has spent Han Li many mind and skill.说是融合,其实只不过先施展“御风决法术在身,再运用起“罗烟步”在后而已,只不过两者之间的协调与搭配必须要控制好,否则极易出错,为此费了韩立不少的心神和功夫But when as the matter stands, originally is not good at goes through many places to organize with Shifting Smoke Steps movement too consuming the physical strength Imperial Flight the shortcoming, gradually gave to improve, and made him just like in motion changing positions electric light Thunder Fire ordinary sees its shadow not to see that person, mysteriously appearing and disappearing on Movement Technique.但这样一来,就把“御风决”原来不擅长辗转腾挪和“罗烟步”移动时太耗费体力的缺点,都渐渐给完善了,并且使他在移动换位之间犹如电光雷火一般之见其影不见其人,在身法上更加的神出鬼没。Later, Han Li in Fireball Technique in use, there is the action of own original creation.随后不久,韩立又在“火弹术”的使用上,也有了自己的独创之举。originally Fireball Technique after small fireball appears, the person of should promote by own magic power the fireball ball' shooting' to the goal, kills enemy, this is the originally usage of this technique, but Han Li thinks to think otherwise.原本火弹术”的小火球出现之后,施法之人应该靠自身的法力推动把火球弹'射'向目标,来杀死敌人,这是此术的原本用法,但韩立觉得不以为然。Han Li thinks that depends upon magic power flies' shooting' the small fireball speed to be too slow, is qing gong expert may evade easily, this lets it, in Jiang Hu slaughters is limited much, appears somewhat flashy but lacking substance. Therefore when he simply uses Fireball Technique only half, after fireball appears no longer sends' shooting' to exit it, but is uses its does not have especially' nature that the thing does not destroy', treats as a short god soldier sharp blade control it in the hand, uses.韩立认为依靠法力飞'射'的小火球速度太慢,是个轻功高手就可轻易躲过,这让它在江湖厮杀中受到不少限制,显得有些华而不实。因此他干脆使用“火弹术”时只施法一半,当火球出现后就不再把它发'射'出去,而是利用其无物不毁的特'性',把它当作一件短小的神兵利刃控制在手上,加以使用。As the matter stands, limit Movement Technique that by his improved, in high-temperature fireball with his hand, Han Li is now self-confident, he may striking easily kill any expert.这样一来,凭借他已改进的极限身法,和他手中的高温火球,韩立现在自信,他可轻易的击杀任何的高手After having these have taken advantage, Han Li finally can relax, does not need own strength to worry again insufficient, now he can sporty go to Lan Province to detoxify finally.有了这些依仗之后,韩立总算可以松了一口气,不必再自身实力不足而发愁,现在他总算可以底气十足的去岚州解毒了。At this time Han Li's Eternal Spring Arts, in every day spirit' medicine', when between -meal snack ate, entering quietly to Eighth Layer, having made his magic power greatly grow one section.这时韩立的长春功”,也在每天把灵'药'当零食来吃中,悄悄的进入到了第八层,让他的法力又大长了一截。When by magic power deep superficial, this time Han Li has surpassed original fleshly body to have Yu Zhitong only, but must say magic spell grasps how much and actual sparring skill, he is the pats the horse cannot catch up with beforehand Yu Zhitong. After all Yu Zhitong when family cultivation magic spell, on has the elder to give in the direction, below has companion to supply to compare notes, may Han Li this type of half bottle vinegar strong were too more.单论法力的深厚浅薄,此时的韩立已超出了原来肉身尚存时的余子童,但要说法术掌握的多寡和实际的斗法技巧,他还是拍马也赶不上以前的余子童。毕竟余子童在家族修炼法术时,上有长辈给于指点,下有同门可供切磋,可比韩立这种半瓶子醋强的太多了。Han Li does not know all these situations, even if knows that also and does not care, he did not have to arrogantly thinking to study 12 shallow magic spell to be possible with the situation that true Immortal cultivator contends with, his present enemy among Jiang Hu artificial Lord by secular world.韩立不知道这一切情况,就算知道也并不在意,他本来也没自大到以为学了12手粗浅的法术就可和真正修仙者相抗衡的地步,他现在的敌人还是以世俗间的江湖人为主。Therefore Han Li's is very happy, is smug when him, prepared finds an excuse to leave Seven Mysteries Sect descends the mountain, Feral Wolf Gang suddenly proposes must with the request of Seven Mysteries Sect peace talks.因此韩立的心情很不错,就在他踌躇满志,准备找个借口离开七玄门下山时,野狼帮突然提出了要和七玄门和谈的要求。This news comes, lets Seven Mysteries Sect here in an uproar, must know a period of time, was Feral Wolf Gang got the winning side in the conflict, has suppressed Seven Mysteries Sect to hit, in such advantageous situation, the opposite party suddenly will want the peace talks? What clever trick can have in? This has caused many person doubt.这个消息一传来,让七玄门这边一片哗然,要知道最近一段时间,都是野狼帮在冲突中占据了上风,一直压制着七玄门打,在这样有利的情况下,对方怎么会忽然要和谈呢?会不会有什么诡计在其中?这引起了许多人狐疑。At once, in Seven Mysteries Sect agreed that the peace talks as well as did not agree the sound of peace talks resounds in abundance, each high level also has own different view, Li Feiyu resolutely opposes the person.一时之间,七玄门内同意和谈以及不同意和谈的声音纷纷响起,各个高层也都有自己的不同看法,厉飞雨就是其中坚决反对之人。Because agrees with and momentum of person of opposition is similar, is unable to debate high under to come out, finally by the Sect Master Wang decision decision, first and opposite party discussed that said again, if the condition is not quite excessive becomes reconciled, if too harsh continued the battle to get down.由于同意和反对之人的声势都差不多,无法辩论个高下出来,最后还是由王门主拍板决定,先和对方谈下再说,如果条件不太过分的话就握手言和,若是太苛刻了就继续争斗下去。Although the plan of this type of mixing thin mud cannot be satisfactory two groups , but also is the law of only folding middle , can only so.这种掺稀泥的方案虽然不能令两伙人都满意,但也是唯一的折仲之法,也只能如此了。Writing first round network【文字首发网】

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RMJI - V.#1 - #75 law military and using (2024)
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