'Used to Visit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SC Judge, SVN Bhatti | New Age Islam News Bureau (2024)

New Age Islam News Bureau

23 July 2024

'Used to Visit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SC Judge, SVN Bhatti | New Age Islam News Bureau (1)Supreme Court on Kanwar Yatra order


·'Used to Visit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SCJudge, SVN Bhatti

·‘Good Taliban’ Feature in KP Govt-Jirga Talks

·Turkish Imam Draws Interest to Islam by SingingHymns with Street Musicians in US

·The New Spirit of Islamism: Interactionsbetween AKP, Ennahda and the Muslim Brotherhood

·Military Rescues 330 Women, Children from BokoHaram’s Enclave, Hands Them Over to Borno Govt


·Nuh Jalabhishek Yatra Ends Peacefully withMuslim Welcoming Devotees with Garlands

·‘Why Defame Muslims?’ On Kanwar Yatra Route,Mixed Feelings On Diktat to Display Names

·Meet The Muslim Artisans Behind the SacredKanwar

·Demolition of Centuries Old Qutb Shahi EraMosque in Telangana; Immediate Action Initiated for Reconstruction of the Mosque

·BJP will be decimated in Jharkhand polls if itcontinues Hindu-Muslim politics: Hemant Soren

·Soldier injured as Army foils infiltration bidin J-K’s Poonch

·Egypt a valued strategic partner of India:Jaishankar

·Militant killed, soldier among two injured ingunfights in J&K’s Rajouri

·Jammu and Kashmir: Militants target ShauryaChakra awardee VDG Purshottam Kumar's home



·Policy shift allows Pakistani asylum seekers toget passports

·PM ‘delays’ cabinet meet to take up PTI ban

·CM Gandapur likely to convene KP Apex Committeehuddle post-Bannu jirga meeting

·Imran, Bushra seek high-quality jail facilitiesin new IHC petition

·Three terrorists trying to infiltrate Dir fromAfghanistan 'sent to hell': ISPR

·Pakistan Army wants nation to 'stand up againstmilitants, digital terrorists'

·Police arrest PTI's Hasan for operating'anti-Pakistan digital media cell'


North America

·Georgia Muslim Lawmaker Urges Kamala Harris ToEndorse Middle East Ceasefire

·Edison High School Assistant Principal Accusedof Intimidating Muslim Students

·Mosque with ties to Malcolm X, Muhammad Alireceives historic preservation funds

·CAIR Calls for Probe of Possible Bias Motivefor Vandalism Targeting North Carolina Mosque

·Man accused of breaking mosque windows in Gastonia



·Harrow GP who led banned Islamist group haswork suspension overturned

·Imam, rabbi, bishop and a minister performmitzvah

·Pendle mayor's apology for row in Nelson mosquewith council officer

·US state-run media editor jailed in Russia ‘fordisinformation’

·‘House of Terror’ claims lives of two youngwomen

·War of the words: How Ukraine broke itspromises to Russian speakers



·Director of MSF talks about the repercussionsof the humanitarian crisis in Sudan

·Sudan: UAE president expresses support in callwith Burhan

·Bawumia to rehabilitate Bole Mosque followingappeal

·‘Let’s Learn from India, Sudan’s Experience’ –Tinubu Cautions Nigerians Against Planned Protests



·Amnesty International: International Court of Justice'sFatwa Historic Victory for Palestinian Rights

·Israeli Government Quietly Sends Millions toUnauthorized West Bank Settler Outposts

·Palestinian officials say Israel troops kill 5in West Bank raid

·Palestinian factions sign declaration to enddivisions after talks in China

·Islamic Resistance Targets Zionist SpyingEquipment

·Inauguration events & activitiescommemorating Imam Zaid martyrdom in capital secretariat

·Islamic Resistance Continues Targeting IsraeliOccupation Sites near Lebanon Border

·'He saved my children': Oman mosque shootingvictims hailed as heroes


Arab World

·Jeddah’s Historic District Celebrates 10 YearsOn UNESCO World Heritage List

·Saudi Focuses On Global Economy at G20 DevelopmentMeeting

·Saudi farmer turns worm waste into wealth ininnovative move

·Saudi minister meets Swiss ambassador to Riyadh

·Saudi Real Estate Registry clinches prestigiousEsri GIS Award

·Saudi, North Macedonia to strengthen Islamicaffairs cooperation

·KSrelief delivers essential aid to thousands inSyria and Sudan


South Asia

·Fazlur Rehman: Taliban to Revise Curriculum toFoster Positive Afghan Perception Of Pakistan

·Education Minister Unveils Six EducationalProjects Worth Over 122 Million AFN in Balkh

·Foreign ministry strongly condemns Zionist regime’sair raid on Hudaydah port

·Handicrafts exhibition held in Bamyan

·1,500 sheep killed in mountain fall inBadakhshan, Afghanistan

·Pakistani troops kill three militants atAfghanistan border

·Nearly 4,000 Afghan migrants deported from Iranand Pakistan


Southeast Asia

·Education Ministry says no exemptions over banagainst school donations from tobacco, alcohol sponsors

·Fahmi tells WhatsApp, Telegram to be moreresponsible amid complaints of sexual grooming, p*rn and scams

·Federal Court dismisses Bangladeshi’s appeal toreduce sentence for girlfriend’s murder

·Six former UPNM students sentenced to death forZulfarhan’s murder

·‘Study, Study, Study’: Jokowi on Children’s Day

Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau


'Used toVisit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SC Judge, SVN Bhatti

23 July2024

'Used to Visit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SC Judge, SVN Bhatti | New Age Islam News Bureau (2)SupremeCourt on Kanwar Yatra order


Battingfor hygiene at eateries, Supreme Court judge SVN Bhatti said on Monday he usedto frequent a vegetarian restaurant run by a Muslim while posted in Kerala asit maintained international standards of hygiene.

JusticeBhatti shared his experience when he was with Justice Hrishikesh Roy on a benchhearing pleas against directives issued by BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh andUttarakhand.

The topcourt stayed the directives asking eateries along the Kanwar Yatra routes todisplay the names of their owners and staff but said they may be required todisplay information about the kind of food they are serving like they arevegetarian or non-vegetarian.

"Ihave my experience and knowledge when I was in Kerala. I may not state openlyas I am a sitting judge of this court. Without disclosing the name of the city,there is a vegetarian hotel run by a Hindu. There is another vegetarian hotelrun by a Muslim."

"Asa judge of that state, I was going to the hotel run by a Muslim for vegetarianfood. When it comes to food standard and safety, he was displaying everything.He had returned from Dubai. He was maintaining international standards withregard to safety, cleanliness and hygiene. So it was my choice to go to thathotel," Justice Bhatti said.

Senioradvocate Abhishek Singhvi, appearing for Trinamool Congress (TMC) Lok Sabha MPMahua Moitra, said," You chose by menu card and not name."

Singhvisaid as a consequence of the directives, services of some employees of the eaterieshave been terminated.

Heasserted the directives lack any constitutional or legal backing and infringeupon the secular character of the country.

The topcourt said the directions and their enforcement will have implications formultiple states in the country where Kanwar Yatra takes place.

Thebench issued notice to the governments of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and MadhyaPradesh, where the Ujjain municipal body has issued a similar directive, on ahost of petitions against the orders.

The topcourt was hearing a batch of pleas including those by Moitra, academicianApoorvanand Jha and columnist Aakar Patel, and NGO Association for Protectionof Civil Rights challenging the directives.

Source: outlookindia.com

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‘GoodTaliban’ feature in KP govt-jirga talks

July 23,2024

'Used to Visit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SC Judge, SVN Bhatti | New Age Islam News Bureau (3)PESHAWAR/ LAKKI MARWAT: The issue of ‘good Taliban’ — a euphemism for militants whosurrendered to security forces — was one of the main items on the table whenKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur met with representatives ofthe 40-strong Bannu Aman Jirga.

Ameeting to iron out the issues resulting from the violence during a peace rallyin the district ended “on a happy note” late on Monday night, with sourcessaying both sides had basically agreed on all points.

A dayearlier, the jirga comprising local elders and representatives of protestershad put forth 16 demands in their meeting with the district administration,which were subsequently forwarded to the KP government.

In theirdemands, the jirga sought an end to centres of Taliban militants who hadsurrendered, as well as a stop to their patrols and pickets.

40-strongBannu Aman Jirga demands end to militant pickets and patrols; says it won’taccept military operation in province

Thepresence of ‘good Taliban’ groups has become a contentious topic and observersbelieve this issue is the thornie*st of all and likely to pose a challenge forthe government, both in KP and the Centre.

OnSunday, CM Gandapur issued a video message on social media and said he hadpointed out at the first meeting of the apex committee that some armed men —posing as government officials or claiming to represent government agencies —were roaming the area and interfering in government affairs.

He saidthat he had also informed the forum that the people of the province, police andgovernment had serious reservations over this. CM Gandapur said that he hadordered the police to immediately arrest such individuals.

‘No toAzm-i-Istehkam’

Inaddition to the demand for the removal of ‘good Taliban’, the iirga said theywould not accept the proposed operation, namely Azm-i-Istehkam, in the provincein general and Bannu in particular. It also sought night patrols by the policeand action against the militants without pressure from any security agency.

Similarly,the jirga also requested the search and strike operations at houses andseminaries be carried out by police and its Counter Terrorism Department,instead of the military.

Theyalso demanded that local police resources and strength should also be increasedas well as the strengthening of the CTD.

Besides,they also demanded that Jumma Khan Road and Burma Shell Point be opened fortraffic. The jirga also asked the authorities that all missing persons bepresented before the court of law. In addition to this, the jirga demanded thatthe CTD take action against the ‘good/ bad Taliban’ without any interference byany agency.

Theyalso demanded treatment for injured police officials at the combined militaryhospitals and a due share in local natural resources, especially gas andminerals. In addition to this, the jirga also calls for the restoration ofinternet/cellphone services. “Cops suspended due to last month’s scufflebetween the Military Intelligence and police should be reinstated,” one of thedemands stated. Similarly, it asked for a judicial inquiry into the death ofthree martyred civilians during the recent terrorist attack at the Bannucantonment.


On theother hand, a protest sit-in attended by thousands of people continued on thethird consecutive day at Abdul Sattar Shah Chowk in Bannu.

An eldersaid that any agreement reached between the government and the committee wouldbe placed before the participants of the sit-in to take them into confidenceover it.

“Ifdemands are not met, the second phase of agitation will be launched for whichan announcement has been made at the protest camp,” he said.

Source: dawn.com

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Turkishimam draws interest to Islam by singing hymns with street musicians in US


'Used to Visit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SC Judge, SVN Bhatti | New Age Islam News Bureau (4)ATurkish Imam or prayer leader at a well-known Islamic center in Maryland, whichserves the Muslim community in the Washington metropolitan area, gainedattention on social media after appearing in a video with a street musician inNew York singing a hymn.

DursunSahin, the Imam at the Diyanet Center of America in Lanham, Maryland, hasgained social media attention with a video in which he sings a hymn alongsidean American street musician.

Alongwith his theological studies, Sahin's musical education enables him to reachout to people's hearts.

Hegraduated from Samsun Imam Hatip High School and attended Istanbul University'sFaculty of Theology.

Drivenby his interest in music, he pursued a master's degree in Turkish Music at theState Conservatory of Necmettin Erbakan University in Türkiye’s central Konyaprovince.

He hasserved as an imam in various mosques across different provinces in Türkiye, includingIstanbul’s Uskudar Cinili Mosque, for 22 years.

For thepast six months, he has been the Imam at the Diyanet Center of America.

Hecaptures the attention of passers-by and sparks their interest in Islam bysinging hymns to the tunes of a street musician at iconic locations in NewYork.

Sahintold Anadolu that the video in which he spontaneously sang a hymn in the"Nihavent Makam" – a traditional Turkish music scale – with a streetmusician in New York went quickly viral on social media and received a lot ofappreciation.

"WhenI heard the musician, the Nihavent Makam came to my mind. I suggested that wesing something. The musician added some embellishments in between, and itturned out beautifully," he said.

"Idon't think it would have been as good if we had prepared. It was completelyspontaneous, and we didn't expect to receive such a positive response. Everyonebegan taking out their phones to record, and they applauded when I wasfinished. They said they wanted to visit the mosque," Sahin recalled.

"Irecite the call to prayer in five different maqams at the mosque, which draws alot of attention. I've seen this arouse curiosity about religion in bothUskudar and America, with people influenced by the sound looking into what theQuran says," he explained.

Source: aa.com.tr

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The NewSpirit of Islamism: Interactions between AKP, Ennahda and the MuslimBrotherhood

July 22,2024

'Used to Visit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SC Judge, SVN Bhatti | New Age Islam News Bureau (5)Egypt’sMuslim Brotherhood, Tunisia’s Ennahda and Turkiye’s AKP have enjoyed closerelations going back decades. Understanding the dynamics and nature of theserelations can be somewhat complex, as research into these movements byjournalists, analysts and academics is often coloured by what they think ofIslamism broadly, which is often fused together with things like the war onterror, concerns about subversion of national identity and fears of radicaltransformation of societies such as those witnessed after the 1979 Iranianrevolution, or Daesh after seizing control of parts of Iraq and Syria between2014-2017. This can lead to some very poor analysis of Islamism, in general,and Islamists, in particular. However, many scholars have been pushing backagainst these simplified notions and have attempted to understand differentIslamist movements through the nuances and contexts in which they exist.

There isnow a rich body of scholarship to work from and Ezgi Basaran’s new book, TheNew Spirit of Islamism: Interactions between AKP, Ennahda and the MuslimBrotherhood attempts to explore the evolving relationship between three keyIslamist movements which have shaped the Middle East and North Africa.

Against Erasure: A Photographic Memory ofPalestine Before the Nakba

A keyobservation Basaran makes about Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, Tunisia’s Ennahdaand Turkiye’s AKP is ‘They do not position themselves in direct opposition toWestern ideals or institutions; rather they are seen as ‘constituting a part ofthe West’s ideological diversity’…Their priority lies in cultivating an imageof success, even if it requires diluting Islamism main credos.’ She cautionsthat each movement is reflecting and working within their own local contextsand they are very much invested in their respective national politics, but thatthey also look to each other to learn the dos and don’ts of buildinggovernance. They have deeply influenced one another but act independently ofeach other and make decisions about what their politics and policies ought tobe, based on their own position within their country’s politics.

This isan important point, as in trying to understand the relationship between differentIslamist movements, we have to be careful about over-universalising them orassuming what is true of one movement must also be true of the other. Basarancarried out interviews with different activists from the AKP, Ennahda andMuslim Brotherhood to try and build up a picture of what these transnationalties mean and look like.

Thenotion of success, meaning pursuing economic and political power and howeffectively it is achieved, is a key driver of the influence the three Islamistmovements have over one another. There is this notion of the Turkish successstory influencing the Muslim Brotherhood and Ennahda, who seek to adapt thatperceived success to the Egyptian and Tunisian contexts. Much like the AKP,both the Muslim Brotherhood and Ennahda have undergone evolutions away fromtrying to create an Islamic order based on Shariah law and moral codes, arguesBasaran, not because they do not still personally believe in the ideal, per se,but because they discovered the road was blocked, thus religious politicalemphasis needed to be shifted elsewhere while adoption of neo-liberalism,nationalism and gaining power needed to be the core objective.

Whilethis is what happened after the 2011 Arab Spring, it would be wrong to assumethat it was a one-way street in terms of influence. Indeed, Turkish Islamismwas deeply influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood and Ennahda Party. Indeed, asRached Ghannouchi remarked and quoted in the book: “Seven of my books have beentranslated into Turkish and are very well known. I was walking down the streetin Istanbul’s Fatih district one day when a group of young people approached meand paid their respects. My friend, Loutfi, was with me at the time, and hejoked that if you run for office in Turkey, you’d have a good chance ofwinning.” Ghannouchi was deeply influential for the founders of the AKP. Hisbook on public liberties in the Islamic state was translated into Turkish,three years after its initial publication in Arabic in the mid-90s and hissubsequent works on women’s rights, secularism and democracy found keenaudiences in Turkiye, especially among the upper echelons of the AKP. ‘TheTurkish Model’, which would influence Islamist thinkers post-Arab Spring, wasitself born partially as a result of the diffusion of ideas between the Ennahdaand AKP. The model shifted the emphasis from being an Islamist party to beingconservative Muslim democrats which, in turn, fed back into the Arab World. AsBasaran’s interviews with Muslim Brotherhood members revealed, ‘the MB went beyondmere observation of the AKP’s model and actively engaged in learning from itfor practical reasons.’

The NewSpirit of Islamism usefully contributes to our understanding of Islamistpolitics by demonstrating how influence among different movements occurs andhow local dynamics evolve the movements. The need to prove you can govern andthe realisation that society is diverse and made up of different actors, forcedthe AKP, the Muslim Brotherhood and Ennahda to undergo a transformation withdiffering results and outcome. The New Spirit of Islamism is an intriguing textto think through, and with, in making sense of the dynamics of Islamistpolitics in the MENA region.

Source: middleeastmonitor.com

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Militaryrescues 330 women, children from Boko Haram’s enclave, hands them over to BornoGovt

July 23,2024

'Used to Visit Veg Hotel Run by A Muslim': SC Judge, SVN Bhatti | New Age Islam News Bureau (6)A crosssection of the rescued women and children


TheNigerian military has achieved a significant milestone in the fight againstBoko Haram, rescuing 330 women and children from the terrorist group’s enclavesin Sambisa forest.

Thesurvivors, comprising 110 women and 220 children, were handed over to the Bornostate government on Monday at the Sports Center of the 7 Division, NigerianArmy Maimamalari Cantonment Maiduguri.

TheTheater Commander, Operation Hadin Kai, Theater Command HeadquartersMaimamalari Cantonment Maiduguri, Maj. Gen. Wahidu Shaibu, disclosed that therescue operation was carried out by troops in Operation at Dikwa and Bama axis.

Maj.Gen. Shaibu said the survivors were profiled, given medical checks andtreatment, and provided with food, clothing, and polio immunization.

He attributedthe success of the rescue mission to the support of the Borno stategovernment’s non-kinetic approach, which has facilitated the increasing numberof rescues of those still in captivity.

He alsoappreciated the efforts of the media and the state ministry of women affairsand social development in the rehabilitation and reintegration of the rescuedindividuals.

Receivingthe survivors, Hajiya Aisha Shettima, Director of Social Welfare, Ministry ofWomen Affairs and Social Development, assured that the women and children wouldundergo mental and psychosocial checks, rehabilitation, and skills acquisitiontraining before being reintegrated with their families and returned to society.

She alsocommended the military’s efforts and concern, assuring proper deradicalizationprocesses as part of the Borno Model Concept implementation.

Theevent was marked with a group photograph and symbolic handing over of therescued women and children.

Source: nationalaccordnewspaper.com

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NuhJalabhishek Yatra ends peacefully with Muslim welcoming devotees with garlands


The BrajMandal Jalabhishek Yatra that was marred by violence last year concludedpeacefully on Monday as it passed through Nuh amid tight security arrangements,with members of both Hindu and Muslim communities welcoming the procession atdifferent points.

MahamandleshwarSwami Dharamdev said the yatra conveyed a powerful message of Hindu-Muslimbrotherhood across the country.

Chanting"Har Har Mahadev" and "Jai Sri Ram", devotees started theyatra from Nalhar Mahadev Mandir and proceeded to Jhir Mandir in FerozepurJhirka here.

Theyatra, which spanned nearly 80 km, concluded at the temple in Singar village inthe evening.

Ahead ofthe yatra, tight security arrangements were made with deployment of over 2,000security personnel including paramilitary and surveillance through drones tokeep a check on malcontents.

Meetingsbetween representatives from both communities proved effective in making theyatra conclude on a peaceful note, officials said.

Theyatra, which entered Nuh district around 11 am, ended around 5.30 pm with the'Jalabhishek' in the district's three main temples -- Nalhar Mahadev Temple,Ferozepur Jhirka's Jhir Temple and the temple in Singar village.

In themorning, many devotees gathered at Radha Krishna temple in the adjoiningGurugram's Sector 10 before leaving for the Nalhar temple.

Beforethe yatra began, a large group of women also reached the Nalhar Mahadev templewhere they were accorded a warm welcome by Muslims at the Tiranga Chowk.

Severalgroups of Muslims welcomed the saints part of the yatra with garlands along theroute.

ImamUmer Ahmed Ilyasi, chairman of All India Imam Organization, had on Sundayvisited Nalhar Mahadev Temple in Nuh to appeal for peace.

Manywelcome gates were erected and food stalls set up for the members of theprocession.

Liquorshops had been ordered shut on Sunday till the yatra was completed.

NuhDeputy Commissioner Dhirendra Khadgata said the yatra was carried out smoothlyamid stringent security.

He andSuperintendent of Police Vijay Pratap Singh had visited the three templesbefore the procession overseeing all arrangements.

"Thedistrict administration had ensured preparations and arrangements on a largescale in view of today's religious programmes. A large number of devoteesworshipped with full enthusiasm in all the temples of the district,"Khadgata said.

"DistrictNuh has had a tradition of Hindu-Muslim brotherhood for years, which wasclearly visible again in today's event," he added.

For apeaceful conduct of the yatra, Khadgata was felicitated by the Shiv TempleDevelopment Committee.

DevenderSingh, a leader of Vishva Hindu Parishad, Manesar, said the procession becameeven more devotional and brotherly when Muslims welcomed the Hindus withgarlands.

Nuh SPSingh said, "What happened last year was unfortunate but this time theYatra was peaceful and successful. The efforts of police and administrationproved effective." Six people, including two home guards and a cleric of aGurugram mosque, died in the clashes that erupted when a mob attacked a VishvaHindu Parishad procession in Nuh on July 31 last year.

Accordingto officials, over 2,000 personnel from police and paramilitary were deployedin the district ahead of the Monday procession.

TheHaryana government had suspended mobile internet and bulk SMS services in Nuhdistrict a day before for 24 hours.

Source: telegraphindia.com

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‘Whydefame Muslims?’ On Kanwar Yatra route, mixed feelings on diktat to displaynames

At firstglance, it is business as usual on National Highway 334. Like every monsoon,the wide road stretching from Haridwar in Uttarakhand to the plains of NorthIndia is dotted with men in saffron.

Theseare kanwariyas – thousands of young men carrying matkas, or earthen pots, fullof water from the river Ganga back to their cities and villages. The Kanwar Yatrais a centuries-old pilgrimage of the devotees of the Hindu god Shiva.

Butsomething has changed. In the highway skirting Jwalapur, a small town sixkilometres ahead of Haridwar, the food stalls set up to serve the kanwariyaslook different.

Thenames of those who run these eateries are pasted upfront, for all visitors tosee.

On July19, the Haridwar senior superintendent of police Pramendra Dobhal put out aformal order that eateries must display their owners’ names.

Severalof the shop owners told Scroll the order followed a meeting with the Haridwarlegislator from Bharatiya Janata Party, Madan Kaushik, who told them that theywould be allowed to set up stalls only if they carry their Aadhaar cards anddisplay their “religion and caste” outside their shops.

Kaushikconfirmed that the eatery owners came to meet him on July 18. “I told them thatthey should put up their names on the shops as ordered by the government,” hetold Scroll. “But I did not ask them to mention their religion and caste.”

The diktatensuring the public display of identity is inspired by the directives of theBJP government in the neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh.

On July15, the police in UP’s Muzaffarnagar district asked eateries on the KanwarYatra route to label their shops and carts with the names of their owners. OnJuly 19, the move was extended to the entire state to “ensure that there’s noconfusion” – the Haridwar administration passed a similar order the same day.

Oppositionleaders and civil society activists have argued that the policy’s actual motiveis to discriminate against eateries run by Muslims. Even the BJP’s allies,including the Rashtriya Lok Dal in western UP, the Janata Dal (United) and LokJanshakti Party (Ram Vilas) in Bihar, and the Ajit Pawar-NCP in Maharashtra,have expressed displeasure at the directive.

Accordingto a report in the YouTube news channel The Red Mike, officials have askedseveral eateries in Muzaffarnagar to not employ Muslims during the pilgrimage.

On July22, the Supreme Court, responding to several petitions by civil societyactivists, academics and Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra, stayed thedirectives of both UP and Uttarakhand governments. The court, however, saidthat the eateries should display the type of food being served.


InHaridwar, owners of food stalls near Jwalapur told Scroll that the localauthorities had bulldozed their stalls when the pilgrimage began.

Thestalls on the highway near Jwalapur have come up over the last two weeks,selling fruits, water and food to kanwariyas, exhausted by the weight of thematkas and the humid afternoon.

Pammi,33, sat in her shop with two teenage sons. Her family has been setting upeateries on the highway for kanwariyas for nearly a decade. “My shop wasdemolished twice by the police earlier this month,” she said. “This had neverhappened before.”

Hundredmetres ahead, Anju and Pooja Kashyap, who run separate eateries, recountsimilar stories. “The police officials said that we cannot run these shops onthe highway,” said Pooja. “Both of our families incurred a loss of Rs 5,000because of the demolition.”

This isa common story for all eateries here. And yet, they are all functional now,thanks to a simple compromise.

“On July18, my husband and about 20 other eatery owners met MLA Madan Kaushik todiscuss our problem,” Pammi told Scroll. “He said that we could set up ourshops again but on two conditions – we have to carry our Aadhaar cards andprint our names on the banner to show our religion and caste. This has nothappened before.”

At leastfour other eatery owners confirmed this claim.

Pammi, aDalit, has put up a poster that simply says “Tilak Ram” – her husband’s name.Other eateries do not make an explicit mention of caste too: like the “SushilKumar Bhojanalaya” and the “Manoj Kumar Bhojanalaya”.

Anju’sbanner says “Khatu Shyam Bhojanalaya”. But in the top left corner, in a smallerfont, is her husband’s name, “Anuj Kashyap”. Kashyaps are listed as an OtherBackward Class in Uttarakhand.

Thenthere are eateries that have not put up any posters, like the one owned by RubyMishra, a Brahmin. “My banner is still at the printer’s shop,” said Mishra,smiling.

Despitethe ambiguity of caste, the banners make one thing clear – all the eaterieshere are owned by Hindus.

Muslimsmake nearly 34% of Haridwar district’s population, according to the 2011census.

“Even ifMuslims want to set up a shop, we won’t let them,” said an assertive Mishra,whose husband drives a tempo. “The Muslim caste has no values. They can addanything to the food served to the kanwariyas. Over that, they eat cows,whereas we worship them.”

This isa widespread sentiment among Hindu shop-owners. Satendra Rajput, 28, who sellsChinese dishes to the kanwariyas, said that he had heard how Muslims spit orurinate into the food they serve to Hindus.

“Mohammedanye koshish karte hai ki humara dharam-bhrashth ho jaye,” he said. Muslims tryto violate our faith. “I have seen it in the news and on YouTube.”

Theclaim that Muslims spit into food they cook has been a popular Hindutvadisinformation trope that picked up during the Covid-19 pandemic, often called“thook jihad”.

Rajputis a Lodhi, a caste listed as an OBC in Uttarakhand. Outside the Kanwar Yatraseason, he runs a cosmetic store in Haridwar.

But thereare exceptions. For instance, Pammi does not believe that Muslims are trying tocorrupt Hindus. “They hardly put up shops here,” she added. “During KanwarYatra, Muslims don’t even venture out much on the highway. Why defame them likethis?”

Whatkanwariyas think

In theirweeks-long trek across North India, kanwariyas are supposed to stick to a fewrules: they do not consume alcohol, non-vegetarian food, and any food item thatincludes onion and garlic.

InHaridwar, many of them share the worldview of the eatery-owners. Like HimanshuVerma, a 19-year-old Dalit, who was enjoying an afternoon siesta at RubyMishra’s eatery.

“BeforeI left, my father told me: 'don't eat anything untoward’,” said Verma, whostudies in a management institute in Noida. “I wouldn’t have to tell her[Mishra] that she shouldn’t add onion and garlic to my food. That’s becauseshe’s Hindu. But can you assume that in a Muslim’s shop?”

At acigarette cart half a kilometre away, the fears of Faridabad resident VivekGautam, 21, are more acute. “Muslims will serve us chicken to violate ourfaith,” he said.

Otherkanwariyas had little to say about the policy but were reluctant to smearMuslims. Anshu Saini, 20, a kanwariya from Delhi, had also done the pilgrimagelast monsoon. “In Meerut last year, I saw many Muslims do good things for usduring the yatra,” he recalled. “They gave us food and first-aid. Here, most ofthe eateries do not even provide water. My friends and I will eat at a Muslimeatery if we get drinking water and facilities to take a shower.”

A tiredBablu Sawariya, a 28-year-old Dalit from Rajasthan, also said that he would eatat a shop run by Muslims, provided that it has “good arrangements”.

Backhome, Sawariya works in the human resource department of a manufacturing firm.“At my workplace, I work with Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs,” he said. “Can I do myjob by discriminating against Muslims and Sikhs? I can’t. Banners with namesshouldn’t be necessary for these eateries.”

He thenpaused, and quipped: “These kanwars that we carry are also made by Muslims.Does that make our pilgrimage impure?”

Thekanwar-makers of Jwalapur

The word‘kanwariya’ comes from ‘kanwar’ – the colourful carriers made of bamboo andcloth that the young pilgrims bear on their shoulders for hundreds of kilometresduring the yatra.

InHaridwar district, most of the kanwars are made by Muslim artisans in IndraBasti, a neighbourhood in Jwalapur.

Thekanwars can range from anywhere between Rs 500 to Rs 25,000, depending on theirsize and the scale of intricate artistry on the cloth.

Thearbitrary diktats of the Haridwar administration do not plague the artisanshere, who live in cramped gullies and small rooms.

Men,women and children spend most of their day tying together bamboo sticks,adorning them with cloth printed with Hindu iconography, and pastingdecorations on the cloth.

“This isthe government, it can do anything,” said artisan Sonu Abbasi, 35, when askedabout the banner policy. “Those who are wise know what is happening. But if wedon’t make kanwars, how will most people do the pilgrimage?”

Shaqib,16, told Scroll that making kanwars is an ancestral practice in his family. “Myfather did it and so did my grandfather. We do this because it promotesbrotherhood,” he said, while carefully draping a green cloth around a four-foottall carrier.

Mostartisans shy away from expressing their views on the local authorities’ demandsto install names outside highway eateries. But those who do take a poor view ofit.

“It is atactic to divide,” said Mubarak Ali, 34, while working on a kanwar that says‘Jai Shri Ram’ and carries the angry face of the Hindu god Hanuman – ironicallythe iconography associated with the extremist outfit Bajrang Dal. “After all,we don’t discriminate between Hindus and Muslims when we buy raw materials forthese kanwars.”

Thekanwar-makers underscore their disagreement with the authorities by pointing atthe skill and hard work they put into their craft.

“On mostdays, we work till 4 am. And the work here starts three months before theKanwar Yatra,” says Sohaib Siddique, 23, who has been making kanwars since hewas eight.

Asmiling Ali pointed to his little daughter, who dipped a small paintbrush intoa box full of glue, brushed it on a kanwar, and then stuck shiny floraldecorations on it: “Hindu children sit at home and study. But look at mydaughter. She has been doing only this for three months.”

Source: scroll.in

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Meet theMuslim artisans behind the sacred Kanwar

The potsof Ganga jal are carried using a pole called the Kanwar. Many of these Kanwarsare often made by Muslim artisans.

July 22,2024

Duringthe Kanwar yatra, lakhs of devotees of Lord Shiv walk hundreds of kilometrescarrying water from the Ganga to the temples in their home towns

The potsof Ganga jal are carried using a pole called the Kanwar. Many of these Kanwarsare often made by Muslim artisans.

Artisanssay, they do this work more as an expression of display of unity among thecommunities rather than to make profit.

UttarPradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath issued an order on July 19 requiring allrestaurants along the Kanwar Yatra route to display the names of their ownersoutside their shops.

Thedecision came amid outrage over the Muzaffarnagar police order asking eaterieson the Kanwar Yatra route to display the names of the proprietors.

Source: thehindu.com

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Demolitionof Centuries Old Qutb Shahi Era Mosque in Telangana; Immediate Action Initiatedfor Reconstruction of The Mosque

July 23,2024

Tensionprevailed in Moinabad’s Chilkur after a century old Qutb Shahi era mosque wasrazed to ground late on Monday.

Accordingto Moinabad Inspector three individuals, including the construction vehicledriver and a realtor, have been booked. “The mosque spread across four guntaswas part of a 14-acre private land which was sold to a private company. Duringthe clean-up of the land, the centuries-old mosque was demolished. As per therevenue records, it has been identified as Waqf land and immediate action wasinitiated for reconstruction of the mosque,” the official said. Waqf land isState land dedicated for religious and charitable purposes or pious endowments.

TelanganaWaqf Board Chairman Azmathullah Hussaini, AIMIM MLC Mirza Rahmat Baig andofficials of Minority Welfare Department visited the spot after locals lodged acomplaint with the Moinabad police. Meanwhile, community members gathered tooffer prayers, the official further informed.

Thedriver was arrested on Monday night and the construction vehicle was seized bythe Moinabad police. Efforts are underway to trace and nab the land owner andothers involved in the case.

A casehas been booked under Sections 329 (3) (criminal trespass), 324 (4 and 5)(mischief causing loss), 298 (injuring or defiling place of worship with intentto insult religion of any class), 196 (promoting enmity between differentgroups and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony), 300 (disturbingreligious assembly) r/w Section 3 (Mischief causing damage to public property)of Prevention of Damage to Public Property (PDPP) Act.

Source: thehindu.com

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BJP willbe decimated in Jharkhand polls if it continues Hindu-Muslim politics: HemantSoren


Amid BJPleaders playing ‘Muslim infiltrators’ card ahead of assembly polls inJharkhand, chief minister Hemant Soren on Monday evening issued a warning onMonday of BJP decimation in the elections if they continue in playingcommunally divisive politics. Addressing a public function at Barhait (his homeconstituency) Hemant Soren heading a JMM-Congress-RJD coalition government inthe state said that the Opposition (read BJP) only job is to rant‘Hindu-Muslim’.

“TheOpposition has been obstructing state government welfare schemes ever sincegovernment formation (in December 2019). As part of their conspiracy, I had tobe in jail. Unka ek hi kaam hai bas Hindu-Muslim, Hindu-Muslim karna (theironly work is to politics in the name of hindu-muslim). While doing this theylost a few teeth in the recent Lok Sabha election. If they continue doing it inthe assembly elections, then they will not even find people to carry theirparty flags in near future,” warned Soren who was released on bail last monthafter being in judicial custody in Ranchi over alleged money laundering chargesby the Enforcement Directorate pertaining to a land scam.

Incidentally,during the recent Lok Sabha polls, the BJP failed to win a single ST-reservedparliamentary constituency in Jharkhand losing in all the five ST seats. Itcould win only nine seats out of a total of 14 Lok Sabha seats as against 12out of 14 in 2019 poll.

Unionhome minister Amit Shah during a BJP workers’ meeting at Ranchi on Saturday hadaccused the Hemant Soren government of aiding “love jihad” and “land jihad” (aterm used by BJP leaders against Muslims marrying hindu/tribal girls and takingaway tribal lands) and vowed to bring a white paper on demographic changesbrought by Bangladeshi infiltrators to protect interest of tribals in thestate.

Assamchief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and Union agriculture minister Shivraj SinghChouhan (BJP poll in-charge for Jharkhand Assembly elections) had been inrecent meetings accusing the state government of protecting the interest ofghuspetiye.

Source: telegraphindia.com

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Soldierinjured as Army foils infiltration bid in J-K’s Poonch

July 23,2024

Asoldier was injured as the Army thwarted an infiltration bid along the Line ofControl in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district early Tuesday, officials said.

“Alerttroops foiled an infiltration bid by effectively engaging infiltratingterrorists with effective fire in the Battal sector at 0300 hours,” WhiteKnight Corps said on X.

“Duringthe exchange of heavy fire, one braveheart has been injured. Operations arecontinuing,” the Corps said.

Accordingto sources, a group of armed terrorists tried to enter into Battal forward areaof the Krishnagati belt but alert troops picked up their movement andimmediately took action.

In theintense firefight, troops forced the terrorists to retreat but a soldier wasinjured and has been hospitalised, they said, adding there was a loss caused tothe terrorists.

A searchoperation has been launched in the area, they said.

Source: indianexpress.com

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Egypt avalued strategic partner of India: Jaishankar

July 22,2024

Theeconomic cooperation between India and Egypt has been steadily diversifying,with both sides seeking new opportunities to expand the engagement, ExternalAffairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Monday.

In anaddress at an event, he said more than 50 Indian companies have alreadyinvested in various sectors of the Egyptian economy, with pharmaceuticals,electronics and green energy being focus sectors.

Jaishankardescribed Egypt as an “important and valued strategic partner” of India.

“Oureconomic cooperation has been steadily diversifying, with both sides seekingnew opportunities for mutual benefit,” he said.

“Our ITindustry too has been establishing partnerships that we hope to see grow in thetimes ahead. Egypt has also opened up as a market for our agro-exports, notablythat of wheat,” he added.

Theexternal affairs minister was speaking at the event hosted by the Egyptianembassy to celebrate the country’s ‘National Day’.

“Ourdefence collaboration has also grown in this very period. Since 2021, our AirForces have held regular exercises bilaterally as well as in a larger format,”he said.

“OurSpecial Forces too are conducting their own exercises, most recently in Januaryof this year. There are frequent and regular visits to Egyptian ports of Indiannaval ships,” Jaishankar said.

“And ourdefence industries are refreshing an old tradition through new activities andcollaboration,” he added.

Jaishankarsaid India and Egypt have been working closely in world affairs as well.

“Weappreciated that Egypt participated in the G20 during the Indian presidency.India also strongly supported Egypt’s membership of the BRICS. We value ourcollaboration in the context of the India-Africa Forum Summit process,” hesaid.

Source: indianexpress.com

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Militantkilled, soldier among two injured in gunfights in J&K’s Rajouri

Theattack has triggered fear in the area due to the threat of the presence of themilitants in the region.

Writtenby Arun Sharma

July 23,2024

rajouriterror attack, jammu kashmir terror attackReinforcements have been rushed tothe area (PTI Photo)

Amilitant was killed and two persons, a soldier and a civilian, sustained minorinjuries in gunfights between the Army and militants in Jammu and Kashmir’sRajouri district on Monday, officials said.

Accordingto officials, a group of militants fired on the house of a recently decoratedvillage defence guard (VDG), Parshotam Kumar, in Rajouri’s Ghunda Khawasvillage early Monday.

Confirmingthe attack on X, the Army’s Nagrota-based White Knight Corps said: “Terroristsattacked the house of a VDG at Gunda, Rajouri, at 03.10 hours. A nearby Armycolumn retaliated and a firefight ensued. Operations are continuing.”

The Armyacted on intelligence, anticipating threats to a VDG in a remote area ofRajouri-Reasi, the Corps said, adding: “Tactical teams swiftly intervened,ensuring no harm to the VDG member (Kumar) and his family.”

Later, acordon and search operation were launched to trace the militants, triggeringgunfight, officials said, adding that the security personnel retaliated afterthe militants threw a grenade, following which they attacked a newly establishedArmy picket in the area around 4 am, resulting in fire exchange.

“A majormilitant attack on an Army picket in a remote village of Rajouri was thwarted.Firing is underway, and operation is in progress,” an Army spokesperson said.

Theattack has triggered fear in the area due to the threat of the presence of themilitants in the region.

“We areterrorised following the attack. This happened in the area after several years.It was peaceful… Firing (on Monday) started around 3 am and kept continuing,” alocal woman said, requesting anonymity.

It istime to rearm VDGs with modern weapon and communication technology to take onthe militants operating in the hills of Jammu, another villager said.

Reinforcementshave been rushed to the area, and searches are underway in the forests. Themilitants are yet to be traced, officials said.

Jammuhas been witnessing a surge in militant activities, with the securityestablishment often the target. In the past three months, militants havecarried out over a dozen attacks on security forces, police and civilians,killing at least 10 security personnel including two officers and sevenpilgrims, said officials.

Source: indianexpress.com

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Jammuand Kashmir: Militants target Shaurya Chakra awardee VDG Purshottam Kumar'shome


Asoldier and a civilian were injured in a predawn militant attack on an armycamp and the home of a village defence guard (VDG) in Jammu’s Rajouri onMonday.

Acordon-and-search operation was launched to track down the militants,triggering a gunfight that lasted for hours, officials added.

It isthe first attack since Saturday’s high-profile security review meeting led byarmy chief General Upendra Dwivedi in Jammu that discussed the deadly flare-upin violence in the region and devised strategies to tackle the problem ofmilitancy.

Monday’sattacks indicate that the militants plan to keep up the offensive despite apan-Jammu crackdown to hunt them down.

Thearmy’s Jammu-based White Knight Corps said there was a militant attack on thehouse of Shaurya Chakra awardee VDG Purshottam Kumar at Gunda village inRajouri at 3.10am.

“Anearby army column reacted and a firefight ensued,” the spokesman said

in anearly morning post.

In anupdate in the afternoon, the spokesman said operations were underway and agunfight was in progress.

“#IndianArmyacted on #intelligence, anticipating the threat to a Village Defence Guard in aremote area in Rajouri-Reasi. Tactical teams swiftly intervened, ensuring noharm to the #VDC member and his family,” he posted on X.

Armyofficials said the attack was repulsed, which helped avoid casualties. VDGs area civilian militia fighting militants in Jammu.

Source: telegraphindia.com

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Policyshift allows Pakistani asylum seekers to get passports

July 23,2024

ISLAMABAD:The government on Monday decided to reverse the policy of suspending theissuance of passports to Pakistani nationals seeking asylum abroad.

Ahigh-level meeting, presided over by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign MinisterSenator Ishaq Dar, discussed matters related to the welfare of overseasPakistanis.

“Themeeting discussed in detail the recent policy decision that was taken videcircular dated 5 June 2024 for not issuing passport to any individual who hadsought asylum or already living on asylum abroad. It was decided to reverse thepolicy decision with immediate effect and to withdraw the circular of 5 June2024,” according to a press release.

Themeeting was attended among others by the foreign secretary, interior secretary,and the director general of Immigration and Passports (Impass).

Issuesrelating to delays in the issuance of passports to Pakistanis living abroadalso came under discussion.

Theinterior secretary and the director general briefed the deputy prime ministerabout the ongoing efforts to streamline the process.

It wasdecided that the interior ministry and Impass will take steps to upgrade theinfrastructure and equipment within the next 45 days and to accelerate theclearance of backlog relating to the issuance of passports to overseas Pakistanis.

Darspeaks to Omani FM

ForeignMinister Dar and his Omani counterpart Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin HamoodAlbusaidi on Monday discussed the recent terrorist attack on Imambargah Ali ibnAbi Talib in Wadi Kabir in Muscat and emphasised the importance of concertedaction to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

During atelephone conversation with his Omani counterpart, the deputy prime ministerextended Pakistan’s full support to Oman in its efforts to combat terrorism.

He alsoappreciated Oman’s support in repatriation of the bodies to Pakistan and takingcare of the wounded Pakistani nationals in Omani hospitals, the Foreign Officespokesperson said in a press release. It may be recalled that severalPakistanis were killed and injured in the attack.

The twoleaders reviewed the entire spectrum of bilateral relations, ranging frompolitical, economic and defence cooperation to people-people exchanges.

DeputyPM Dar welcomed the forthcoming visit of a delegation of Omani investors toPakistan later this week, geared towards exploring areas of mutually beneficialeconomic cooperation.

The twoleaders also shared views on a range of regional and international issues ofmutual interest. Exchange of visits at the leadership as well as the foreign ministeriallevel was agreed, in principle, with mutually convenient dates to be worked outthrough diplomatic channels.

Source: dawn.com

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PM‘delays’ cabinet meet to take up PTI ban

July 23,2024

ISLAMABAD:An imp­ortant cabinet meeting, which was expected to consider the issue ofbanning the opposition PTI today (Tuesday), was postponed due to the primeminister’s “hectic schedule”, PM House sources said.

Themeeting was called off on Monday even thou­­gh it had been reported that theapex body would deliberate upon the propo­sal that has become a thor­­ny issuefor the ruling coalition.

Mediareports sugges­ted the cabinet has been asked for approval of proceedingsagainst former president Arif Alvi, former prime minister Imran Khan, andformer NA deputy speaker Qasim Suri under Article 6 of the Constitution.

Anofficial told Dawn that Prime Minister Sheh­baz Sharif has postponed themeeting due to his hectic schedule on Tuesday.

He saidthe meeting could now be held the next day (Wednesday).

Thegovernment has already announced plans to ban PTI from politics and try itsleader for sedition, over charges of violating the Constitution.

Lastweek, Federal Mi­­nister for Information and Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar toldthe media that PTI had been involved in anti-state activities since 2014 andwas responsible for several deaths on different occasions, especially duringprotests against the government and state institutions.

Theminister had blamed the rival party for the fatality that occurred during apeace rally, held in Bannu last week.

Source: dawn.com

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CMGandapur likely to convene KP Apex Committee huddle post-Bannu jirga meeting

July 23,2024

PESHAWAR:Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur is considering calling ameeting of the provincial Apex Committee within the next two days following thedemands presented by the Bannu jirga.

Sourcestold Geo News in the wee hours of Tuesday that the chief minister would furnishthe demands of the jirga before the top body, days after firing on the Bannu'peace march' killed one and injured several others.

Thejirga's delegation, who placed a 10-point agenda before Gandapur during ameeting at the CM House, has opposed the federal government's anti-terrorismcampaign 'Azm-e-Istehkam', the sources said.

Thepeople familiar with the meeting also said the jirga sought to dismantle armedgroups; empower police and ensure their patrolling at night; allow CTD toconduct search operations or take action against terrorists instead of securityforces; and present missing persons before courts.

Jirgachief Nasir Khan Bangash told journalists that the Bannu sit-in would continuedespite the recent violent episode and that the KP chief minister had heard alltheir demands.

"AliAmin Gandapur will visit Bannu on Friday. The chief minister has also statedthat he will call a meeting of the Apex Committee. Five members of the jirgawill partake in the meeting of the Apex Committee."

Duringthe protest in Bannu on July 19, people were fired upon, prompting theprovincial government to form a body to investigate the incident. However, thefederal government has said that it won't accept the findings as PakistanTehreek-e-Insaf's (PTI) people had weapons and used them in the rally, whichcaused chaos.

In apress conference on Monday, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) chief Lt GenAhmed Sharif Chaudhry said that the Bannu marchers had raised anti-army slogansand also pelted stones at the security forces' personnel.

Duringhis presser, in which he also criticised the role of social media following themarch, Lt Gen Chaudhry also played footage from the incident, which showedarmed marchers attacking an under-construction wall of the Bannu cantonment.

"Somearmed protesters resorted to gunfire as a result of which there were injuries.This is how it happened. The army’s response was as per the SOP and accordingto orders."

Source: thenews.com.pk

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Imran,Bushra seek high-quality jail facilities in new IHC petition

July 22,2024

ISLAMABAD:Incarcerated Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan and his wifeBushra Bibi on Monday filed a petition in the Islamabad High Court (IHC)seeking high-quality jail amenities in accordance with global standards.

Theformer prime minister and the ex-first lady filed a petition in the IHC to seekhigh-quality facilities at Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail via their lawyer AzharSiddique.

Secretariesof cabinet, interior and law were made parties in the plea. Moreover, the IHCwas also prayed to add the Punjab chief secretary, the Federal InvestigationAgency (FIA), the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), and Islamabad InspectorGeneral (IG) as parties in the case.

Thepetition sought superior jail facilities for Imran, Bushra and other politicalprisoners besides looking towards the high court to summon a detail on theduo’s prison cells and facilities.

Additionally,the IHC was prayed to order the Adiala Jail administration to ensure theimplementation of international conventions, constitutional sections and jailrules for the political inmates.

It wasalso requested that a complete list of those persons who wanted to meet thejailed PTI founder at the Rawalpindi jail should be summoned, as well as areport on the duration of their meetings.

Thelawyer, in his petition, also pleaded with the court to ascertain the reasonsfrom relevant authorities if the ex-premier was kept in solitary confinement.

Thefresh petition was filed after the deposed prime minister, who was ousted fromhis office via a no-confidence in 2022, claimed in an interview with The SundayTimes through his lawyers that he was imprisoned in a death cell, where"terrorists" are kept to ensure "they have no contact withanyone".

However,the federal cabinet rejected the jailed ex-premier's claims a day ago and termedhis prison cell a "presidential suite" which is "better than amiddle-class person’s house".

As Imranremains behind bars, he has kept claiming that he's not being provided severalfacilities, but to set the record straight, the government submitteddocumentary evidence of facilities being provided to the PTI founder in Adialajail, rebutting his claims that he was being kept in solitary confinement.

Thepictures shared with the court showed that the PTI founder was provided withseveral facilities that a common prisoner cannot imagine — since he's a formerprime minister.

Imranhas an exercise bike and stretching belt for physical fitness, books, aseparate kitchen, a special menu, an exclusive gallery for a walk, LED, a roomcooler, and a study table.

The71-year-old cricketer-turned-politician has been in prison for more than a yearin a plethora of cases, including the Toshakhana, cipher, and the un-Islamicmarriage cases. His wife has also been behind bars for months.

However,a court suspended his sentence in the Toshakhana case, while other courtsoverturned his convictions in the cipher and iddat cases, respectively.

Whilethere were hopes for Imran and Bushra's release in July, they were dashed whenNAB arrested them on fresh charges related to the sale of state gifts.

Thechances of Imran's release from jail further dimmed after the Lahore policedeclared his arrest in several cases related to the May 9, 2023, riots, thaterupted after his detainment from the IHC premises last year in which protesterstargeted government and military installations.

Source: thenews.com.pk

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Threeterrorists trying to infiltrate Dir from Afghanistan 'sent to hell': ISPR

July 22,2024

RAWALPINDI:Three terrorists attempting to cross the Afghan border into KhyberPakhtunkhwa's (KP) Dir district have been neutralised by security forces, theInter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement on Monday.

"Onthe night between July 21 and 22, 2024, the movement of three terrorists,trying to infiltrate the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, was detected by securityforces in District Dir," said the military's media wing.

It saidthat the infiltrators were surrounded, effectively engaged and after an intensefire exchange, all three terrorists were "sent to hell".

Themilitary's media wing stated, "Pakistan has consistently been askinginterim Afghan government to ensure effective border management on their sideof the border."

"Theinterim Afghan government is expected to fulfil its obligations and deny theuse of Afghan soil by terrorists for perpetuating acts of terrorism againstPakistan.

"Securityforces of Pakistan were determined and remain committed to securing its bordersand eliminating the menace of terrorism from the country," it added.

Thecountry has been witnessing a rise in terrorist attacks, especially in KP andBalochistan, during recent months. The last terrorist attack came last weekwhen two soldiers and five civilians were martyred in DI Khan.

This wasthe second terrorist attack in a period of 24 hours as eight other soldierswere martyred while trying to foil a terrorist infiltration into BannuCantonment in the wee hours of July 15.

Islamabadhas time and again called on the Afghan Taliban administration in Kabul toprevent its soil from being used by banned militant outfits for terroristattacks against Pakistan.

Lastmonth, the government approved the launching of operation"Azm-e-Istehkam", a renewed national anti-terror drive, in light ofthe growing menace of militancy.

Thecountry, during the second quarter of 2024 witnessed 380 violence-linked fatalitiesand 220 injuries among civilians, security personnel, and outlaws, resultingfrom as many as 240 incidents of terror attacks and counter-terror operations,said a Security Studies (CRSS) Annual Security report.

Thisincludes 236 fatalities among civilians and security forces personnel, thereport said.

KP andBalochistan, both of which share borders with neighbouring Afghanistan, havefaced the brunt of the terrorist attacks and reported nearly 92% of allfatalities and 87% of attacks — wherein the former suffered 67% and the latter25% of all fatalities in Q2, 2024.

Source: thenews.com.pk

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PakistanArmy wants nation to 'stand up against militants, digital terrorists'

July 22,2024

RAWALPINDI:Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (DG ISPR) Lieutenant GeneralAhmed Sharif has signalled a decisive action against militants and"digital terrorists" and appealed to the nation to stand up againstthe menace.

He saidthat the "political mafia wants to make Operation Azm-e-Istehkamcontroversial".

"Whydid a political and illegal mafia stand up [against Azm-e-Istehkam] and startsaying that they will not let this happen?" asked DG ISPR while speakingduring a press conference in Rawalpindi.

The DGISPR said that Azm-e-Istehkam is a comprehensive and integratedcounter-terrorism campaign, not a military operation per se as it is beingpresented.

Recallingthat an Apex Committee — the country's top security body — meeting was held onJune 22 over Azm-e-Istehkam, he said that the statement following the huddlenoted that "we have made an anti-terrorism policy with nationalconsensus".

The DGISPR, addressing concerns over the campaign, said that no-go areas do not existacross the country, clarifying that there would be no more displacements due toAzm-e-Istehkam.

As therewas much hue and cry over the newly announced campaign, the army's spokespersoninformed journalists that the Prime Minister's Office released a statement onJune 24 to clarify the matter.

"Azm-e-Istehkamis not a military operation. Why is Azm-e-Istehkam being made controversial?There's a strong lobby which wants the objectives of Azm-e-Istehkam not to befulfilled. It is being politicised."

Providingstatistics over the ongoing operations, he said that the army is conductingfour to five operations per hour on a daily basis — clarifying that the waragainst terrorism was already in full form.

Thesecurity forces conducted 22,409 intelligence-based operations this year, hesaid, explaining further that armed forces, police, intelligence agencies, andother law enforcement agencies are conducting more than 112 operations daily.

"Duringthese operations, 31 high-value targets have been killed. This year 137officers and soldiers laid their lives in the operations," the army'sspokesperson told journalists.

Lt GenChaudhry explained that the army had cleared several areas of terrorists but ifthe governments do not ensure reconstruction of those areas, then the army willhave to deploy its forces over there to "hold the area".

"Thearmy is clearing the areas, holding it, and then it is the provincialgovernment's task to build and transfer. If you don't build and transfer to thepeople, then terrorists will emerge again and you will remain in a viciouscycle of 'clear and hold'."

The DGISPR explained that if such a cycle continues, then it will be easier forcertain elements to incite the locals of the area against the army and a falsenarrative would also be made against the forces.

"Inconclusion, Azm-e-Istehkam is a comprehensive campaign against terrorism. If wefollow it, it will not just wipe out terrorism, but also the country. Thestakes are very high."


Movingon in the press conference, he said that on July 15, eight military personnelembraced martyrdom and sent "all terrorists to hell". He informedjournalists that Sepoy Saqib threw himself onto the grenade to save everyoneelse.

"Thevery next day, people in Bannu staged a march, saying that they wanted peace.Some armed personnel were also part of the peace march," the DG ISPR said.

Providingdetails about the march, in which a person died while several others wereinjured, he said that people participating in the demonstration had broken downan under-construction wall while they had also looted a supply depot.

"Somearmed people opened fire, which led to the loss of life. In Bannu, the armypersonnel followed their response SOP accordingly. Similarly, people had alsoraised questions as to why did the army not fire on May 9."

Explainingthe SOP of the army, he said that if an "anarchist group" approachesa military installation, it is first given a warning, and then it is dealtwith.

"Itis the provincial government's job to control a mob, not the army's. However,at the same time, people can definitely hold their peace march," thespokesperson said.

While heshowed footage of the Bannu incident and said that armed personnel could beseen, he stressed: "Hold demonstrations against terrorists."

He saidthat as soon as this incident took place, there was a hue and cry on socialmedia. "This shows how digital terrorists are supporting terrorists on theground."

TTP'sMehsud's audio leak

Wheninquired about what action would Pakistan take after Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan(TTP) Chief Noor Wali Mehsud's audio leak came to the fore, he assured that theauthorities were pursuing the matter.

Sourceshad earlier informed Geo News that the government will not only seek theextradition of terrorists from Afghanistan but will also lodge a strong protestwith the Afghan Taliban-led interim administration over the TTP head's presencein the country and his direct involvement in terrorist attacks inside Pakistan.

Adisturbing phone call featuring Noor came to the surface wherein he could be heardgiving instructions to his henchmen for attacks in Pakistan.

Theother voices in the audio call were identified as local commanders AhmadHussain Mehsud alias Ghat Haji, and Saqib Gandapur.

Theconversation revolves around the TTP chief's orders on how to inflame thesecurity situation in the country. In that conversation, he can be heardoutlining two main methods for disrupting peace and order in Pakistan.

Whiletalking about the audio call, the Lt Gen said that Mehsud could be hearddirecting his men to blow up hospitals and schools, but not name him.

"Theydo not even have the courage to take responsibility for their actions," hesaid.

Establishmentbehind TLP sit-in?

Intimatingthe journalists about the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan's (TLP) recent sit-in, hesaid that the government and institutions were trying to resolve the issuekeeping in mind the "sensitivity and emotions" of the people as itwas related to the Palestinian issue.

He ruledout the establishment's role in the sit-in and said that tomorrow ifJamaat-e-Islami were to stage a sit-in in Islamabad, people would still claimthat the army was behind it.

"There'sso much fake news that people keep saying whatever they want to. Since theprotesters cleared the area peacefully, it was being claimed that there's'someone's hand' behind it," he added.

Themilitary's spokesperson added that the army and government have a very clearstance on the Palestinian issue, stressing that a genocide was underway inGaza.

"Thegenocide in Gaza is completely unacceptable. We have sent 1,118 tonnes of aidto Gaza," he said, vowing continuous support for the oppressedPalestinians.

At least39,006 Palestinians have been killed and 89,818 have been injured in theIsraeli military offensive on Gaza since October 7, the Gaza health ministrysaid in a statement on Monday.

Digitalterrorists are elusive

“It’shard to pinpoint the exact location of a digital terrorist,” said.

Whilestressing effective steps to stop the spread of fabricated and false informationon social media platforms, the DG ISPR said, “The rampant influx of “fake news”targeting the armed forces and their leadership has been ongoing unchecked fora long time, with no one facing any serious consequences so far.”

Toeliminate this menace, he said that the law would have to stop the digitalterrorists by penalising them. “Instead of the law going after them, they weregiven more space.”

Somepeople [who were involved in spreading fake news] have been hailed as heroes inthe name of freedom of expression, he added.

The DGISPR said if they did not stand up against these elements they would gain moreground, benefitting the enemies of Pakistan.

Hepointed out that “a foreign group was stationed in Afghanistan, whereas, Indiawas also waiting for the country’s institutions and armed forces to weaken sothat it could perpetrate a strike.

Source: thenews.com.pk

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Policearrest PTI's Hasan for operating 'anti-Pakistan digital media cell'

July 22,2024

IslamabadPolice arrested Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's spokesperson Raoof Hasan on Mondayfor operating a social media cell allegedly involved in running anti-statepropaganda.

Afterthe political party claimed that the PTI information secretary and ChairmanGohar Khan both had been arrested from its Central Secretariat, police statedthat they only arrested Hasan during a raid conducted on the basis of evidence.

"ThePTI digital media centre had become a centre of international disinformation,from where anti-Pakistan propaganda is run throughout the world," saidpolice.

Meanwhile,Gohar said he went along with Hasan to the Police Lines, however, the policesaid since the PTI chairman was not wanted in any case, he could leave. He saidHasan was detained in the Police Lines.

Policesaid those directly involved in the anti-national propaganda were arrested andall the evidence from the PTI’s digital media cell was taken into custody.

Theparty, in a statement on X, said: "It’s absolutely shameful how IslamabadPolice continues to completely mock and disregard every law in this country.Law of the jungle is reigning over Pakistan!”

Policearrest PTIs Hasan for operating anti-Pakistan digital media cell

PTI saidpolice took a computer and some other equipment into custody as well from theparty secretariat.

Footageshared by the party on X shows numerous police vehicles and some police officialsoutside its secretariat.

Policesources denied the report of the arrest of four women as well as theconfiscation of a laptop and documents from the office.

Condemningthe raid at the former ruling party’s central secretariat, PTI leader KhurrumSher Zaman claimed the arrest was made on instructions of the "Form-47government".

"We'vebeen informed that they've locked staff in a room & waiting for prison vanto arrive & have taken computers & important documents," he wroteon X.

Adviserto Chief Minister on Information Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif said the arrest ofPTI leaders proved that the "government was taking its last breaths".

Thefederal government had broken all records of fascism and had even resorted tounderhanded tactics, he said, adding that they were not scared of them.

"Thestruggle for true democracy and to ensure the rule of law will continue,"said Saif.

Meanwhile,the PTI held a demonstration in Lahore, demanding the authorities release itsleaders and workers.

PTIlawyers wing and other supporters participated in the protest, led byOpposition Leader in Punjab Assembly Malik Ahmad Khan Bhacher, in droves.

Dozensof workers and leaders of the embattled party are behind bars following lastyear's May 9 attacks, which ensued after PTI founder Imran Khan was arrested ina graft case.

Imran,71-year-old cricketer-turned-politician, has been in prison for almost a yearnow in three cases — the Toshakhana case, cipher case, and the un-Islamicmarriage case. His wife, Bushra Bibi, is also behind bars.

However,a court suspended his sentence in the Toshakhana case, while other courtsoverturned his convictions in the cipher and iddat cases, respectively.

Whilethere were hopes for his and Bushra's release in July, they were dashed whenthe National Accountability Bureau (NAB) arrested them on fresh charges relatedto the sale of state gifts.

Source: thenews.com.pk

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North America

GeorgiaMuslim lawmaker urges Kamala Harris to endorse Middle East ceasefire

Jul. 22,2024

ATLANTA,Ga. (Atlanta News First) - While Georgia state Rep. Ruwa Romman praised herfellow Democrat’s service in the White House, she also called on her party torethink President Joe Biden’s policies in the Israel-Hamas war after Bidenended his 2024 reelection bid on Sunday.

”PresidentBiden’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 elections is a moment of clarity forboth the president and our party,” Romman, who was represented to the Duluthdistrict in 2022, said Sunday. “While many of us have disagreed on the bestpath forward, we all share the goal of preventing another Trump term.

“Thiscould not have been an easy decision to make,” Romman said. “It is a testamentto President Biden’s leadership that he demonstrated how duty to the nation inthis incredibly fraught moment must be greater than any one person.”

WhileRomman praised Biden’s efforts to make “healthcare more affordable throughcapping insulin and inhaler costs to economic policies that met the multitudeof global economic challenges,” she also said, “the past 10 months have causeda deep rift in our party as voters watched a genocide unfolding before theireyes.

“Forthat reason, in continuing the President’s incredible economic, healthcare, andeducation agenda, I urge Vice President Kamala Harris to now chart a betterpath forward by supporting a permanent ceasefire and implementing a weaponsembargo,” Romman said. “Our party’s values seek a world centered around peaceand justice for all. We can achieve those goals and meet the promise of thismoment.”

TheIsrael-Hamas war has become one of the Democrat Party’s most divisive issues.While Biden continues supporting Israel, many of his party’s most left-wing,liberal activists are condemning what they see as Israeli-supported genocide inGaza. On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas-led Palestinian armed groups attacked civilianresidential communities and social events and on Israeli military bases in thearea of southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip.

Source: atlantanewsfirst.com

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EdisonHigh School Assistant Principal Accused of Intimidating Muslim Students

July 22,2024

EDISON,NJ -The Edison Board of Education is investigating an incident involving anAssistant Principal of Edison High School and members of the Muslim StudentsAssociation (MSA).

The NewJersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NJ) saysNicole Himmelstein threatened the student members for requesting a jointRamadan celebration with neighboring schools. CAIR-NJ says Himmelstein“intimidated” the students, and released a recording of the February meeting.

EdwardAldarelli, Edison Schools Superintendent, confirmed the investigation toTAPinto Edison and released the following statement.

"Asthe Superintendent of Edison Township Public Schools, I want to reassure ourcommunity that we are taking this matter seriously. The District is immediatelyreviewing the allegations raised by CAIR-NJ, and we are committed to conductinga thorough investigation. Due to the confidential nature of personnel matters,we cannot publicly discuss any details or actions."

CAIR-NJsays Himmelstein and eight members of the Edison MSA were present for themeeting. CAIR-NJ says they have confirmed the authenticity of the recording andthe speakers. They are adhering to a confidentiality agreement with the personwho shared the audio recording and will not release information about theiridentity, according to a press release. To hear the audio released by CAIR-NJ,click here.

CAIR-NJsays the MSA met with Himmelstein to discuss their plans for a joint Ramadacelebration by inviting students from schools like Piscataway and NorthBrunswick. CAIR-NJ says the Edison MSA held similar joint events in the past.

Himmelsteinreportedly told members they were barred from hosting the event with otherschools, citing ‘security concerns.’ In the released audio, Himmelstein tellsthe students they can host a celebration for Edison students only or not atall.

CAIR-NJ saysthat Himmelstein attempted to intimidate the students and questioned theircharacter.

“I haveno problem contacting your university where you got in and explaining what’sgoing on if you want to take it further,” Himmelstein says, according to therecording released by CAIR-NJ, “You guys are not upholding good leadershipskills, and I don’t think any university would want to have students who don’tfulfill good character and values. Do we understand?”

Membersof the MSA told CAIR-NJ they felt intimidated and discriminated against. TahaShaikh, former president of the MSA at Edison High School, said he feltHimmelstein was bullying them to not host the event and inviting other schools.

“CAIR-NJheard from students who expressed how the joint iftar event between highschools near Edison is how they build, cultivate, and maintain a sense ofcommunity and belonging,” said CAIR-NJ Interim Communications Manager AyaElamroussi in a press release, “It’s disheartening and extremely alarming tosee a school official who is supposed to lead by example allegedly use herposition of power to threaten Muslim students over an event aimed at nurturingtheir relationship and growing their community.”

Source: tapinto.net

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Mosquewith ties to Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali receives historic preservation funds

July 22,2024

(RNS) —A historic mosque in Washington, D.C., will receive a grant to help preserveits structure, one of 30 Black heritage sites supported by a program of theNational Trust for Historic Preservation.

MasjidMuhammad, also known as The Nation’s Mosque, is the first awardee connected tothe Islamic faith to be aided by the African American Cultural Heritage ActionFund. Its grant of $150,000 is part of a total of $3 million in fundingannounced Thursday (July 18).

AlbertSabir, administrative director of the mosque, told Religion News Service onMonday that the grant award “is a tremendous recognition, and I think it speaksto those who have gone forward before us in terms of setting the groundwork forthe good deeds and the good work to be done.”

Since2018, the fund has supported 304 sites related to Black heritage, totaling aninvestment of $27 million.

“Wecannot talk fully about the Black spiritual experience in America without alsotalking about Islam and being Muslim, whether it was our enslaved ancestors orEl-Hajj Malik al-Shabazz, better known to the world as Malcolm X,” said LawanaHolland-Moore, director of fellowships and interpretive strategies with thefund, in a statement to Religion News Service.

Themosque, whose current building was completed in 1960 and designed by architectDavid R. Byrd, is receiving a grant from the fund’s Conserving Black Modernismprogram that highlights African American architects. It is one of the oldestBlack Muslim congregations in the country, dating to 1937.

MalcolmX “donated and helped raise significant dollars to build the current masjid,”the mosque’s website says, and “Muhammad Ali visited and regarded the communityas his place of worship in D.C.”

Themoney will aid environmental and engineering studies for a planned expansionthat is expected to be LEED-certified, achieving a Leadership in Energy andEnvironmental Design rating as a green building. The grant also will supportsome capital improvements for the mosque.

“Thisgrant is right on time, because we have started a $6 million renovation, and wehave already raised over 60% of the funds,” Sabir said, adding that the planscall for doubling the mosque’s worship space, expanding its office andclassroom space, and extending its ability to distribute food to its neighbors,including a feeding center for senior citizens.

Constructionbegan in April and is expected to conclude in late 2025, he said, andworshippers are meeting for Friday prayer services at a Washington hotel duringthe renovations.

Anotherreligion-related recipient of a grant, Pierce Chapel African Cemetery inMidland, Georgia, dates to around 1829. The Hamilton Hood Foundation has beenawarded $60,000 for project planning to preserve the community’s history andlandscape. The cemetery, named to the National Trust’s “America’s 11 MostEndangered Historic Places” in 2023, is one of the oldest burial grounds ofenslaved people from plantations in the region and their descendants.

“TheAfrican cemetery literally is hiding in plain site,” said Yamona Pierce,president of the foundation that is seeking to uncover and preserve the historyof enslaved people, some of whom were required to stand during services of thepredominantly white church across the street.

She saidthe funding will help her foundation determine “how we can welcome not only thedescendants, but the broader community to come and learn about the storiedjourney of all those that are laid to rest here.”

Otherrecipients of the grant awards include three halls of Morehouse College inAtlanta; Shady Rest Golf and Country Club in Scotch Plains, New Jersey, thefirst Black-owned country club in the nation; and Alonzo Chatmon’s Juke Joint,in Water Valley, Mississippi, a part of the state’s blues history.

Source: religionnews.com

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CAIRCalls for Probe of Possible Bias Motive for Vandalism Targeting North CarolinaMosque

July 22,2024

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largestMuslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today called on law enforcementauthorities to investigate a possible bias motive for vandalism targeting amosque in North Carolina.

Threewindows were reportedly broken Sunday evening at a mosque in Gastonia. NorthCarolina. Nathan Reynolds Webster, 32, was arrested and charged with breakingthe windows at the Islamic Society of Gastonia.

“Becausethe vandalism targeted a house of worship, and because of the rise inbias-motivated incidents in recent months, we urge state and federal lawenforcement authorities to investigate a possible bias motive in this case,”said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.

He urgedhouses of worship to utilize CAIR’s Best Practices for Mosque and CommunitySafety guide, which contains security advice applicable to institutions of allfaiths.

Earlierthis year, CAIR released new civil rights data showing that it has received3,578 complaints during the last three months of 2023 amid an ongoing wave ofanti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian hate.

CAIR’smission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promotejustice, and empower American Muslims.

Lamisión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión delIslam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los EstadosUnidos.

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Source: cair.com

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Manaccused of breaking mosque windows in Gastonia

Jul. 22,2024

GASTONIA,N.C. (WBTV) - A man was charged after allegedly breaking three windows at amosque in Gastonia Sunday evening.

Accordingto a police report filed in Gastonia, 32-year-old Nathan Reynolds Webster wasarrested and charged with breaking three windows at the Islamic Society ofGastonia on Titman Road.

Reportsstated each of the double-pane windows is worth $300. Webster was also chargedwith damage to property/vandalism.

Accordingto the Gaston County Sheriff’s Office website, Webster was released from jailshortly after he was booked Sunday night.

It isunclear why the mosque was targeted. A representative from the society saidthey do not want to comment on the situation while the incident is still underinvestigation.

Source: wbtv.com

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HarrowGP who led banned Islamist group has work suspension overturned

July 22,2024

The NHShas overturned the suspension of a Harrow GP who headed the UK branch ofrecently banned Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, leaving him free to resume his practiceas a GP.

Dr WahidShaida, who also uses the name Abdul Wahid, was GB chair of the group, whichthe government outlawed in January.

On 15January, then-home secretary James Cleverly moved to proscribe the group, whichhe called “antisemitic” and warned it “promotes and encourages terrorism”, byputting an order before parliament which made joining the organisation illegalin the UK under terror laws.

Asreported by Jewish News, in December 2023, Shaida, who has trained trainee GPs,described Hamas as a ‘resistance’ group and called the 7 October terror attacks“a very welcome punch on the nose” on Piers Morgan’s Talk TV show.

Shaidawas subsequently suspended by NHS England on 19 January 2024.

Announcingthe reversal of the NHS decision, his legal representatives Rahman LoweSolicitors called the news a “significant triumph”.

In astatement, the firm added that Shaida “is extremely experienced and highlyregarded within his Practice for the contribution which he has made to it. Hehas enjoyed an unblemished work record throughout his professional career.”

Theyclaim that prior to proscription, “HT (Hizb ut-Tahrir) was a lawfulorganisation in the UK, undertaking lawful activities. Dr Shaida has sincerelyheld strong beliefs regarding the occupation of Palestine and the displacementof its population as a historic wrong and he strongly believes that it has ledto an unjust system akin to apartheid, a view that is supported byorganisations such as Amnesty, Human Rights Watch and also now by the UN’s InternationalCourt of Justice (ICJ).”

They addthat “contrary to suggestions in the press, the Panel accepted that Dr Shaidadoes not condone violence and his posts were made in the heat of the news feedshe was receiving.”

Aspokesperson for NHS London told Jewish News: “We take any issues relating toprofessional conduct seriously and have procedures in place to make sure thatindividuals are fit to work in the NHS.

“Followinga thorough investigation, the evidence regarding Dr Shaida’s conduct andpractice was considered by an NHS England Panel at an oral hearing on 11 July,in accordance with regulations and published policy. No evidence was found thathe has had involvement with Hizb ut-Tahrir since the organisation wasproscribed.

“ThePanel found there was insufficient evidence to warrant removing Dr Shaida fromthe performers’ list, but decided that conditions should be imposed, to managea safe return to practice, for both staff and patients. Dr Shaida is thereforeable to return to practice, subject to those conditions.”

Source: jewishnews.co.uk

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Imam,rabbi, bishop and a minister perform mitzvah

July 22,2024

Twenty-fivefaith leaders from across Brighton & Hove – including an imam, four rabbis,a bishop, a monk and three other Christian ministers – united for an interfaithdinner and Mitzvah Day event to support local people in need.

Thegroup met at the Brighton & Hove Jewish Community (BNJC) centre, beforecreating care packs for the Safehaven weekly drop-ins run by St Peter’sBrighton.

Thepacks – which contain toiletries, facecloths, hygiene projects and treats –will be given to people supported by Safehaven who are experiencinghomelessness, poverty, loneliness, abuse and/or addiction.

BNJCchief executive Marc Sugarman said: “We are proud to partner with Mitzvah Dayfor this remarkable interfaith dinner and packing. It demonstrates theincredible impact dedicated individuals can have when they come together insocial action.”

MitzvahDay is the UK’s largest faith-based day of social action and will take place onand around Sunday 24 November 2024.

Thecharity’s chief executive, Stuart Diamond said: “This Mitzvah Day eventperfectly embodies the spirit of ‘Stronger Together’. Faith leaders from acrossBrighton & Hove, despite our different beliefs, came together to servethose in need. This interfaith collaboration demonstrates the power ofcollective action and sends a powerful message of unity and compassion to ourcommunity.”

Clergyat the dinner included Right Revd Will Hazlewood (Bishop of Lewes), FatherAidan Murray (Roman Catholic Monk), Imam Uthman Jeera (Al Medinah Mosque),Rabbi Hershel Rader (Brighton & Hove Hebrew Congregation), Rabbi AndreaZanardo (Brighton & Hove Reform Synagogue), Rabbi Matt Marks (Brighton& Hove Jewish Community), Rabbi Pesach Efune (Chabad Brighton), Father JohnHabib (Coptic Orthodox Church), Reverend Ali Marshall (St Leonard’s HoveChurch) and Curate Emily Row (St Peter’s Brighton).

Therewere also lay leaders from Brighton & Hove Muslim Forum, Nichiren Buddhistcommunity, Gujarati Cultural Society, Sikhs of Sussex, Brighton & HoveProgressive Synagogue, Emmanuel Church, King’s Arms Church Bedford, St Andrew’sMoulsecoomb and Brighton & Hove Interfaith Contact Group.

Theevent was a partnership between Mitzvah Day, BNJC, Brighton & Hove Faith inAction and Sussex Jewish Representative Council.

Brighton& Hove Faith in Action Chair Rik Childs said: “Our group now includesChristians, Jews, Sikhs, Muslims and Buddhists and we will be playing a veryactive part in Mitzvah Day, in November this year.

“We planto bring people of many faiths together – to show our love for Brighton &Hove residents and demonstrate that, even though we may all believe differentthings, we are stronger together and united in the belief that a better worldis one where we put the needs of our neighbours before ourselves.”

Source: jewishnews.co.uk

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Pendlemayor's apology for row in Nelson mosque with council officer


CounMohammad Aslam, a Conservative councillor, was involved in the incident inApril 2022 at Nelson’s Ghausia Mosque. It was before he became the mayor.

LancashirePolice and Pendle Council got involved after council licensing officer WajedIqbal complained to both. He claimed Coun Aslam said he wanted to ‘destroy’ himduring the Nelson mosque confrontation.

Subsequently,a police officer spoke informally to Coun Aslam and issued him with a communityresolution – words of advice about his actions.

Later,Coun Aslam had to attend a Pendle Council standards meeting in October 2023.

There,it was claimed that Coun Aslam had threatened licensing officer Mr Iqbalregarding an ice cream business – but also referred to vehicle MOT test enforcementand a local election row. There werealso accusations that Coun Aslam called his son during the mosque row, tellinghim and cousins to come to the mosque, there and then.

At theOctober 2023 council standards meeting,Coun Aslam apologised for ‘raised voices’ and any upset that he causedin the mosque confrontation. But he denied many other accusations includingalleged threats.

He wasfound to have breached the council’s code of conduct. He was told to send aletter to the licensing officer ‘to ensure the future can be resolved andcleared’. He was also told to give an apology to all Pendle councillors. Thatwas rescheduled once or twice but formally given at this month’s July fullcouncil meeting,

CounAslam gave a written apology which stated: “Members of Pendle Council, I writefurther to the hearing and findings of the Standards Committee held in October,2023.

“I amaware of the need to treat members of the public, other councillors and councilemployees with courtesy and respect at all times. I understand that mybehaviour on the evening of April 28, 2022 did not uphold these standards and Isincerely apologise for any offence or distress caused to any individuals.

“Throughoutmy time as a councillor, I have always worked hard to be courteous to all staffand members of the public, and to treat everyone with respect. I will continueto work hard on behalf of all residents and will always seek to abide by thecode of conduct in my future interactions with any individuals.”

Source: lancashiretelegraph.co.uk

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USstate-run media editor jailed in Russia ‘for disinformation’

22 Jul,2024

ARussian court has sentenced Alsu Kurmasheva, an editor at Radio FreeEurope/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) to six and a half years in prison for spreading“false information” about the Russian military.

Kurmasheva,who worked for the Tatar-language service of the US state-funded media outlet,denied any wrongdoing during the trial, which was conducted behind closeddoors.

She had been living in Prague, where RFE/RL isbased, and occasionally traveled to Russia to visit relatives.

Theeditor was first detained in June 2023 in Kazan and charged with failing tonotify the authorities about her dual Russian and American citizenship. She wasfined 10,000 rubles ($113) for this offense.

Kurmashevawas detained again in October and charged with failing to register as a“foreign agent.” In December, she was additionally charged under Article 207 ofthe Russian Criminal Code, which bans the “public dissemination of falseinformation about the Russian Armed Forces.”

Accordingto the news channel RBK, the prosecution argued that “false information” wasfound in Kurmasheva’s recent book, titled ‘No to War. The 40 Stories ofRussians Opposing the Invasion of Ukraine.” The book is a collection ofinterviews with Russians with an “anti-war stance,” who are speaking outagainst Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, according to its description.

RFE/RLPresident Stephen Capus said that the trial “makes a mockery out of justice,”and has called for Kurmasheva’s immediate release.US State Department spokesmanMatthew Miller described Kurmasheva on Monday as “a dedicated journalist who isbeing targeted by Russian authorities for her uncompromising commitment tospeaking the truth and her principled reporting.”

RFE/RLwas founded during the early stages of the Cold War to spread anti-Communistmessages in the Soviet Bloc. It continues to be funded by the US government.

In March2022, Russia blocked access to RFE/RL, citing “the publication of materialsthat contain false information about the nature of the special militaryoperation” in Ukraine. Moscow banned the media outlet altogether in February2024.

Since2022, the EU has banned several Russian news outlets, including RT and Sputnik,while accusing Moscow of spreading disinformation.

Source: rt.com

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‘Houseof Terror’ claims lives of two young women

22 Jul,2024

Twoyoung women have lost their lives and a man has sustained severe burns after afire broke out during an escape room event in Russia’s southern Republic ofDagestan, local authorities have reported.

Thelocal branch of the country’s Investigative Committee has launched a criminalprobe into the deadly incident, and is checking whether all the requiredsecurity precautions had been observed by the organizer.

Accordingto local officials, the tragedy struck at around 2am on Monday in therepublic’s capital, Makhachkala. During the course of the quest, which wasbeing held in a basem*nt dubbed the ‘House of Terror,’ one of the staff setfire to a container full of gasoline.

In apost on its Telegram channel on Monday, the Committee wrote that an 18-year-oldentertainer who was in charge of the event has been detained. The suspect toldinterrogators that he set fire to a glove, which was apparently part of thegame attire. He then threw it toward a vessel containing gasoline that wasstanding on the floor. The entertainer told officials that he had “goneoverboard with” the fuel during the course of the game.

Accordingto Mash media outlet, as the flames engulfed the room, the trapped people triedto break a window and were screaming for help. A crowd of passersby soonamassed near the entrance to the fateful basem*nt and tried force the dooropen, but to no avail, the report says. The people eventually managed to pryopen the grille covering the window.

Policeofficers who were patrolling the area noticed the commotion, and came to therescue. They had gas masks on hand, and were able to enter the smoke-filledroom and pull the victims out, Mash claims.

However,the two women had by then already suffered grievous burns, and perished soonthereafter.

Russianmedia quoted the head of the burn department at the local hospital, MagomedAkhmedov, as saying that one of the victims “passed away immediately [onarrival], and the other in the morning.”

Dagestan’sHealth Ministry revealed that the women’s injuries were so severe that therewas virtually no chance of survival despite the doctors’ best efforts.

Accordingto REN-TV channel, one of the victims was 19 years old and the other 25.

MakhachkalaMayor Yusup Umavov has extended his condolences to the bereaved families.

Source: rt.com

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War ofthe words: How Ukraine broke its promises to Russian speakers

22 Jul,2024

More thanten years have passed since the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine. Following theso-called “Euromaidan,” the new Western-backed launched a campaign to canceleverything Russian, including the language.

The lastreliable survey on linguistic diversity in Ukraine was conducted by the SocialMonitoring Center in 2021. It found over 65% of the country’s populationcommunicated in Russian on a daily basis.

However,despite this and the fact that Article 10 of the Ukrainian Constitutionguarantees “the free development, use, and protection of Russian and otherlanguages of national minorities in Ukraine,” Russian has been restricted atthe legislative level in Ukraine since 2014.

Thefirst steps towards this were taken directly after the Maidan coup in February,2014. On that day, the Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian Parliament) dismissedYanukovich from office and scheduled early elections for that May 25. A contestin which millions of Ukrainian citizens would be disenfranchised.

The verynext day, the Rada voted to repeal the 2012 law “On the Principles of StateLanguage Policy,” which granted Russian the status of a regional language inthose areas where it was the native language of at least 10% of the population.In such regions, the law granted the tongue the same status as the officialUkrainian.

As aresult, mass protests broke out in the east of Ukraine, where theRussian-speaking population was in the majority. As a result, acting PresidentAleksandr Turchinov did not approve the Rada’s decision.

“Ukrainianis the national language, but there will be no restrictions based on language,nationality, on who goes to which church and belongs to which denomination inUkraine. The democratic government clearly guarantees this to everyone,”Turchinov said at the time.

However,this didn’t last long. Four years later,in February 2018, the law on the regional status of the Russian language wasrepealed. A corresponding decision was made by Ukraine’s Constitutional Courtwhich stated that it contradicted the Constitution.

Fouryears later, in October 2022, the head of Ukraine’s National Security andDefense Council Aleksey Danilov stated clearly that Ukrainian authoritiesneeded to completely eliminate the Russian language from the territory of*ckraine.

“TheRussian language must wholly disappear from our territory as an element ofhostile propaganda and the brainwashing of our population,” he said.

Hisstatement fully reflected the policy of Kiev’s post-Maidan elites, who haverepeatedly changed legislation and taken steps towards prohibiting the use ofthe Russian language.

De-Russificationand Ukrainization

Animportant change happened in June 2016, when the Ukrainian Parliament adoptedamendments to the law “On Television and Radio Broadcasting” (which enteredinto force on November 8, 2016). According to the new rules at least 60% of TVand radio programs, such as news and analysis, had to be in Ukrainian.

In May2017, at the initiative of then President Pyotr Poroshenko, the Rada adoptedamendments to this law, which from then on required at least 75% of nationaland regional TV programs and 60% of local programs to be in Ukrainian.

And fromJuly 2024, the share of Ukrainian-language programs on national channels has tobe at least 90%, and on regional channels – at least 80%.

Therewere also major changes in the field of education. In September 2017, theUkrainian Parliament adopted a new version of the “Law on Education,” whichstipulated a phased prohibition of Russian and the languages of other nationalgroups in educational institutions. According to the bill, all teaching insecondary schools and higher educational institutions had to be conductedexclusively in Ukrainian. After 2018, classes where subjects were taught inRussian and other languages were allowed only in primary schools. FromSeptember 1 2020, there was supposed to be no schools left where subjects weretaught in any language except Ukrainian.

In April2019, the Rada adopted a bill “On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainianlanguage as the state language”, and on May 15, five days before the end of hispresidential term, the document was signed by Poroshenko. Ukrainian wasdesignated as the only official state language. According to this law, effortsto introduce multilingualism would be seen as attempts to forcefully change oroverthrow the constitutional order.

Accordingto the law, all cultural events should be held only in the state language, andit should be spoken by all government officials, public service employees, andworkers in the fields of trade, service, education, medicine, culture, etc.when performing their duties.

The lawwas introduced in several stages. From January 16, 2020, the advertising sectorhad to switch to the state language, from July 16, 2020 – scientific, medical,and transport personnel, and from January 16, 2021 – all businesses, includingonline stores.

On July16, 2021, a language exam was introduced for future civil servants and peoplewho applied for Ukrainian citizenship. Requirements to publish and sell atleast 50% of all printed publications in the state language also came intoforce.

Finesand arrests

Inrecent years, a growing number of people have been sanctioned for speakingRussian. In July 2023, a math teacher from Dnepropetrovsk (the Ukrainianauthorities have renamed this city Dnipro) was fined 3,400 hryvnia (about $92),for failing to comply with the law, State Language Protection CommissionerTaras Kremin told Ukraine’s Radio Svoboda.

Heexpressed hope that this “will serve as another reminder to the citizens of*ckraine who carry out professional duties in various fields, especiallyeducation, trade, and transport, that it is necessary to comply with thelanguage law.”

Shortlybefore that, even tougher measures were applied against a philosophy teacherfrom the State Tax University in Irpen, Kiev Region. According to Ukraine’sChannel 24, which cited representatives of the university, Lyubov Vorobyova wassuspended from work for speaking Russian.

Theuniversity’s press service explained that a collective complaint against theteacher’s behavior was filed by students on April 6, 2023. The teacher wasnotified that an investigation would be carried out.

Earlierthat year in February, a scandal broke out at a university in Volyn Region,where one of the teachers taught classes only in Russian and ignored thestudents’ complaints. A similar situation occurred at the State University ofTrade and Economics in Kiev.

A taxidriver from Kiev also lost his job in October 2023 for speaking Russian. Whenhe refused to switch to Ukrainian, the passengers behaved in a scandalous wayand he asked them to get out of the car. The transportation company suspendedthe man’s license and fired him.

As hetold the publication Strana.ua, he was outraged by the behavior of the passengerswho demanded he speak only Ukrainian. As the taxi driver noted, his job is tosafely transport passengers, but does not include “heart-to-heartconversations.” The man claimed that he knows Ukrainian, but comes from thesoutheast region where it’s not commonly spoken.

“It’snot my fault that in the southeast, people have spoken [Russian] for the past32 years, since Ukraine became independent. That’s how we studied [in school],”the man said.

Finesfor violating the law on the state language were first applied in Ukraine inOctober 2022. The first prosecution involved a teacher at the National AviationUniversity in Kiev. A complaint against him was made by one of his students,Ukrainian News reported, citing the office of Taras Kremen. That teacher wasalso fined 3,400 UAH.

Scandalsover communicating in Russian did not begin only after the start of Russia’smilitary operation in Ukraine. In February 2021, Taras Kremin wrote on hisFacebook page that Ukrainians had started to report Russian speakers. According to him, in one month he receivedover 600 complaints against people who spoke Russian.

Thisissue even gave rise to serious conflicts. In February 2021, a former Radadeputy from the far-right Svoboda party, Oleg Gelevey, started a fight in thecenter of Kiev that resulted in a stabbing, merely because a cafe server spokein Russian. As Strana.ua wrote, “Gelevey approached the waitress and reproachedher, but one of the customers stood up for her. Then Gelevey’s companion tookout a knife, and the two of them attacked the man who tried to defend her. Acriminal case over ‘hooliganism’ was initiated following the incident.”

One ofthe most well-known incidents occurred in September 2020 when the SecurityService of Ukraine (SBU) detained a resident of Kherson Region, TatianaKuzmich, who worked as a Russian language teacher. She was suspected of treasonand was taken into custody.

“Accordingto the detainee’s lawyer, SBU officers are forcing Kuzmich to incriminateherself, and psychological pressure is exerted on the people who are close toher. We urge you to pay attention to this case since, based on past experience,we are concerned that this detention is politically motivated and is aviolation of civil rights and freedoms, and is language-based discrimination,”Russian foreign aid and cultural agency ‘Rosssotrudnichestvo’ said in astatement.

The headof Rossotrudnichestvo, Yevgeny Primakov, noted that the organization wasappealing to international human rights institutions to react to the situation.

“May theinternational human rights organizations take an incorruptible and objectivelook [at the situation] and assess the actions of the Ukrainian specialservices. But will they notice it?” Primakov wrote on his Telegram channel.

For thedetained woman, life changed after the start of Russia’s military operation.While on February 24, 2022 she was preparing for her next court hearing, by theend of August 2022 Tatyana Kuzmich was Deputy Minister of Education and Scienceof Kherson Region, and on December 8 she was appointed vice-governorresponsible for working with evacuees.

Russianspeakers and rallies in support of the language

Ukraine’snew legislative measures against the Russian language saw opposition bothdomestically and internationally. For Ukrainians, this was a particularlysensitive issue since just a few years ago, Russian was extremely widespread.

Accordingto data published by the Social Monitoring Center in August 2021, over 50% of*ckrainians spoke Russian in their families and at home, 27.1% of Ukrainiancitizens used Russian as often as Ukrainian, 13.6% communicated mostly inRussian, and 11.3% relied solely on Russian.

Accordingto the same survey, 15.8% of respondents spoke mostly Ukrainian, and less thana third of the country’s residents (31.9%) usedonly Ukrainian in their families and at home.

Thesurvey also showed that over half of Ukrainians didn’t mind watching TVprograms in Russian; 35.3% of respondents would like to watch TV both inRussian and Ukrainian, 11.6% prefer to watch television programs mostly inRussian, and 8.9% – only in Russian.

InJanuary 2020, in an attempt to stop forced Ukrainization, Ukrainians attended arally in support of the Russian language in Kharkov. The participants wanted todefend their right to speak Russian and prevent the signing of the law onsecondary education, which prohibited them from studying in their nativelanguage.

Thisrally received wide coverage after the demonstrators were attacked by a groupof radical nationalists.

“Thenationalists disrupted our event... They sprayed tear gas, I was in thehospital to treat my eyes. One police officer and several TV employees werehospitalized with eye burns,” said Andrey Lesik, one of the organizers of therally and a member of the ‘Opposition Platform – For Life’ party’s politicalcouncil.

Accordingto media reports, among the radicals there were young men dressed in uniformsof the National Squads ultra-nationalist organization, as well as severalpeople bearing flags of the Right Sector Neo-Nazi organization.


Thereaction of foreign politicians to Ukraine’s new language policy has variedover the years. In December 2017, the Venice Commission of the Council ofEurope criticized the Ukrainian “Law on Education,” and Kiev was recommended toamend it in order to avoid discrimination.

Thestatement drew attention to the fact that Article 7, as adopted, “is quitedifferent from the draft on which minorities were consulted.” “[It] containsimportant ambiguities and does not appear to provide the guidance needed from aframework law in the application of the country’s international andconstitutional obligations. It contains some guarantees for education in theminority languages, mainly limited to primary education, though the exact scopeof such guarantees is not as clear as it could be,” the Venice Commissionstated.

TheCommission pointed out that Article 7 provides a legal basis for teachingcertain subjects in EU languages, for example, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian,and Polish, but does not provide a solution for non-EU languages, in particularRussian as “the most widely used language apart from the state language.”

“Theless favorable treatment of these languages is difficult to justify andtherefore raises issues of discrimination. Having regard to the aboveconsiderations, the appropriate solution would certainly be to amend Article 7and replace this provision with a more balanced and more clearly worded one,”the statement noted.

Over theyears, the EU’s rhetoric on this issue has changed a lot. Last November, ananonymous official in Brussels told RIA Novosti that the European Commission(EC) would not consider the language issue when assessing Ukraine’s readinessto join the EU.

“Manypeople are wondering about the Russian language and the rights of Russians [inUkraine]. I want to be very clear: the Russian language isn’t something thatthe European Commission will take into account [when assessing Kiev’simplementation of the reforms],” he said.

However,he noted that the EC is highly interested in completing a reform that wouldconsolidate the rights of Hungarians, Romanians, and Bulgarians in Ukraine interms of the state language, media, and education.

Source: rt.com

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Directorof MSF talks about the repercussions of the humanitarian crisis in Sudan


TheGeneral Director of Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) described the situation inSudan as "the most significant humanitarian crisis in the world that weface today," during a press conference in Amman on Monday.

"Thewarring parties in Sudan have been inflicting horrendous levels of violence onpeople since the war started in April of last year," said MSF's VickieHawkins at an event to mark the release of a new report on the war.

Hawkinssaid the report details how the war has led to indiscriminate violence,killing, torture and sexual violence, in addition to continuous attacks onhealth workers and medical facilities.

"Thereport sheds light on the direct and deadly impact of the war on the people ofSudan, which has left the country's health service largely in ruins," sheadded.

Sheadded that both warring parties are involved in violence throughout Sudan andsaid that hospitals have been frequently looted and attacked.

"SinceMay, MSF-supported hospitals or premises have been hit by shelling orairstrikes at least five times in Omdurman, Khartoum and el-Fasher, leading tothe deaths of health workers and patients, including children. Hospitals inwhich we work in el-Fasher and in Khartoum were also stormed andattacked," she said.

Hawkinsmade an urgent plea to the warring parties to ensure the protection ofcivilians and humanitarian workers, and urged vested partner states andregional bodies "to increase pressure on the warring parties in Sudan toabide by their obligations."

She alsocalled for more humanitarian aid, saying the current response "is nowhereequivalent to the need."

"Weneed the UN and the humanitarian sector at large to scale up, in order toprovide more adequate response in terms of the huge health needs that we see,the massive needs in relation to nutrition, shelter, water andsanitation," she said.

Sudanhas been rocked by violence since April of last year, when tensions between thecountry’s military, led by Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan, and the paramilitary RapidSupport Forces, commanded by Gen. Mohamed Hamden Dagalo, burst into openfighting.

Source: africanews.com

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Sudan:UAE president expresses support in call with Burhan


ThePresident of the United Arab Emirates has expressed his country's support forSudan and finding a solution to end the ongoing conflict there.

Hiscomments came in a phone call on Thursday with the head of of the Sudanesearmy, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, according to the Emirati news agency,WAM.

PresidentMohammed ben Zayed is reported to have said the UAE is keen "to supportall solutions and initiatives aimed at halting escalation and ending the crisisin Sudan."

The callis the first between the two leaders since relations between them soured lastyear due to the UAE's support of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, withwhom the Sudanese army has been at war for over a year.

A recentUN report confirmed that Abu Dhabi had supplied weapons and munitions to theRSF disguised as humanitarian aid, something which the UAE has denied.

Morethan 10 million have been displaced in Sudan since the conflict began andnearly 25 million people are in need of aid, according to the UN.

Source: africanews.com

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Bawumiato rehabilitate Bole Mosque following appeal

Jul - 22- 2024

Duringhis courtesy call on the Bolewura last Sunday, as part of his campaign tour ofthe area, a number of appeals were made to Dr. Bawumia, including the elevationof Bole to a municipal assembly, the upgrading of the Bole market, and therehabilitation of the Sawla road.

Anotherpassionate appeal made on behalf of the Bole Muslim community, by a spokesmanfor the Bolewura, was the renovation of the mosque.

Followingthe request, Dr. Bawumia agreed and announced he will finance therehabilitation of the mosque immediately.

Dr.Bawumia said, "I have asked the parliamentary candidate and the chairmanto go and take a look at it and give me the estimate, and I will finance therehabilitation."

Source: graphic.com.gh

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‘Let’sLearn From India, Sudan’s Experience’ – Tinubu Cautions Nigerians AgainstPlanned Protests

22 July2024

PresidentBola Tinubu has called on young Nigerians to refrain from participating inplanned protests against the Federal Government’s economic reforms.

NaijaNews reports that some Nigerians, particularly the youth, have planned anationwide protest from August 1st to 10th to draw the government’s attentionto the prevailing hardship in the country.

Speakingin Abuja at the National Council of Traditional Rulers meeting, Tinubu,represented by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, George Akume,cautioned against allowing economic hardship to be exploited by individualswith ulterior motives to incite protests.

Heemphasized the need for patience and commitment from Nigerians during thiscritical period of economic reform, urging citizens to remember past instanceswhere crises threatened national peace and diversity.

Tinubuhighlighted the lessons to be learned from India and Sudan’s experiences,noting that Nigeria, with its population of over 200 million, cannot affordsuch instability.

“Capitalisingon the economic hardship in the country, some men and women with sinistermotives have been reported to have been mobilising citizens, particularlyyouths, to stage a protest.

“Let’slearn from India and Sudan’s experiences. We are a country with more than 200million people.

“Therefore,we can’t afford to have this kind of situation,’’ he said.

ThePresident assured that the government has implemented policies to alleviateeconomic challenges, including procuring Compressed Natural Gas vehicles,introducing a student loan scheme, distributing palliatives, and providingagricultural inputs like tractors and fertilizers.

He alsoemphasized ongoing efforts to address security issues in the country.

Tinubuurged traditional leaders to promote peace within their communities and engagewith young people and parents to foster harmony.

TheSultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’adu Abubakar III, supported this view, advocatingdialogue as the best means to resolve conflicts and highlighting the necessityof peace.

The Ooniof Ife, Adeyeye Enitan, stressed the importance of patriotism and nationalcohesion for development, asserting that any threat to unity must be resisted.

Heacknowledged President Tinubu’s efforts to address the nation’s challenges andreiterated that Nigeria belongs to all its citizens.

Dr.Mainasara Umar-Kogo, Chairman of the Code of Conduct Tribunal, noted theeffectiveness of traditional institutions as local administrative bodies sincepre-colonial times.

Hecalled for their roles to be restored in the constitution to preservesocio-cultural values, suggesting that past administrative reforms havediminished their influence.

Source: naijanews.com

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AmnestyInternational: International Court of Justice's Fatwa Historic Victory forPalestinian Rights

22 Jul2024

LONDONJuly 22. 2024 (Saba) - Amnesty International considered, on Monday, that thehistoric fatwa issued by the International Court of Justice is a historicvictory for the rights of the Palestinians who have suffered, and continue tosuffer, decades of brutality and violations resulting from the illegal Zionistoccupation.

Accordingto Sama News Agency, the organization's Senior Director of Research, Advocacy,Policy and Campaigns, Erika Guevara Rosas, stated in a statement that "theoccupation is a fundamental pillar of the apartheid system that the Zionistenemy relies on to dominate and persecute the Palestinians."

Rosasadded: "Which has caused them widespread suffering, as the Palestiniansare subjected to the demolition of their homes and the seizure of their landsto build and expand settlements, and they face stifling restrictions thatviolate all aspects of their daily lives."

“The ICJadvisory opinion comes as the Zionist enemy authorities have been flagrantly andcatastrophically violating international humanitarian law over the past ninemonths, launching deadly and illegal attacks in the midst of their assault onthe Gaza Strip, which have claimed the lives of an unprecedented number ofcivilians,” Rosas stressed.

“Theinternational community, especially the Zionist enemy’s allies, must now takefirm measures to ensure an end to the illegal occupation, starting with animmediate halt to settlement expansion,” Rosas stressed.

Source: saba.ye

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Israeligovernment quietly sends millions to unauthorized West Bank settler outposts

July 23,2024

JERUSALEM:The Israeli government has budgeted millions of dollars to protect small,unauthorized Jewish farms in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, underwriting tinyoutposts meant to grow into full-fledged settlements, according to ananti-settlement monitoring group.

Documentsuncovered by Peace Now illustrate how Israel’s pro-settler government hasquietly poured money into the unauthorized outposts, which are separate fromits more than 100 officially recognized settlements. Some of those outpostshave been linked to settler violence against Palestinians and are sanctioned bythe US.

Palestiniansand the international community say all settlements are illegal or illegitimateand undermine hopes for a two-state solution.

TheMinistry of Settlements and National Mission, which is headed by a far-rightsettler leader, confirmed it budgeted 75 million shekels ($20.5 million) lastyear for security equipment for “young settlements” — the term it uses forunauthorized Jewish farms and outposts in the West Bank. The money was quietlyauthorized in December while the country’s attention was focused on the waragainst Hamas in Gaza.

PeaceNow said the funds have been used for vehicles, drones, cameras, generators,electric gates, fences and new roads that reach some of the more remote farms.

Thegroup estimates approximately 500 people live on the small, unauthorized farmsand 25,000 more live in larger outposts. Those outposts, while not officiallyauthorized by the government, often receive tacit support before they areretroactively legalized.

HagitOfran, director of Peace Now’s “settlement watch” program, said the funding wasthe first time the Israeli government has channeled money to the outposts soopenly.

Rightsgroups say the expanding network of remote farms atop West Bank hilltops arethe primary drivers of violence and displacement of Palestinians.

In thelast month alone, Israel’s government has legalized five formerly unauthorizedsettlements and made the largest land grab in the West Bank in three decades,declaring a wide swath of the territory state land in preparation for newconstruction.

Palestinianssay violence by people associated with these farms has soared since Hamas’ Oct.7 attack, which sparked Israel’s war against the militant group in the GazaStrip.

OnFriday, the top United Nations court said Israel’s presence in the Palestinianterritories is unlawful and called for an immediate halt to settlementconstruction. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly denounced thenonbinding opinion, saying the territories are part of the Jewish people’shistoric homeland.

Israelcaptured the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza — areas claimed by thePalestinians for a future state — in the 1967 Mideast war. It has settled over500,000 Jews in the West Bank, most of whom live on authorized settlements, inaddition to over 200,000 others in contested east Jerusalem, which it claims aspart of its capital.

Netanyahu’sfar-right government is dominated by West Bank settlers and pro-settlerpoliticians. Netanyahu has placed his finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, in anew position inside the Defense Ministry overseeing settlement construction anddevelopment.

TheUnited States, Britain, and the European Union have imposed internationalsanctions on 13 hard-line Israeli settlers, some of whom are associated withthe outpost farms — as well as two affiliated outposts and four groups — overaccusations of attacks and harassment against Palestinians. The measures aremeant as a deterrent, and they expose people to asset freezes and travel andvisa bans, though the freezes have been less effective.

Theoffice of Orit Strock, the Minister of Settlements and National Mission, saidthe funds were coordinated with the Defense Ministry and “carried out inaccordance with all laws.” It added that Strock, herself a longtime settlerleader, “sees great importance in strengthening settlements” despiteinternational condemnation.

Thebudget was approved in December and predates the sanctions. The government didnot publish a list of the farms and outposts that received funding, so it’sunclear if the sanctioned farms and outposts are among them. But it’s likelythat at least some of them are since the budget supported 68 of the nearly 70farms identified by Peace Now, Ofran said. The number of farms has since grownto more than 90.

PeaceNow said it learned of the funding decision from recordings and presentationsshared at a conference of the pro-settler Religious Zionism Party last month atthe “Shaharit Farm” outpost in the northern West Bank. Strock and Smotrich werein attendance.

USofficials including President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinkenhave repeatedly raised concerns about the surge in settler violence againstPalestinians in the West Bank. Israel’s former top general in the West Bankraised similar concerns in a recent retirement speech.

Israelhas said it is taking action against such attacks and argues that the sanctionsare unnecessary.

Source: arabnews.com

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Palestinianofficials say Israel troops kill 5 in West Bank raid

July 23,2024

Palestinianofficials said Israeli troops killed five Palestinians, including two women, ina pre-dawn raid on a refugee camp in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday.

Thedeaths came when Israeli forces raided the Tulkarem camp, the head of itspopular committee, Faisal Salamah, told AFP. An activist at the camp confirmedthe toll. The Israeli military did not immediately comment.

Source: arabnews.com

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Palestinianfactions sign declaration to end divisions after talks in China

July 23,2024

BEIJING:Various Palestinian factions have agreed to end their divisions and strengthenPalestinian unity by signing the Beijing Declaration on Tuesday morning inChina, according to Chinese state media.

Thedeclaration was signed at the closing ceremony of a reconciliation dialogueamong the factions held in Beijing from July 21-23, state broadcaster CCTVsaid.

A totalof 14 Palestinian factions including the leaders of rival groups Fatah andHamas also met with the media, with China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi present,CGTN said in a social media post.

Rivalfactions Hamas and Fatah met in China in April to discuss reconciliationefforts to end around 17 years of disputes.

China’sForeign Minister Wang Yi hailed the agreement by 14 Palestinian factions to setup an “interim national reconciliation government” to govern Gaza after thewar.

Palestinianfactions including Hamas and Fatah met in Beijing this week in a renewed bidfor reconciliation.

As themeeting wrapped up on Tuesday, China’s top diplomat said the groups hadcommitted to “reconciliation.”

“Themost prominent highlight is the agreement to form an interim nationalreconciliation government around the governance of post-war Gaza,” Wang saidfollowing the signing of the “Beijing declaration” by the factions in theChinese capital.

“Reconciliationis an internal matter for the Palestinian factions, but at the same time, itcannot be achieved without the support of the international community,” Wangsaid.

China,he added, was keen to “play a constructive role in safeguarding peace andstability in the Middle East.”

Hamasand Fatah have been bitter rivals since Hamas fighters ejected Fatah from theGaza Strip after deadly clashes that followed Hamas’s resounding victory in a2006 election.

TheIslamist Hamas movement has ruled Gaza since seizing control of it in 2007.

Thesecularist Fatah movement controls the Palestinian Authority, which has partialadministrative control in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Source: arabnews.com

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IslamicResistance Targets Zionist Spying Equipment

22 Jul2024

BEIRUTJuly 22. 2024 (Saba) - The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, led by Hezbollah,announced on Monday, that it targeted the spying equipment at the Zionist monksite with appropriate weapons, and hit it directly.

TheIslamic Resistance in Lebanon said that its fighters also targeted the spyingequipment at the radar site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms withappropriate weapons, and hit it directly, which led to its destruction.

Thisafternoon, Monday, the Islamic Resistance targeted the Al-Malikiyah site withan offensive, attacking drone that hit one of its bunkers, which led to thedestruction of part of it and the outbreak of fire in it.

The warmedia in the Islamic Resistance published today, Monday, a new segment directedat the Zionist enemy army, entitled "You will not have any tanksleft."

Source: saba.ye

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Inaugurationevents & activities commemorating Imam Zaid martyrdom in capitalsecretariat

22 Jul2024

SANA'AJuly 22. 2024 (Saba) - The Women’s Awareness Department of the Guidance Officeand the General Administration of Women’s Development, in cooperation with theWomen’s Authority in the Capital Secretariat, launched on Monday activitiescommemorating the martyrdom of Imam Zaid bin Ali, peace be upon them, under theslogan “Insight and Jihad,” congratulating the qualitative military operationin occupied Jaffa.

At theinauguration, the Director of the Women’s Awareness Department at the GuidanceOffice, Hanan Al-Ezzi, reviewed aspects of the biography of Imam Zaid, hisrevolution against tyrants , oppressors, and the problems that faced therevolution of ally of the Qur’an and were a reason for the power of falsehood,including: court scholars, stagnation, establishing the culture of the obligationto obey the oppressors, and domesticating the nation to silence ,neutrality andformal affiliation to Islam

Al-Ezzicalled to imitate the revolutionary Imam, the ally of the Qur’an, in hisapproach, morals, and movement for the sake of God, and to sense responsibilitytowards religion , the nation’s issues, to support them, and to confront theenemies of Islam and Muslims.

Shepointed to the guidelines for commemorating this anniversary by holdingseminars , cultural and awareness-raising events in schools, directorates andneighborhoods, to strengthen the connection to faith identity , correct thefalse cultures , destructive ideas spread by the enemies of the nation, and thenecessity of telling the truth, confronting falsehood, and championing thenation’s issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian issue.

Source: saba.ye

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IslamicResistance Continues Targeting Israeli Occupation Sites near Lebanon Border

July 22, 2024

TheIslamic Resistance continued on Monday targeting the Israeli occupation sitesnear Lebanon border in support of Gaza against the Zionist genocidal war.

Hezbollahmilitary media issued consecutive statements which detail the attacks and theiroutcomes.

Thefirst statement confirmed that the Islamic Resistance fighters targetedAl-Malkiya site on Monday, 22-07-2024, with an assault drone that struck one ofits bunkers, causing partial destruction and igniting fire.

Thesecond statement affirmed that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted onMonday, 22-07-2024, at 5:45 p.m. the spy devices at Al-Radar occupation site inthe occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with appropriate weapons, hitting anddestroying them.

Thethird statement mentioned that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted onMonday, 22-07-2024, at 5:50 p.m. the spy equipment at Al-Raheb occupation sitewith appropriate weapons, hitting the target directly.

HezbollahMilitary Media released a video which echoes with the threat made by SecretaryGeneral Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah in Ashura speech that the Israeli occupationarmy will run out of tanks if it invades Lebanon.

Insupport of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support oftheir brave and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance carried outseveral operations against the sites and deployments of the “Israeli” enemyarmy on the Lebanese-Palestinian border on Sunday, 21-07-2024, as follows:

1. TheIslamic Resistance fighters targeted the settlement of Dafna with Katyusharockets in response to the “Israeli” enemy’s attacks that injured severalcivilians in the town of Adloun.

2. At13:24, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Al-Ramtha site in the occupiedLebanese hills of Kfar Shuba with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.

3. At14:08, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Al-Samaqa site in the occupiedLebanese hills of Kfar Shuba with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.

4. TheIslamic Resistance fighters launched an aerial operation with a squadron ofassault drones targeting the newly established enemy forces’ headquarters inthe settlement of Hanita, directly hitting a gathering point of soldiers,causing confirmed casualties including dead and injured, in response to the“Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the towns of Adloun and Houla.

5. TheIslamic Resistance fighters targeted the Northern Corps command headquarters atEin Zeitim base with Katyusha rockets, in response to the “Israeli” enemy’sattacks on the towns of Adloun and Houla.

6. TheIslamic Resistance fighters targeted Zar’it barracks with artillery shells inresponse to the “Israeli” enemy’s attack on the Lebanese army in Alma Al-Shaab.

Source: english.almanar.com.lb

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'Hesaved my children': Oman mosque shooting victims hailed as heroes

22 July,2024

Relativesof men who were killed when gunmen opened fire at a Shiite mosque in Oman said theysaved the lives of dozens of worshippers during the attack in which six peoplewere killed.

Familiessaid their relatives shielded children and carried people to safety despitebeing exposed to gunfire during the attack on the Ali bin Abi Talib Mosque inthe Wadi Al Kabir neighbourhood of Muscat on July 15.

Funeralswere held at the weekend in Pakistan, India and Oman for the six men who werekilled. Four were from Pakistan, one was Indian, and one was an Omanipoliceman.

Morethan 30 others were injured in the attack, which was claimed by ISIS.

'Hesaved my children'

ShahbazNawaz said his brother Sulaiman died saving the lives of several children.

Theirfamily of 15 were preparing to leave the mosque to drive to another nearbygathering on Monday night.

Sulaimanwas waiting with a group of children for cars to pull up near the women’ssection, when the gunmen opened fire just before 10.30pm.

“Sulaimanwas shot in the legs, waist and back, there were 10-12 bullets in his body.

“Hesaved my children and he saved other children waiting outside for theirparents,” said Shahbaz Nawaz after his younger brother’s funeral in Wazirabad,north of Lahore.

“When weheard the shooting, we tried to go there but there was too much firing.

“We wentback inside the mosque and found our children, Sulaiman managed to push themback into the mosque.”

Thefamily left the mosque on the morning of July 16 after security forces securedthe area and spent the day looking for Sulaiman.

“Weheard later that he was shaheed [martyred],” Mr Nawaz said.

“Thevolunteers tried to save him but he was shot at again and again when they triedto bring him into the mosque.”

Expertshave said the brutal attack had all the hallmarks of ISIS terrorists.

Omanpolice confirmed the gunmen were Omani brothers and investigations “indicatedthey were influenced by misguided ideas”.

TheNawaz family said they were shattered but would not bowed by fear.

“Mybrother was courageous, he gave up his life to save our children,” Mr Nawazsaid of Sulaiman.

“My brotherloved his family, always thought of others.

“Hewanted to work, save money so that our children would study and have a goodeducation.

“Ourfamily is beyond grief.

“Thiscannot stop us from praying, we will stay peaceful and keep going to pray.”

Died ahero

Thefamily of Sayyed Qaisar Abbas mourned his death in Faisalabad, west of Lahore.

Sayyed’swife was inside the mosque and his brother Saeed Shahbaz was working away fromMuscat when the attack took place.

Theyheard from volunteers and worshippers who were present during the attack howthe 40-year-old Pakistani dragged the injured to safety and gave water to thewounded who lay in the mosque car park.

“He dieda hero. He pulled children, dragged people in, shielded them with his body. Weheard this from people he saved,” said Mr Shahbaz. “He gave injured peoplewater.”

MrShahbaz said volunteers said his brother was soon spotted by the gunmenpositioned on the roof of nearby buildings.

“Therewere so many bullets in his body, he died on the spot,” he said.

“Whenthere is shooting, it’s normal to take shelter but he died bravely. It was inhis blood to help people.”

Sayyed,a lorry driver who has lived in Oman for more than 15 years, was among thevolunteers who guided people in the mosque and served them water.

Theattack has shocked residents but not shaken their faith in the government’sability to restore peace.

“He wasthe best brother, best husband and never did anyone any harm,” said Mr Shahbaz,also a lorry driver in Oman.

“Wedon’t have any strength after this.

“But weknow that Oman has a good government and security will be even strongernow."

'We mustlive in love'

Othersspoke of the bravery of Omani policeman Yousuf Al Nadabi, who died trying torescue worshippers.

TaussefBukhari, a Pakistani citizen who was shot during the attack, said he saw themoment the police officer was shot while attempting to rescue the injured.

MrBukhari also saved a child by pushing him out of harm's way before being shottwice.

“Ipushed the child into the car because I knew he would not be safe outside. Imanaged to crawl behind the cars but I was shot,” said Mr Bukhari, 31, whoworks for a manufacturing company in Muscat.

He, too,saw the Omani police officer shot when he drove up to rescue the injured.

“Therewere so many injured people, there was so much blood,” Mr Bukhari said.

Despitethe pain, he tried not to cry out so the gunmen would not target more people.

“I knewif I cry or yell, they will know where we are and they will fire more,” hesaid.

“I triednot to give away my position and let them know they had hit me.

“I triedto bear the pain but there was so much blood.”

He hasnow returned home after two operations to treat bullet wounds in his arm andleg.

Afterabout a week in hospital, Mr Bukhari is recovering at home and his message isone of peace.

“For thepeople who did this, I say that every person has the right to live, they cannotdecide who is worthy of living,” he said.

“Interfaithharmony is important.

“Parents,teachers and leaders must talk, discuss issues. We must live in love andbrotherhood and also let others live.”

Source: thenationalnews.com

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Arab World

Jeddah’sHistoric District celebrates 10 years on UNESCO World Heritage List

July 22,2024

JEDDAH:The Jeddah Historic District Program celebrated the 10th anniversary of thedistrict’s inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Thedistrict was inscribed on the list in 2014 in recognition of its outstandinguniversal value.

Accordingto a statement, the program oversaw the regeneration and preservation of thedistrict’s cultural and urban heritage, transforming it into a globaldestination aligned with Saudi Vision 2030.

HistoricJeddah spans an area of 2.5 sq. km along the Red Sea coast. Serving as a majorport for pilgrims arriving in Makkah and a hub for global trade routes betweenAsia and Africa since the 7th century, the district has been a center ofcultural and economic exchange for centuries.

Accordingto UNESCO’s criteria for inscribing the Historic Jeddah district on the WorldHeritage List, the area fulfills three key requirements — representing animportant interchange of human values over time, being an outstanding exampleof a type of building or architectural ensemble, and being directly associatedwith events, living traditions, or artistic works of outstanding universalsignificance.

Facingnumerous challenges, such as the need to save dilapidated buildings and improveinfrastructure while preserving the area’s historical and cultural character,the program has implemented various projects within the framework of theregeneration plan. These efforts have enriched the visitor experience andenhanced the district as an attractive tourist destination, according to thestatement.

TheJeddah Historic District Program has established four main pillars for thedistrict’s restoration efforts: intangible cultural heritage, archaeology andexcavation (the wall and historic gates), urban fabric (markets, squares, andstreets), and historic buildings (houses, mosques, and endowments).

Theprogram has also set standards for the preservation of the area’s heritage,including the use of traditional materials and the maintenance of originalbuilding heights.

Source: arabnews.com

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Saudifocuses on global economy at G20 development meeting

July 23,2024

RIYADH:Saudi Arabia’s Economy and Planning Minister Faisal bin Fadel Alibrahim hasbeen holding talks with officials from several nations on the state of theglobal economy at the G20 Development Ministerial Meeting in Brazil.

On thesidelines of the G20 meeting, which began on Monday and ends on July 24,Alibrahim held discussions with Brazil’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mauro Vieiraon the latter’s agenda while holding the presidency of the G20.

Theyalso discussed efforts to enhance cooperation in various sectors, includinginfrastructure, agribusiness and renewable energy, the Saudi Press Agencyreported on Tuesday.

Theminister also met with the Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment’s Secretary-General Mathias Cormann on regional and global economicdevelopments, and Saudi Arabia’s work with the OECD.

Inaddition, Alibrahim had discussions with Singapore’s Minister in the PrimeMinister’s Office and Second Minister for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs andthe Ministry of Education Mohamad Maliki Osman.

Theyfocused on ways to enhance relations including in the industrial, education,investment and financial sectors.

Source: arabnews.com

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Saudifarmer turns worm waste into wealth in innovative move

July 22,2024

RIYADH:A Saudi farmer has developed a technique that transforms a common garden nuisanceinto a useful resource.

MohammedAl-Shaer, of Al-Dhafir village in Baha, has established a thrivingvermicomposting operation on his farm, producing high-quality organicfertilizer from earthworms, according to a report by the Saudi Press Agency.

Al-Shaer’sventure began approximately a year ago with a simple setup: a single5-meter-long, 60 cm-high tank housing roughly 2,000 worms. The worms were fed adiet of dry leaves, organic waste, and food scraps and were closely monitoredfor four months, yielding over 300 kg of nutrient-rich compost and a tenfoldincrease in their population.

“Throughextensive field trials and research into global best practices, I have gainedinsights into worm behavior, needs, and breeding techniques,” Al-Shaerexplained in an interview with the SPA. His operation has since expanded tofour tanks, producing enough vermicompost to fertilize roughly 250 trees on hisproperty.

Thebenefits of this organic fertilizer are manifold. It accelerates plant growth,enhances fruit production, and improves overall soil health.

Al-Shaeradded: “The worms naturally enhance soil quality, optimize nutrient cycling forcrops, and develop sound agricultural practices to enhance the production offruits and vegetables.”

Lookingahead, the farmer aims to scale up his project to develop it into acomprehensive operation that produces large quantities of worm compost.

He alsointends to raise awareness about this ecofriendly practice among fellow farmersthrough agricultural festivals in Saudi Arabia, encouraging his contemporariesto use organic fertilizer as an alternative to chemical fertilizers, which canharm soil, plants, and human health.

Localofficials, notably Fahd Al-Zahrani, director general of the branch of theMinistry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in Baha, have expressed supportfor the proposal.

Dr.Lubna Saad, an associate professor of applied nutrition at Al-Baha University,emphasized the scientific benefits of vermicomposting, describing it as apotent mixture of worm castings and processed organic matter.

“Theseworms consume most of the organic inputs, transforming them into vermicompost,”Saad said in an interview with the SPA.

“Theresulting material is then sifted and filtered, producing a ready-to-usefertilizer suitable for all types of agricultural fields. It significantlyenhances the soil’s ability to absorb and retain water.”

Farmersparticipating in the recent Khayrat Al-Baha Festival praised Al-Shaer’sinitiative, noting improvements in their crop quality after using organicfertilizer, the SPA reported.

Source: arabnews.com

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Saudiminister meets Swiss ambassador to Riyadh

July 22,2024

RIYADH:Saudi Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Dr. Saud Al-Sati met Switzerland’sambassador to the Kingdom, Yasmine Chatila, in Riyadh on Monday.

Duringthe meeting, they reviewed bilateral relations and issues of common interest,the Foreign Ministry reported on X.

Meanwhile,the Arab League’s assistant secretary-general and head of the internationalpolitical affairs sector, Dr. Khaled Manzlawiy, met Iraq’s permanentrepresentative to the league, Qahtan Taha Janabi, in Cairo, the Saudi PressAgency reported.

Source: arabnews.com

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SaudiReal Estate Registry clinches prestigious Esri GIS Award

July 22,2024

RIYADH:The Saudi Real Estate Registry has been honored with the 2024 SpecialAchievement in GIS (SAG) Award, presented by the Environmental Systems ResearchInstitute (Esri), the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Theaccolade, awarded at the international Esri User Conference in the US,recognizes the registry’s innovative application of geographic informationsystem technology.

Accordingto the SPA, Mohammed Al-Sulaiman, CEO of the Saudi Real Estate Registry,received the award from Esri CEO Jack Dangermond, highlighting theorganization’s exceptional use of spatial technologies and AI-supportedgeospatial data predictive analysis. The registry has developed a detailedgeospatial map of Saudi Arabia’s real estate using ArcGIS and Esritechnologies.

“Thisaward confirms our world-class implementation of GIS technologies,” Al-Sulaimansaid. “It supports our vision of creating a comprehensive real estate registryfor all property data and information in the Kingdom, with geospatial surveyingas the foundation for property registration.”

Sinceits inception, the Real Estate Registry has employed a range of advancedtechnologies in executing geospatial operations, including drones, digitalgeospatial solutions and systems, remote sensing, AI and satellite-based GPS,the SPA reported.

Theregistry aims to produce a reliable and updated real estate map, the first ofits kind in the Kingdom, covering more than 100,000 sq. km of urban areas,encompassing 8 million plots and generating 5,000 terabytes of data.

Al-Sulaimansaid that the initiative will enhance transparency and reliability in the realestate sector, ensuring its sustainability, and boosting its investment appealand contribution to Saudi Arabia’s gross domestic product, in line with thegoals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Source: arabnews.com

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Saudi,North Macedonia to strengthen Islamic affairs cooperation

July 22,2024

RIYADH:The Kingdom and North Macedonia have signed an agreement to strengthencooperation on Islamic affairs, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Monday.

The pactwas inked by Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Albania Faisal bin Ghazi Hefzi andrepresentatives of the Presidency of the Islamic Union of North Macedonia.

Hefzialso serves as non-resident ambassador to North Macedonia, and was representingthe Kingdom’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance.

In apress statement after the signing ceremony, Hefzi said the Kingdom supports allefforts to ensure peace and prosperity for Muslims worldwide.

Thesigning ceremony took place on Sunday in the Macedonian capital, Skopje, andwas attended by various government representatives.

Source: arabnews.com

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KSreliefdelivers essential aid to thousands in Syria and Sudan

July 22,2024

DUBAI:Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian agency KSrelief has delivered food and other aid tothousands of vulnerable people in Syria and Sudan.

Inoperations carried out on Friday in the Idlib region of Syria, KSreliefdistributed 1,078 food baskets and hygiene kits for 6,468 individuals, theSaudi Press Agency reported on Sunday.

This wasa part of the second phase of a project aimed at supporting people affected bythe 2024 earthquake in northern Syria.

Also onFriday, in the northern state of Sudan, KSrelief provided 600 shelter bags for3,450 individuals as a part of an ongoing aid project.

Bothefforts reflect Saudi Arabia’s commitment, through KSrelief, to supportvulnerable people worldwide, the SPA reported.

Source: arabnews.com

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South Asia

FazlurRehman: Taliban to revise curriculum to foster positive Afghan perception ofPakistan

July 23,2024

MaulanaFazlur Rehman, leader of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam party in Pakistan, has statedthat the Taliban are working on a new educational curriculum aimed at fosteringa positive perception of Pakistan among the people of Afghanistan.

Mr.Rehman mentioned that this new mindset would be based on principles ofbrotherhood, Islamic beliefs, and neighborly relations. He noted that previousAfghanistan governments promoted a negative view of Pakistan.

In aninterview with Radio Mashaal, Rehman reported that since the Taliban came topower in August 2021, people who supported and were sympathetic to Pakistanfaced difficulties from the community. This was evident during largeanti-Taliban protests in Kabul inSeptember 2021, which coincided with the visit of General Faiz Hameed, Chief ofMilitary Intelligence of Pakistan, where protesters chanted anti-Pakistanslogans.

Rehmancited the Taliban’s own reports, stating that when the group came to power,they faced significant challenges from the community due to their close tieswith Pakistan. He mentioned that during his visit to Afghanistan, Talibanofficials extensively discussed the changes to the educational curriculum withhim.

Previously,the Taliban’s Ministry of Education had announced that the curriculum forAfghanistan schools up to the sixth grade has been “revised.” Details about thenew curriculum developed by the Taliban are still limited.

ManzoorAhmad Hamza, spokesperson for the Taliban’s Ministry of Education, said thatlessons conflicting with Afghanistan culture and Islamic law have been removedfrom the curriculum.

The introductionof a revised curriculum reflects the Taliban’s efforts to reshape educationalcontent in line with their ideological and political goals. As the newcurriculum is implemented, it will be important to monitor its impact oneducational standards and cross-border relations.

Thebroader implications of these changes will likely influence the dynamicsbetween Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as the international community’sperception of the Taliban’s governance and policies.

Source: khaama.com

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EducationMinister Unveils Six Educational Projects Worth Over 122 Million AFN in Balkh


KABUL(BNA):The Acting Minister of Education Mawlawi Habibullah Agha inaugurated six neweducational projects worth over 122 million Afghanis during his visit to Balkhprovince.

In apress release, the ministry detailed that these projects include theAl-Muhtadoon Madrasa building in Mazar-e-Sharif city, costing 35 million AFN;the Hanifa al-Bayda Madrasa building in Nahr-e-Shahi district, costing 11million AFN; the Hasan bin Ali Radhi Madrasa building in Mazar-e-Sharif city,costing 4 million AFN; the High School of Air Blocks building in Mazar-e-Sharifcity, costing 38.4 million AFN; the Mahjuba Herawi Primary School building inMazar-e-Sharif, costing 25.7 million AFN; and the Mullah Afghan Middle Schoolbuilding in Marmal district, costing 8.3 million AFN.

TheActing Minister of Education instructed the officials and staff of theprovincial education department to treat the country’s children well, withoutany discrimination, and to educate them with an Islamic spirit and a commitmentto sincere service to the nation.

Thepress release also mentioned that during his visit, the Acting Minister laidthe foundation stone for the Balkh High Darul Uloom in Balkh district, with acost of 5 million Afghanis.

It isworth noting that these educational institutions were constructed with thefinancial support of collaborating organizations in the education sector.

Source: bakhtarnews.af

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Foreignministry strongly condemns Zionist regime’s air raid on Hudaydah port

July 23,2024

TheMinistry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan stronglycondemns air raids by the Zionist regime on Hudaydah port in the Republic ofYemen, resulting in civilian casualties. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of theIslamic Emirate calls on international organizations and influential countriesto halt crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza and the region so that thesecrimes and atrocities not lead to more casualties and destruction in theregion.

Source: thekabultimes.com

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Handicraftsexhibition held in Bamyan

July 23,2024

KABUL: Afive-day handicrafts exhibition under the theme of ‘Ganjina’, has been held inthe central province of Bamyan, the state-run Bakhtar News Agency reportedMonday. The exhibition was attended by a large number of government officialsand industrialists, the agency said. According to the statement, scores ofstalls of domestic products including some booths for women, have beenshowcased their products in the exhibition. Mawlavi Abdullah Sarhadhi, thegovernor of Bamyan, called the holding of such programs an important step inthe direction of the development and support of handicrafts in the country.Emphasizing national unity and integration among people, Mawlavi Sarhadhi askedthe industrialists to work for the prosperity of the country and assured themthat the Islamic Emirate would support them with all its strength. The KabulTimes

Source: thekabultimes.com

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1,500sheep killed in mountain fall in Badakhshan, Afghanistan

July 23,2024

Localofficials in Badakhshan province report that over 1,500 sheep have been killedafter falling from a mountain in the Nasi district of the province.

ZabihullahAmiri, the head of the Information and Culture Department of the Badakhshan,announced in a statement that the incident occurred on Sunday night, July 21,in a mountainous area covering the villages of Ki, Kaj-Dara, and Shorian in theNasi district.

Thestatement also mentioned that the loss of this flock has caused approximately20 million Afghanis in damage to the local residents.

Accordingto Amiri, the sheep panicked due to the threat of wolves and fell from a heightof 400 meters in the darkness of the night.

Localofficials have emphasized that they have visited the site for furtherinvestigation, and no one has been arrested in connection with the incident.

Thisincident highlights the ongoing challenges faced by livestock farmers in theregion, compounded by recent severe weather conditions. The authorities areexpected to continue their efforts to mitigate such risks and provide supportto affected communities.

As theregion recovers from this loss, there will likely be calls for improvedmeasures to protect livestock and address the impacts of environmental andanimal welfare issues.

Source: khaama.com

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Pakistanitroops kill three militants at Afghanistan border

July 23,2024

ThePakistani military announced that it had neutralized three militants who wereattempting to cross from Afghanistan into Pakistan.

Theincident occurred on Monday, July 22, in the border area of the Dir district inKhyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

In astatement, the Pakistani military called on the Taliban administration toprevent militants from entering Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Thestatement read: “We expect our neighboring country [Afghanistan] to fulfill itscommitments and prevent terrorists from using Afghanistan’s territory toconduct terrorist activities in Pakistan.”

Previously,the Pakistani military had pointed to an attack by forces loyal to Gul Bahadur,a commander of the Pakistani Taliban, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which resulted inthe deaths of eight soldiers. The military indicated that this group is basedin Afghanistan.

ThePakistani military has warned that it will take necessary actions in responseto threats emanating from Afghanistan. In May of this year, the militaryreported the killing of 29 militants along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

Theongoing cross-border militancy poses a significant challenge to regionalstability and underscores the complex security dynamics in the region.Continued cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan is critical toeffectively addressing these security threats.

Internationalobservers and stakeholders are urging both countries to engage in constructivedialogue to prevent further escalation and to tackle the root causes ofmilitancy collaboratively.

Thesituation remains volatile, and coordinated efforts will be essential to ensurelong-term peace and security in the border areas.

Source: khaama.com

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Nearly4,000 Afghan migrants deported from Iran and Pakistan

July 22,2024

TheMinistry of Refugees and Repatriation has reported the deportation of nearlyfour thousand Afghan migrants from Iran and Pakistan.

OnMonday, July 22, the Ministry announced that 3,775 Afghan migrants had beenexpelled from Iran and Pakistan.

TheMinistry’s statement notes that the expelled individuals entered the country onJuly 21 through the Torkham, Spin Boldak, Islam Qala Herat, and Silk bordercrossings.

Accordingto border management information from the mentioned provinces, 40 families,totaling 231 individuals, returned through the Torkham border; 58 families,totaling 275 individuals, returned through the Spin Boldak border fromPakistan; 1,329 individuals came through the Islam Qala border in Herat; and1,940 individuals from Iran returned via the Silk border in Nimroz.

Recently,both Pakistan and Iran have expedited the expulsion of Afghan migrants who donot have legal residency documents in these countries. Despite reactionsregarding the expulsion of Afghan migrants, Pakistan has continued the processof deportation.

Theplight of Afghan migrants has become increasingly dire as they face the dualchallenges of displacement and the harsh conditions of their return. Many arearriving in Afghanistan with limited resources and support, exacerbating analready difficult situation.

Thisinflux of returnees places additional strain on local resources andinfrastructure, compounding the humanitarian crisis in the region. Theinternational community’s response to this crisis will be crucial in addressingthe immediate needs of these individuals and supporting their reintegrationinto Afghan society.

Source: khaama.com

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Southeast Asia

EducationMinistry says no exemptions over ban against school donations from tobacco,alcohol sponsors

23 Jul2024

KUALALUMPUR, July 23 — Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek reportedly said today thatno exemptions will be given for schools to receive funds from tobacco oralcohol sponsors.

Shereportedly said that her minister would also not review the guidelines, andurged all schools to adhere to them.

“Myadvice is to follow the guidelines. Schools must ensure that the responsibilityis with the administrators to ascertain that everything runs smoothly,” she wasquoted saying by Malaysiakini.

She saidthis would also apply to vernacular schools.

“I wishto stress again that schools belong to the community,” she reportedly said.

“Wewelcome all contributions. But we will help [with regard to the guidelines]including those parties who wish to donate so that it is in line with ourguidelines.”

Yesterday,the Ministry of Education said it would investigate a SJK(C) in Sepang whichwas said to receive donations from beer brand Tiger Beer.

Fadhlinasaid today that her ministry would be “providing guidance” to said school.

Malaysiakiniwrote that the circular over donations to school was instituted in March 2018under the then Barisan Nasional administration.

It alsoreported that Chinese school have received funding from companies, includingbreweries, for decades — but the issue came under spotlight due to a recentcharity event in the Sepang school.

It wasrecently reported that Deputy Minister of Housing and Local Government DatukAiman Athirah Sabu had attended an event by a SJK(C )in Sungai Pelek, which isin her constituency.

One ofthe sponsors of the event was Tiger Beer — arguably the country’s biggest beerbrand, manufactured by Heineken Malaysia Bhd.

The movewas then criticised by Islamist party PAS for allegedly “normalising” alcoholconsumption.

Source: malaymail.com

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Fahmitells WhatsApp, Telegram to be more responsible amid complaints of sexualgrooming, p*rn and scams

23 Jul2024

KUALALUMPUR, July 23 — Communication Minister Fahmi Fadzil today told messagingproviders such as WhatsApp and Telegram to crack down on criminal activities ontheir platforms.

He saidthis is to ensure a safer space for Malaysians to use, especially parents andteachers, amid complaints of sexual grooming, p*rnography distribution andonline scams.

“Thereare many applications that are used such as WhatsApp and Telegram, we foundthat D11 from the police informed us that the WhatsApp application is widelymisused for the sexual grooming of children.

“At thesame time, Telegram was also misused before to upload p*rnography videos. Wealso get many complaints from ministers and former ministers who get messagesfrom scammers,” he told reporters after an event here.

Fahmisaid this matter falls under the scrutiny of the Malaysian Communications andMultimedia Commission (MCMC), to ensure a safer internet.

“Theseplatforms need to be more responsible,” he said.

“If theyrefuse to ensure that their platforms are free from criminal elements, we needto ensure that they comply with the laws of our country.”

Based onD11’s statistics provided to Malay Mail in January, out of a total of 18,326child victims of nine different types of sexual crimes in Malaysia reported topolice in 2018 to November 30, 2023, half of those victims or 9,203 victimswere aged 13 to 15, while nearly a quarter or 4,354 victims were aged 16 to 18.

InMarch, Deputy Home Minister Datuk Seri Shamsul Anuar Nasarah told Dewan Negarathat a total of 34,497 cases of online scams involving losses of RM1.218billion were reported nationwide in 2023.

Source: malaymail.com

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FederalCourt dismisses Bangladeshi’s appeal to reduce sentence for girlfriend’s murder


PUTRAJAYA:The Federal Court today dismissed the appeal of a Bangladeshi man who sought toreduce his 35-year prison sentence for the murder of his Filipino girlfriend.

Thethree-member panel, including Court of Appeal President Tan Sri Abang IskandarAbang Hashim and Federal Court judges Datuk Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal and DatukAbdul Karim Abdul Jalil, upheld the sentence and 12 strokes of the cane imposedon Md Masud Rana.

“Thereis no merit in this appeal. We find the sentence passed by the Court of Appealis adequate and not manifestly excessive,“ said Justice Abang Iskandar.

On Sept27, last year, the Court of Appeal commuted the death sentence imposed on MdMasud to 35 years imprisonment and 12 strokes of the cane for killing CondoLiezyl Ponce at his rented room on Jalan Beladau 26, Taman Puteri Wangsa, UluTiram, Johor Bahru, between 4 am and 6.40 am on Dec 23, 2016.

MdMasud’s court-appointed counsel Bustaman Menon Abdul Hamid Menon, contendedthat the murder occurred after a fight between the couple, describing it as acrime of passion fueled by alcohol and jealousy.

Bustamanalso argued that the sentence was manifestly excessive and that the murder wasnot premeditated.

Deputypublic prosecutor Zulkpli Abdullah countered that the 35-year jail term is anadequate sentence considering the brutal nature of the crime, emphasising thedeceased sustained 40 incisions as well as seven slashes that penetrated herskull.

“Theappeal against the sentence reminds me of the Malay proverb “Diberi betishendak peha” (Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile). He should be gratefulhis death sentence was commuted to a custodial sentence,” he said.

MdMasud, a 40-year-old labourer, was found guilty by the High Court on Oct 10,2019, of killing his 28-year-old girlfriend.

Hewithdrew his appeal in the Court of Appeal against the murder conviction butcontinued to challenge his death sentence in light of the Abolition ofMandatory Death Penalty Act 2023.

Enactedlast year, this Act abolished the mandatory death penalty and gives the courtdiscretion to impose either the death penalty or imprisonment for a term of notless than 30 years and not exceeding 40 years.

On Sept27 last year, the Court of Appeal commuted his death sentence to a 35-year jailterm and 12 strokes of the cane.

Source: thesun.my

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Sixformer UPNM students sentenced to death for Zulfarhan’s murder


PUTRAJAYA:The Court of Appeal today imposed the death sentence on six former students ofUniversiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) for the murder of Navy CadetOfficer Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain seven years ago.

Thesentence was meted out after a three-judge panel led by Judge Datuk HadhariahSyed Ismail, allowed the prosecution’s cross-appeal to reinstate Section 302 ofthe Penal Code initially faced by all the accused.

Theaccused are Muhammad Akmal Zuhairi Azmal, Muhammad Azamuddin Mad Sofi, MuhammadNajib Mohd Razi, Muhammad Afif Najmudin Azahat, Mohamad Shobirin Sabri, andAbdoul Hakeem Mohd Ali.

Deliveringthe unanimous decision, Judge Hadhariah stated that the High Court judge haderred in amending the original murder charge under Section 302 of the PenalCode to Section 304 (a) of the Penal Code.

“Therefore,the court allows the prosecution’s appeal to set aside the amended charge andreinstate Section 302 of the Penal Code,“ she said, sitting alongside JudgesMohamed Zaini Mazlan and Datuk Azmi Ariffin.

In herruling, Judge Hadhariah stated that the court found the five defendants hadtaken turns pressing a steam iron on the entire body of the deceased(Zulfarhan), including his private parts, while Abdul Hakeem was complicit ininciting and instructing the five defendants to do so.

“Therefore,we unanimously decide that a single sentence is appropriate for all sixdefendants, and they shall be taken to a place of execution where they will besentenced to death by hanging.

“Thus,the court overturns the 18-year prison sentence imposed by the High Court onthe six defendants and replaces it with the death sentence,“ said the judge.

Initially,Muhammad Akmal, Muhammad Azamuddin, Muhammad Najib, Muhammad Afif, and MohamadShobirin faced murder charges under Section 302 of the Penal Code, whichprovides for a mandatory death penalty upon conviction.

Whereas,Abdoul Hakeem was charged as an accomplice under Section 109 of the same Code,which also carries a mandatory death penalty.

TheKuala Lumpur High Court had then found all six defendants guilty of causinginjury to Zulfarhan with intent but without the intention to kill, underSection 304 (a) of the Penal Code, which provides for imprisonment of up to 30years and a fine if the act was committed with the intent to cause death.

All ofthem were accused of committing the acts in a room at the Jebat Hostel block,UPNM, between 4.45 am and 5.45 am on May 22, 2017.

Zulfarhanpassed away at the Serdang Hospital on June 1, 2017.

Meanwhile,the three-judge panel overturned the three-year prison sentences imposed on 12other former students of the same university for injuring Zulfarhan to fouryears of imprisonment.

The 12are Mohd Hafiz Fauzan Ismail, Mohamad Lukhmanul Hakim Mohd Zain, Ahmad ShafwanBerdal, Muhammad Amirul Asraff Mala, Luqman Hakim Shamsuri Agus, Muhammad SufiMohd Mustapha, Noriznan Izzairi Noor Azhar, Muhamad Ashraf Abdullah, MuhammadDanial Firdaus Azmir, Muhammad Hasif Ismail, Muhammad Adib Iman Fuad Ady Sani,and Mohamad Syazwan Musa.

Theywere found guilty of deliberately causing injury to Zulfarhan to obtain aconfession that he had stolen a laptop and were charged under Section 330 ofthe Penal Code, which provides for a maximum penalty of seven years in prisonand a fine, upon conviction.

All ofthem, now aged 28, were accused of committing the acts in two rooms at theJebat Hostel block, UPNM, between May 21 and 22, 2017.

Source: thesun.my

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‘Study,Study, Study’: Jokowi on Children’s Day

July 23,2024

Jakarta.President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is telling all kids across the archipelago tostudy hard as Indonesia celebrates National Children’s Day.

Jokowiheaded to the easternmost province of Papua for the National Children’s Day onTuesday. Speaking to reporters after the celebrations, Jokowi said he had amessage for all Indonesian children. According to Jokowi, it is important tonurture not only intelligence in children but also moral and ethical qualities.

“Movingforward, we need to really prepare our children so that they are not only smartand intelligent individuals. They should also become knowledgeable and peopleof character,” Jokowi told the press.

Jokowiended the brief interview with a message for Indonesian children that isreminiscent of his “work, work, work” motto in his first speech as presidentback in 2014.

“Study,study, study,” Jokowi, who is set to retire this October, said.

Indonesiasaw declining scores in the latest edition of the Programme for InternationalStudent Assessment (PISA), which assesses a country’s 15-year-olds’ scholasticperformance in reading, mathematics, and science.

In 2022,Indonesian students scored 359 in reading, down from 371 in the 2018 PISA.Indonesia’s average mathematics score dropped from 379 in 2018 to 366 in 2022.Indonesia also reported a decline in science performance as the average15-year-olds scored 383 in 2022, down from 396 in 2018.

Indonesia’sPISA average performance is still far behind the economies belonging to therich-country club Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).Data showed that students in OECD countries scored an average of 472 points inmathematics. OECD’s average performance in reading and science stood at 476 and485 points, respectively.

Indonesiais home to 270.2 million people, according to the 2020 national census. About10.88 percent of the population is classified as Post-Gen Z, namely people bornin 2013 and beyond. This means that they should now be around 11 years old oryounger.

Source: jakartaglobe.id

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