Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1984, p. 16 (2024)

PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1984, WFITBY FREE PRESSCONTEMPORAR'Y LIVING4,t4e144 1i), erdtr401mw e'1iÎ#0C0 ,Arc you'attractive*outgolng*self-confident@able to attract othersIf mot you need...PERSONALIZED COLOURCONSULTATIONtosweek ~99INCLUDES SWATCHES, MAKE-UPAND WARDROBE ADVICESATISFACTION GUARANTEEDby appolntment 668-4186Whltby Mail 1-552-7377 TrOLL FREEPlanning to remodet your kit-chen? Don't tesr out your oIdcabinetat t's messy, Incon-ventent and time consumnIngand youIl be throwtng awayhundreda of dollars of youroriginal tnvestment. R.B.P'srevolutionary system retainsthe original framework. Wellchange only the doors anddrawer fronts and replace alhardware.Y~y1Exposed surfaces arecovered wth maintenance-fres Formica. Choose fromnover slxty styles and cotours.Our vartous iitchen linesrange from economny >0 theiuxury look of oak paneldCors., Enjoy a beautIfutcustom ktchen at an affor-dabte price. Cati us today fora f ree estimate withoutobigation.KITCEN MGICr-.., Oshawa, Ont. 728-5310R8246LA CONTESSAFINISHING TOUCHES18 flow doing porcelain&acrylio nailsSPECIAI. Va OIFIFfor a full set of nailsMake your appoin-tment now for yournew nails.or for a newhairstyle designedespeclally for you.LA CONTIESSAHAIR SALON119 Green St., Whîtby9 Green St. 6689262iltbyABOUTPatricia McClintonCanada's miIk is the safesiin the world(N)- TIhe mil1k su pp ly i nCanalai is otne- tf the saîfestin the worid. The milk istested an the farm ht-fiîre itis even pit-kec u p. It is thentested ut the dairy tcî deter-mine such things as fatemn-tent. bauterial level. thtepresenve of anti bittit-s andpesticides.Rigid con trolsAt the dairy. the. mitk iskept under rigid etintroisthrough ail processts,,.When the milk arrives, it isweighed and rneaîsured.The milk then gutes thrcîugha cutling unit where itstemperature is stahiiized alittie beic>w 40C.It gces thrcîugh ai stand-ardizing riarifier whichclarifies tlAw miik and rt--mcwes scime miik fit. Scîmemnilk is tht-n hom*ocgenized.The miik is heated ta 57'The htîmcgenizer forces themiik paist a pressure pointut high velocity whichbreaks up the fat partielesintc minute partit-les anddisperses them evt-niythrîîughout the milk.Trhe resi if the mi lk issep-arated tcî make variauscreams and skim miik.'Tht-se products may aisci hehormogenated. Ail the miikand cream is then pasteu-STAY FIT WITHrized. "he rnilk is heated to721C foîr 16 seconds andcoied rapidiy to 4'C. T7hispro(-ess destroys a nydisease-producing hacteriaand irnproves the keepingquality by redueing thenumber of' miik-sourîinghacteria.T'he milk then flows iritcinsuiak'd hulk tanks readyfîor packaging. It is pack-aged in steriiized hotties,cartons or poiyethythenebags. 'he miik is kept re-frigerated un til1 deliivered txîthe store.Care of Milk in theHome*Refrigerate ut four de-gree., celci us as soon as pos-sih.le after purehase.e Use hefcire the "hest he-fo)re" date printed on thecontainer.e Freezing oif dairy prod-ucts is generaliy not recomn-mnended. Aithough there islittie nutrient 1055. (changesini flavor and texture rnayoccur. Don't freeze m-ilk formore than three weeks andthaw in the refrigerator.MliIk may separate but mnix-ing returns it to lits normalstate.Patricia McClinton,M.Sc., R. P.Dt., is anutri-tion communicationsspecialist employed bythe Dairy Bureau ofCanada.FASIIION FUNMake it yourselfCrochet with ribbons -an impressive baby, bonnetto make(N )- 1I1'.%.u kna(w 1icw tiicrocthet vwhynont trv, it withribbions? Its vt-y*eas.v tacare iwi. and a lot <of* [undnoing. 'l'he iiaiiy'in *vaut- iteéwil 1(() k etauIîrBaby bonnet(six months to one year)MaterialsOffray -ibiiin: 1 8" - 100<\iiits \White (2.i yar-deut-h Pink t(15m aindi [lotPink (156): 1i'2 va tîciAppie(;i-en 50î: 4 8"-92 \-udsAppie (Geen (.550Size l croîc-het hocik, ar sizet-qui rd l'or gatuge-Size I16 steel ItaîpestrY n eecteeGauge1ilnSc. M - rowsNotes. 1)o not hesitaîite tachange hna)k size as nec(-(ita achieve gatugi-. When'c rkii g, kcep ilibn fiat:do loft atlaow it ta twist.I nst ructio nsWith white, staîiting aitneck -k egi(-h 17 fi o bac-k.Row 1: Se in secuond c-hfi-t im h îî k aind in catch c-hc-russ: 16 sc. Ch 1- t tom.Row 2: S.- i n eacih sc-russ. C-h 1. tut-n.Rows 3 through 15: R(e1rtîw .%')At nd tif Jlomw15, finish tiff.Mairk this î-îw [tir top.,'I'hrc-auli ribisîn endi intcî ta-p-stir -vnec(-die-, wc-aîvein.aîndl<tt(t f î-îîvs ti svcurc-. Jttinwhite with a st st att eitheýr<tim ertof'stauri i n gch a in.SC-in eaieh raw up side tîtop ( 15st->; se in vach se aîcrîîss top(16 se>; se in eau-h raw dawnsie to ,;tirting -hain (15se>: Vtu shouid now haive46se; <h 1.- turn.Crcîwn anti Sides:Row 1: Se a-r lsal 46 se.<-h 1, turn. Rep )Raw 1 until('rown aind Sides piee mea-sure-s 4 1/ - P.)1Doflot finish off.Turn work sci that neekedge- is kit toIp.Neck Edging:Row 1: Se in each rcîwaicîng side, dee-reusing :î stseven ly spac-ed; se in eacWh-cut buek, deereasi ng 2 sts ev-eniy sJ)at(ed; se in eaeh rcîwalicng oppo)isite '.ide, de-crtasing, 3 sts eveniyspaîccci: ch 3. tut-n.Row 2 (beading row):1,- skij next sc. hdc in nextsc.:t-cp frtrn * airu und: ch 1,-tu n.Row 3: Sc- in <'uc(-h*<'h-ispac aurttsD(I) n ot finishFi-t)int Ruffit'St- in first se along fro-(ntc-dIge <f bnnctt;t-h 3. do- inbaise t)If ch: *2 de in ntxt sïe:rep [t cm * aitrt ss ftînt c-dgc'co -n) 2sc in hdc- si) attîp-site- cndl.1"i nish atT. weavc-in endis.Ri bbon TrimIbîlcd hc tnnc'-t with tight sidt'1t-cng aind i t n ru fflc aittttj). ('ut Pink aînd Hcot %ikribîin inti 18" Ic'ngths.\Vith îi bbim thi-caid ed intîtt ai 115t r v mcd c.wcav ehi ncdi n i-utle in -îîl<îr 5se-quece ais flbi Pink,HotI Pink. Apple- (reen. HotPink, Pink. lie<' tar'ful tiikeep jîribbmî i irn mtwisting.With sc'w-iing threaîid, an-c-h (irc'aîch endlti îih se-c-urc-ly. "imn. ('ut Ajppl-G;rcn 3 8" ribîn intît twctI-yaird pee.Hoilding tii-gthi-r. weanve thrîîughhc-aiding [ir ncck tie. Trirncnds umndiagonaîl.Optitînail: Baby 1bîînne(tmaiv he ined, if desirt'd.l'or mo re information.plcasic-onttact th<' CHSNAoffice. 16,59 Bayc'ivi- Av'..Suîie 101, Torontt. (Ontario)M4-1:icîi.' *Pp - rP- *V V 'q - ~- -__---m__-q%** Over 500 popular f rame styles ITir!lo',*Custom framîng* Needepoint stretchingt hoir* Matboard, Glass* PI CTURE FRAMES' FOR MENWASII-CUT -STYLEFor prompt f riendly service caîl now CMLT EM'5*Sun ~ 82 Fost r. h 666-2244su"ar Whl-rotbDr. 9WBon acord Ave.WWhltbyWECARRY EVERYTHING FROMCONCEPTION TO 12 YEABSJuIy & -Augusi HoursMondays 9:30-5:30 p.m.Tues. & Wed. 9:30-9:00 p.m.Thurs. 9:30-9:30 p.m.Fri. 9:30-5:30 p.m.Closed SaturdaysNEW,& ALMOST NEWRENTALS AVAILABLE216 DUNDIAS ST. E.6-13WHITBY 6 m13ANED-DRAPERIES-& DECORATING CENTREExPerts In custom-mado draperies and valences, blinds of ait types,wallpapers and matching fabrcs. FREE In-Home Estimates.SAL 1//2L ½PRICE* CUSTOM MADE VERTICAL BLINDS- (QUALITY FABRIC)SHEERS s9951IYD.Excellent Prices, Quality & WorkmanshiP11 2/SIFACOE ST. N. 433-1164,ALOETTEHOME SHOWSGREAT HOSTESS BENEFITSSPECIALIZI NGIN SKIN CARE,CONTAININGALOE VERA GELFABULOUSFACE COLOURCOLLECTIONBOOK NOW! FOR SUMMERSPECIALSFOR INFORMATION CALL.579-1 949..becauss your appearance says so much about you,,



Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1984, p. 16 (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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