How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (2024)


Filing GSTR-3B return might sound like a daunting task, but TallyPrime will make your journey as easy as possible. Based on your business preferences, you can file your GSTR-3B using TallyPrime in three convenient ways.

GSTR-3Bis a declaration form that has to be filed every month by a regular dealer on theGSTN portal.If you are a regular dealer, then you have to use form GSTR-3B to declare the summary of your GSTliabilitiesand ITCfor a certain period of time. TallyPrime will help you fileyour GSTR-3B in the following three ways.

Generate JSON file using TallyPrime and upload on the portal

This method fits in perfectly with the regular course of your business. You only have to record your GST transactions in TallyPrime, as usual, and the relevant details will be reflected seamlessly in the GSTR-3B report in TallyPrime. After that, you can export the details to a JSON file and upload it to the portal.Aseasy as that! All your GST data from TallyPrime will appear seamlessly on the portal.

Generate JSON file using GST Offline Tooland upload on the portal

Instead of directly generating a JSON file from TallyPrime, you can also make use of the GST Offline Tool provided by the portal. In this method, you have to export your GSTR-3Bdetails from TallyPrime in the MS Excel or CSV format, and then import the file into the GST Offline Tool. Then youcanexport thedetails from the GST Offline Toolto a JSON file and upload it to the portal.

File GSTR-3B directly on the portal

If you do not wish to file your return using a JSON file, then you can also file your GSTR-3Bdirectly on the portal.In this method, you can easilycopy the details from the GSTR-3B report in TallyPrime and paste it in the respective sections on the portal.Alternatively, you can alsofill the details manually by referring to the values in TallyPrime.

File GSTR-3B Using theJSON FileGenerated fromTallyPrime

Onceyou have verified your GSTR-3B, you can easily share these details with the tax department. You only have to export the details in the required format, and upload it on the portal. All your GST data from TallyPrime will appear seamlessly on the portal.

I. Generate JSON file using TallyPrime

  1. In the GSTR-3B report, pressAlt+E(Export) >GST Returns.
    TheExport GSTR-3Bscreen will open, where you can select the required period and company or tax registration. You also have the option to switch the view toGSTR-1, if needed.
  2. Select thetransactionsand/orsummaries that you want to export to the portal for filing, and pressX(Export).
    TheExportscreenwill appearas shown below:
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (2)
  3. SelectJSON (Data Interchange)as the File Format, and configure the options for section-wise export and Folder Path, as needed.
  4. PressE(Send) to export.

The exported filewill be savedin the selected Folder Path, which will be automatically opened by TallyPrime.Now you can proceed to upload the file on the GST portal.

Generate the JSON file for a Quarter (For IFF Available for QRMP Dealers)

When you are a QRMP dealer, who can file the return for a quarter and pay the tax on a monthly basis. While GSTR-3B is a monthly return, as a QRMP dealer, you have the facility file the return quarter. In TallyPrime, you have the facility to configure the export of GSTR-3B in such a way that you can export a JSON file for the transactions of a quarter and then upload it on the GST portal.

  1. After opening the GSTR-3B for the quarter, pressAlt+E(Export) >GST Returnsand pressEnter.
  2. PressX(Export).
  3. Configure your export for a single JSON file for the quarter.
    1. PressC(Configure).
    2. File Format:JSON (Data Interchange).
    3. Export a single file for the set Period:Yes.
      How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (3)
      When the File Format is Excel (Spreadsheet), the option is not applicable.
    4. PressEto export.
      The single JSON filefor the set Period gets exported.

II. File GSTR-3B returns

  1. In the GSTR-3B report in TallyPrime, pressAlt+V(Open GST Portal). TheLoginscreen will appear as shown below:
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (4)
  2. Log in with your registered Username and Password.
  3. ClickDashboard>RETURN DASHBOARD.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (5)
  4. Select theReturn Filing Periodand clickSEARCH.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (6)
  5. UnderMonthly Return GSTR3B, clickPREPAREOFFLINE>Upload, and clickChoose Fileto import the GSTR-3B JSON file generated from TallyPrime.
    Once your JSON files are uploaded successfully, you will be notified with a message, and the valueNAwill appear in theErrorReportcolumn.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (7)
  6. ClickBACK>Monthly Return GSTR3B, and clickPREPAREONLINE.
    The values will be recorded in the relevant sections of GSTR-3B, as shown below:
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (8)
  7. ClickSAVE GSTR3Bto save the details.
  8. ClickPREVIEW DRAFT GSTR-3Bto download the preview form and check the details. You can update any of the details, if required.
  9. ClickPROCEED TO PAYMENTto view the available Input Tax Credit. You can update the values, if required.
  10. Confirm the Input Tax Credit that has to be recorded against the payable value. For the balance amount payable, a challan will be generated automatically with the relevant details, and the payment options will appear.
    Once you make the online payment, thePaymentstable will appear.
  11. ClickPROCEED TO FILE, select the authorised signatory, and clickSUBMIT using EVC or DSC verification, as needed.

Once you click the SUBMITbutton, GSTR-3B cannot be revised.

Here is ananimated GIF to show you how you can easilyfile GSTR-3Bon the portal using the JSON files generated from TallyPrime:

How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (9)

Once you have downloaded and installed the GST Offline Tool, you can import the MS Excel or CSV files generated from TallyPrime. Then you can export the details from the GST Offline Tool in the JSON format and upload it on the portal. All your GST data from TallyPrime will appear seamlessly on the portal, after which you can proceed to easily file your return.

We would also recommend that you verify the details before filing the returns, because the details cannot be revised after submission.

I. Download GST Offline Tool

You can download the GST Offline Tool from the portal using the following steps.

  1. In the GSTR-3B report in TallyPrime, pressAlt+V(Open GST Portal)to view theGST portal.
  2. ClickDownloads>Offline Tools>GSTR3B Offline Utility.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (10)
  3. ClickDownload.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (11)
  4. ClickPROCEED. A zip file containing theGST Excel Utilitytool will be downloaded. For important information about the tool and the system requirements, you can refer to theDownloads pageon the GST portal.
  5. Extract theGSTR3B_Excel_Utility_V4.9.xlsmfile from theGSTR3B_Excel_Utility.zipfile and copy it to the locationwhere TallyPrime is installed. This will ensure that TallyPrime can export the GST details to the template without any hassles.

II. Export GSTR-3B returns to the MS Excel template

Before exporting your GSTR-3B data to the MS Excel template, it is recommended that you use a fresh template every time you export.

The #Value!error may appear whenEnglish (United States)is used as the keyboard language. Since theEnglish (United States)keyboard does not have the rupee symbol, theTotalof values exported to GSTR-3B template may appear with this error.Refer to thessection for more details.

  1. In theGSTR-3Breport, select the return period by pressingF2(Period).
  2. PressAlt+E(Export)and selectGST Returnsfrom the menu.
  3. SelectExcel (Spreadsheet)as theFile Format.
  4. Enter the export location in theFile Pathfield.

    Ensure that the file GSTR3B_Excel_Utility_V4.9.xlsmis available in the location specified inTemplate File Path.
    In Release 2.1, the File Name will be prefilled asGSTR3B_Excel_Utility_V4.7.xlsm. You have to change the file name toGSTR3B_Excel_Utility_V4.9.xlsmbefore exporting.
    If the templateGSTR3B_Excel_Utility_V4.9.xlsmis not available in theTemplate File Path, the following error will appear:
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (12)

  5. PressE(Send) to export data to the MS Excel template.
    After export, the MS Excel template will open with the updated details.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (13)
  6. Generate a JSON file using the e-returntemplate.
    • ClickValidateto view the status of the sheet.

      If the status appears as Validation Failed, then correct the errors that are mentioned in the template, and then clickValidate.

      For more details on the information captured in each column of the e-return template, clickhere.
    • ClickGenerate File.
      A JSON file will be generated in theGSTRfolder on yourDesktop.
  7. Upload this JSON file on the GST portal.

III. File GSTR-3B returns

  1. In theGSTR-3Breport in TallyPrime, pressAlt+V(Open GST Portal). TheLoginscreen will appear as shown below:
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (14)
  2. Log in with your registered Username and Password.
  3. ClickDashboard>RETURN DASHBOARD.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (15)
  4. Select theReturn Filing Periodand clickSEARCH.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (16)
  5. UnderMonthly Return GSTR3B, clickPREPAREOFFLINE>Upload, and clickChoose Fileto import the GSTR-3B JSON file generated from TallyPrime.
    Once your JSON files are uploaded successfully, you will be notified with a message, and the valueNAwill appear in theErrorReportcolumn.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (17)
  6. ClickBACK>Monthly Return GSTR3B, and clickPREPAREONLINE.
    The values will be recorded in the relevant sections of GSTR-3B, as shown below:
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (18)
  7. ClickSAVE GSTR3Bto save the details.
  8. ClickPREVIEW DRAFT GSTR-3Bto download the preview form and check the details. You can update any of the details, if required.
  9. ClickPROCEED TO PAYMENTto view the available Input Tax Credit. You can update the values, if required.
  10. Confirm the Input Tax Credit that has to be recorded against the payable value. For the balance amount payable, a challan will be generated automatically with the relevant details, and the payment options will appear.
    Once you make the online payment, thePaymentstable will appear.
  11. ClickPROCEED TO FILE, select the authorised signatory, and clickSUBMITusing EVC or DSC verification, as needed.

    Once you click the SUBMITbutton, GSTR-3B cannot be revised.

Here is an animated GIF that sums up the above procedure:

How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (19)

File GSTR-3B Directly on the GST Portal

Instead of using a JSON file, you can also file your GSTR-3B directly on the portal. You can eithercopy the details from the GSTR-3B report in TallyPrime to the respective sections on the portal, or you can fill the details manually by referring to the values in TallyPrime.

I. Generate GSTR-3B in the MS Word format

  1. In theGSTR-3Breport, pressAlt+P(Print) and selectReturn Formfrom the menu. ThePrint Reportscreen will appear.
  2. PressEnter. The details for GSTR-3B will be created in the MS Word format.
  3. PressCtrl+Sto save the MS Word file.

Now you can directlycopy and paste the valuesfrom the MS Word file to the online form, or you can print the MS Word file and refer to it to fill the information online.

II. File GSTR-3B on the portal

  1. Log in to theGST portalwith yourregistered Username and Password.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (20)
  2. Go toDashboard>RETURN DASHBOARD.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (21)
  3. UnderMonthly ReturnGSTR-3B, clickPREPARE ONLINE.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (22)
  4. Select the required options in the GSTR-3B dashboard and clickNEXTto proceed. Depending on your selection, the relevant sections of GSTR-3B will appear in the next screen.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (23)
  5. Click each sectionand enter the details.
    How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (24)

    You can directly copy the values from the generated MS Word file and paste them in the relevant sections, or you can manually fill the details by referring to the same file.

  6. ClickCONFIRMin each section after providing the details.
  7. ClickSAVE GSTR3Bto save the details.
  8. ClickPREVIEW DRAFT GSTR-3Bto download the preview form and check the details.Youcanupdate any of the details, if required.
  9. ClickPROCEED TO PAYMENTto view the available Input Tax Credit.Youcan update the values, if required.
  10. Confirm the Input Tax Credit that has to be recorded against the payable value.
    Forthe balance amount payable, a challan will be generated automatically with the relevant details, and the payment options will appear.
    Once you make the online payment, thePaymentstable will appear.
  11. ClickPROCEED TO FILE, select the authorised signatory, and clickSUBMITusing EVC or DSC verification, as needed.

    Once you click the SUBMITbutton, GSTR-3B cannot be revised.


A few errorsmay occur while filing GSTR-3B, but you can resolve them easily by following the methods described below.

While exporting data to GSTR-3B, the#Value!error appears in theTotalrow. How do I resolve this issue?

Thiserror may appear whenEnglish (United States)is used as the keyboard language. Since theEnglish (United States)keyboard does not have the rupee symbol, theTotalof values exported to GSTR-3B template may appear with the error#Value!.

How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (25)

To resolve this issue:

  1. Change the keyboard language toEnglish (India):
    Go toControl Panel>Language>Languageoptions, and selectEnglish (India)as theInput method.
  2. Export your GSTR-3B data from TallyPrime to a fresh MS Excel template of GSTR-3B.

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  • How to File GSTR-1 Using TallyPrime
  • How to File GSTR-1 Using IFF (for QRMP Dealers)
  • How to Use TallyPrime and Get Details to File GSTR-9A
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How to File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime (2024)
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