The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

fhttrsday Morning, August 20, 1931 THE PALM BEACH POST Page Five DELRAY BEACH NEWS Delray, Aug. 19 A shower was given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. R.

Cason, in honor of Mrs. Clarence Butts, by members of the Sum Short, Detailed History Is TODAY'S CROSS 9. T. MERRILL ADDRESSES B. AND P.

W. CLUB R. T. Merrill, assistant chairman of the disaster relief committee and Chairman of the storm committee Mrs. W.

E. Wilcox, Mrs. L. W. Currier, Mrs.

Stonewall Carver, Mrs. J. P. Gaines, Mrs. W.

O. Winn, Mrs. O. C. Presley, Mrs.

J. S. Sundy, Mrs. W. E.

Hankins, Mrs. A. B. Alder-son, Mrs. H.

N. Britton, Mrs. Hugh Clark, Mrs. Lina Bossert, Mrs. George Hardin, Miss Fay Taylor and Miss Maxine Winn.

The next all-day social meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. McGaha, on the beach, August 26, with Mrs. R. G.

Smallwood and Mrs. H. N. Britton, joint hostesses. Clint Moore, left Tuesday on a business trip to New York City.

Mrs. M. M. DeWitt has issued invitations to a bridge luncheon Friday at her home in Belleview Court in honor of Mrs. Clarence Butts.

The Association of the Community Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Dean Monday. M. T. O'Neal, Fred O'Neal, and son, Fred, returned Tuesday fClHl I PJ lAcie ItJlSiEIN EAIBL ElLigQP ALjnAviEncioli jAWEjrfpOSiN JPAL AICIE Ml i SEA0 URNO IsI mtIeI HORIZONTAL 1 Ecglish fx plorer in Africa.

6 Largest species of flat fish. 11 Pale. 12 To happen again. 14 Beer. 15 Finish.

16 Expresses briefly technical facts. 18 Lair 19 Cry for help at sea. 20 Tune. YESTERDAY'S AIMIPI 1AIKIRIOIN1 QkiQ snSRE BARR SPiLFs TIRIET AWL 0 I NE bIeTf EMEND NEED DN jTjnr ANlTfMr TTaPa lb at ALAS RQVER pIeIrIt wieIrIsI 39 Variety of chalcedony. 60 MR.

AND MRS. HUMPHRIES ENTERTAIN FRATERNITIES Mr. and Mrs. George Humphries entertained members of the Iota Delta Sigma sorority and the Theta Kappa Omega fraternity at their home on Greenwood avenue, Tuesday night. Dancing and games were enjoyed.

Pledges Sara Pernell and Sue Wolfe sang the I. D. S. song; Charlie Massey sang the Dream Girl of T. K.

O. and Johnny Strickland, a guest, sang the Alpha Sigma Pi song. Enjoying the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Humphries, who are members of the two organizations, were Mr.

and Mrs. LeGrande Humphries, Jimmy Stanley and Johnny Strickland, guests; the Mioses Jane Harvey, Caroline and Nona Tatom, Marion Rogers, Sara Pernell, Mae Himes, Jean Klemp, Maudie Braley, Phyllis Bryan, Darlyne Seesholts, Jane Bunker, Freddie Frink and Sue Wolfe, members of the I. D. S. sorority and Jack Hennessey, Richard Price, Bill' Little, Joe Wolfe, Cuitis Knight, Jimmy Echols, Charley Massey.

Cummings Lilly, Cyril Perley, Horace Newlon and Frank Pernell, members of the T. K. O. fraternity. (Continued from Page One) tracted especial attention here because it suggested that he did not mean to await federal measures in aid of the state's unemployed.

The governor addressed the American Country Life Conference. He said his plan embraced cooperation of state and private capital in the interest of workers involved in economic stress "in normal times and to make relief work more attractive in time of depression." Governor Pinchot told the president: "You have asked for appropriations by congress for relief of the needy in distant parts of the world and, having obtained them, have supervised their expenditures. It would seem to be most opportune that you should do no less for our own needy here at home. Only an extra session of congress can empower you to do so in Apace with these developments was Governor Roosevelt's action to obtain a place for New York stata in conferences between the government and Canada oa waterpower resources. Mr.

Castle, at Washington, today indicated a possible effort by the government to bring the St. Lawrence waterway project under active consideration in the near future. He indicated it might corns when Minister Herridge of Canada returns to Washington. of the American Red Cross, was the i speaker at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Business and Pro- i fessional Women's Club at the Dixie Court Hotel, Wednesday. Mr.

Mer rill's subject was "Storms and How to Meet Them." He called attention to the fact that the storm season ii from July to the last of October and chances are 25 to 1 that a storm will not reach Florida and that all August storms went south of Cuba. Mr. Merrill stated that the principal damage of storms would be from water, not from wind as buildings are much safer than in 1928, when the severe storm hit this city; that the Red Cross has a disaster preparedness com mittee and relief organizations in, readiness to take care of any emergency that might arise and, as from 6 to days' notice of storms is given, the Red Cross will be in a position to tell within 12 hours of when the storm will strike. Mr. Merrill emphasized the fact that the peninsular of Florida is not the only place viisted by storms, as other states have had disasters far more destructive than any "so called" Florida hurricane.

The music committee of which Mrs. Pauline Burke Carr is chairman, was in charge of the luncheon which is the fourth of the series, and the hostesses were Miss Bessie Grant, Miss Edith Densmore, Miss 41 Lively. 22 To build. 25 Part of a lock. 43 Old garment.

27 To Contradict 44 Compact. 45 To bark shrilly. 47 Goddess of dawn. by argument. 30 River in Egypt.

SI City on Pana' ma Canal. 33 Head of "Re 4S Anger. 51 Wheels used for lifting weights. publican tional Commit- 54 Snowshoe. tee." 34 Wine-colored.

35 Asylum. 36 Pet. 37 To 56 Pastry. 57 Spanish priest. 58 To be ill.

59 Capital of Nova Scotia. frorn a visit in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Weaver and two children, of Miami, spent the week-end at the home Mr. and Mrs. S. M.

Weaver. Miss Mildred Badger has returned from a visit with relatives in Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ellingsworth are announcing the birth of a son.

TRIAL IN DECEMBER Clearwater, Aug. 19. Henry Grace, St. Petersburg city employe under indictment for the murder of his little daughter several days ago, will not be given an immediate trial, Judge J. U.

Byrd said Wednesday. He will be tried at the regular term of circuit court next December, the jurist added. Grace is a native of Toombs County, Ga. mer Set Bridge Club, of which she is a member, Tuesday evening. The shower was followed by bridge, Miss Sadie Sundy winning the prize.

An Ice course was served. Present were: Mrs. Butts, Miss Mary Catherine Cason, Miss Mary Love, Miss Merrilee Harrison, Miss Myrtle Presley, Miss Alyne Presley, Miss Martha Laurenburg, Miss Mary Jane Laurenburg, Miss Lillian Bradshaw, Miss Mildred Johnson, Miss Helen Davis, Miss Wilmina Hagerman, Miss Sadie T-'ndy, Miss Mary Pearsall, Miss Madylin Hal-stedt, Miss Gertrude Miller, Miss Agnes Martha Allen, Miss Jane Dean, Miss Louise Badger, Mrs. J. C.

Johnson, Mrs. Emmett Kail, Mrs. A. J. Adams, Mrs.

X. M. DeWitt, Mrs. C. N.

Johnson, Mrs. Glen Sundy, Mrs. Harry Morgan, Mrs. Dwight Bradshaw, Mrs. LeRoy Dig-gand, Mrs.

H. A. Hubbard and Mrs. J. R.

Cason. Mrs. K. M. Davis was hostess to the Tuesday Contract Club Tuesday afternoon at her home in Dell Park.

Mrs. Fred M. Walsmith was the prize winner. Refreshments were served. Playing: Mrs.

Lyle W. Johnson, Mrs. C. N. Johnson, Mrs.

E. F. Hollarn, Mrs. Dwight Bradshaw, Mrs. Calvin Garner, Mrs.

Fred M. Walsmith, Mrs. William J. Snow, Mrs. Chas.

E. Taylor, Mrs. B. F. Sundy, Mrs.

R. B. Gardiner and Mrs. Waco Webb. Mrs.

R. B. Gardiner entertained at contract Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin in Dell Park.

Two prizes were given and an ice course was served. Mrs. Gardiner's guests were: Mrs. H. A.

Hubbard, Mrs. C. N. Johnson. Mrs.

E. F. Hollarn, Mrs. Fred M. Walsmith, Mrs.

K. M. Davis, Mrs. Lauren C. Hand, Mrs.

Calvin Garner, Mrs. B. F. Sundy, Mrs. A.

J. Adams, Mrs. Dwight Bradshaw, Mrs. Charles E. Taylor, and Mrs.

Waco Webb. The Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church met at the church Monday afternoon for its regular program -nd circle meeting. The meeting was led by Mrs. Sam Allen, chairman of Circle No. 3.

as-1 sisted by Mrs. Delia Dewey. Tak- ing part on the program were: Mrs. Lina Bossert, Mrs. J.

S. Sundy, Mrs. Hugh Clark, Mrs. Stonewall Cai Mrs. Allen, Mrs.

J. P. Gaines, Mrs. W. O.

Winn, Miss Maxine Winn and Miss Fay Taylor. i fresent were: Mrs. Dewey, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. P.

T. Taylor, Mrs. Ar- thur Barton, Mrs. Virginia Floding, Dorsey, Mrs. Fawn Blan I I I Is js jto IT" fsT 15" fs" 1 IS" 2c7 IT 30 "3i TZ 35" 55" mm J5 jl 47 45 te" AT 75" 51 sT 54.

155 jv7 5" The incomparable warm weather refreshment Lipton's Tea, iced invigorating, cooling, delicious is the summer beverage of millions. TEA 1 che tte and Mrs. Hattie Smith. Miss Constance Rabin, club presi dent, announced that a permanent luncheon committee had been ap- i pointed and that luncheons will be held each Wednesday at the Dixie Court Hotel. During the luncheon piano and violin duets were given by Mr.

and Mrs. William Doherty. Attending were: Miss Claramae Allen, Mrs. Florence Asch, Mrs. Hilda Beyer, Mrs.

Fawn Blanchette Mrs. Edith Barrus, Mrs. Mary Brandon. Mrs. Pauline Burke Carr, i Miss Althea Crooks, Miss Edith Densmore, Miss Geneva Dorsey, Miss Allison Eadie, Mrs.

Jimmie Gardner, Miss Eessie Grant, Miss 1 Mable Hunt, Mrs. Florence Hard-wick, Miss Mae Healey and guest. Miss Lillian Sinclair, Mrs. Alice Kaufman, Miss Mildred Patterson, Miss Constance Rabin, Miss Hat-tie Smith, Miss Sue Shepherd, Mrs. Marie Shiflett, Miss Ruth Shock- ley, Miss Hazel Taylor, Miss Mabel 1 Whittington, Miss Frances Waddill i Miss Margaret Kocher, a guest, Mr.

and Mrs. William Doherty and R. T. Merrill. BURTON BELL APPEARS IN VOICE RECITAL Prof.

Arthur Simpson presented Burton Hermon Bell, baritone, in his graduating recital at the home i of Mr. and Mrs. Warner H. Bell, Ruffle avenue. Tuesday night, in i CHOICEST ORANGE PEKOE PEKOE THETA DELTA DELTAS PLAN DANCE AUGUST 37 Plans for a dance to be given at the Hotel Monterey on August 27 for the benefit of the Mary Mac-donald Scholarship fund were made at the meeting of the Theta Delta Delta sorority at the home of Mis3 Margaret Bazemore, Brazilian avenue, Palm Beach, Tuesday night.

Other affairs for the benefit of the scholarship fund were also discussed. Announcement was made that the next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Marietta Adams, Sea Spray avenue, Palm Beach. Attending the meeting were the Misses Imogene Currie, Billy Royal, Alma Martin, Coleen Ogdon, Anita Anderson, Winona Edwards, Winifred Hurley, Helen Carter, Anne and Evelyn Davis, Jacqueline Mac-donald, Grace Betty McCoy, Bernita Allen, Elizabeth Pierce Bettie Sue Atwell, Pauline Lytal, Freda Donnell, Margaret Richens and Marietta Adams. COLONY CLUB MEETS WITH MRS CHILLING WORTH Mrs. Richard C.

Chillingworth was hostess to members of the Colony Club and several guests at luncheon and bridge at her home on Avondale Road, Wednesday. Several colors of zinnias were used about the rooms for floral decorations. Contract was played after the luncheon. Mrs. Chillingworth's guests were Mrs.

W. A. fa*gan, Mrs. William T-Reynolds, Mrs. George M.

Albert-son, Mrs. Dan C. Smith, Mrs. G. Trevor Bowler and Mrs.

A. J. Ro-bida, club members and Mrs. Edward U. Roddy, and Mrs.

Charles Trevail. FIVE HUNDRED CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. NO YES Mrs. Herman Stuempges. Mrs.

T. H. Cartledge and Mrs. Jesse Hardy were presented with high score awards bv Mrs. H.

F. Noyes when she entertained members of the Five Hundred Club at her home on Okeechobee Koad, Wednesday an- ernoon. After the games supper was served. Other guests of Mrs. Noyes were Mrs.

William Ploeckelman, Mrs. THE WEEK IN PROSPECT THURSDAY, TWENTIETH Regular meeting of Fidelity Temple, No. 8, Pythian Sisters, in Pyth- ian 7:30 o'clock. WORD PUZZLE ANSWER 19 Stage background. 21 Declines to accept.

23 Competitor. 24 To cut off a syllable. 25 Detected by sense of smell, 26 Afflicted with ennui. 2S Commenced. 29 Consumers.

31 Yourig bear. 32 Mesh of lace. 36 Sultan of Turkey. 38 Association of craftsmen. 40 Demons.

42 To knock lightly. 44 Dower property. 46 Cocoon stage of insects. 47 Stared. 49 Inlet.

50 Snaky fish. 52 Loose. 53 Age. 54 Membranous bag. 55 An outfit.

Habituates. VERTICAL 1 King Gustaf is ruler of 2 Light brown. 3 Conjunction. 4 God of love. 5 Still.

6 Cabin. 7 Region. 8 Evil. 9 Rubber tree. 10 Dogmas.

13 Suez 16 Negative ad- verb. 17 Male title of courtesy. invited. For reservations call Mrs. Veterans and Auxiliary, south of Woman's Club at Y.

W. C. 8 lu Gives Tea For Scholarship Fund Lytal, Mrs. J. T.

Lytal, B. UOJineil, Airs. ruun. Anderson. Mrs.

J. T. Wilson. Mrs. Mr.

c. nnnal.l imd members of the sorority, the Misses Alice Kays, Freda Donnell, Jacqueline Macdonald, Grace Ran- kin, Winifred Hurley, bvelyn and Anne Davis, Billy Royal, Betty McCoy, Ethyl Mae Edwards, Addie Holmes, Marietta Adams, Alma Martin, Elizabeth Pierce, Coleen Ogdon, Margaret Richens, Winona Edwards. Margaret Bazemore and Anita Anderson. PICNIC FOR YOUNG I'KOPl KS DKl" RTMF.NT The voung people's department of the First Baptist Church will hold a picnic at the DuBois Camp at Jupiter on Thursday, August 2i. A number of the young people will leave the church.

Hibiscus street, and South Poinsettia avenue, at 3 o'clock, others leaving at 5:15 o'clock. Games and stunts will be on the program of events. Supper will be served at 6:30 o'clock. All members of the young people's department of the Sunday school are invited to attend, Further plans will be announced in Sunday school. BISINF.SS GIRLS CLUB HAS SUPPER FETING The writing of notes to Miss Louise Tyler, general secretary of the Y.

W. C. who is away on her vacation, was an interesting feature of the supper meeting of B. Y. P.

U. program planning committee at educational building of First Baptist Church, 7 o'clock. Officers and group captains requested to attend. Dance sponsored by Alpha Sigmi Pi fraternity for benefit of A. S.

P. baseball club at Show Boat, 10 o'clock. Public invited. tne presence ot a nu L'ivps and friends. Mr "sis'ed on his progra the presence of a Mr.

Toe Mis. Roy Smith, captain of Girls' Drill Team of American Legion Auxiliary, is entertaining members of team at her home, 824 Selkirk street, 2.30 o'clock. All members of team invited. FRIDAY, TW ENTY-FIRST Budge party, sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary at Hotel El Verano, 2:30 o'clock. Public Robert M.

Kevins, 2-1366. p.h nnrtv nf Snanish War Croker estate, 6:30 o'clock. Tackv oartv of Young Business cMotorin Public Given During Luncheon Meeting A short review of past presidents of the local Kiwanis Club, and of its formation and accomplishments, featured the club's luncheon meeting Wednesday at the El Verano Hotel, the club's tenth anniversary. A small cake donated by a local bakery, with 10 candles was presented. C.

J. Trevail read a short club history from its formation in 1921 when B. D. Cole, Rotarian, helped lend impetus to the formation of the club. J.

P. Cresswell was first president and Allen Price, first secretary. Other presidents in order: Bert Winters. M. S.

McCracken, E. B. Donnell, Bill Manly, C. W. Carroll, George W.

Coleman, John Zimmer, Dr. Jay A. Powell, E. F. Stumpf and J.

Y. Arnold. Mention was made of the first Underprivileged Child Benefit at the Kettler theater several years ago and of the first benefit at Palm Beach in 1927. The club also was described as being instrumental in causing location of the Salvation Army here May 1, 1522. Praise from Kiwanis International for its recent boys camp on the Loxahatchee River at Jupiter was read by Secretary Ray Bullock.

The average weight gain for the youths was two pounds during the week's camp. A tragedy, "The Fatal Quest," put on by four club members, provoked much merriment. C. L. Pierce, chairman of the athletic committee, announced pairings in golf matches with members of the Delray Beach Kiwanis Club.

Play will be over the West Palm Beach Country Club course beginning at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. The program was in charge of the August birthday committee of which C. W. Carroll was chairman. Guests were: Vic Rousseau, Beverly Gilbert, G.

C. Goodjohn, Eli McDonald, Miami; M. H. Cassidy, Miami, and Adelbert Eastman. George W.

Coleman and Joe Hatfield, members, attended the luncheon following their return from recent vacations. Extensive Plans For Local Elks Initiation Elks continued plans to make their past exalted ruler's class of candidates September 16, a local outstanding event of the month at last night's meeting. Plans for Children's Day cele- i bration, September 3, were tem- porarily held up when the commit- I tee reported final arrangements had not been completed. The com- mittee plans to take a large group of children to Gus' Bath during the day. Dave Scholz, officer of the grand lodge, and the Rev.

Father Downey, state chaplain at New Smyrna, are expected to be here to aid with the initiatory class of 30 candidates. Delegations from lodges from Key West to St. Augustine are expect- ed to participate. Present plans for September 16 call for a dinner at 5:30 p. a parade at 6:30 p.

lodge meeting at 7:30 p. and an open house entertainment to conclude the in- itiation. FOREIGNERS FEAR CUBAN REVOLT, SEEK NEW HOMES United States immigration offi- with them of any confidential information relative to the smuggling of aliens into the United States, or the illegal residence in this community of undesirable aliens. Concern was registered when re liable information was received fhllt wprp thousands of unde- foreigner8 at Cuba asking for aamission to the United States as a result of the Cuban revolution. DAILY RECORD CIRCUIT COURT Auguttt 19, 1931 Northern Investment Corporation i vs Alain ol.

nuiuing vwiuiJAiiy, ci praec. for setting down L. W. Jennings, Jacksonville. Northern Investment Corporation vs Georgia Artson Rhodes, et dem.

of compl. to answer of deft. Georgia Artson Rhodes; L. W. Jennings.

Sudie Moody vs Florida East Coast Railway Company, plea; Hugh Clinksca.s and Robert Anderson; Miami. State of Florida, ex P. Wilmerding, Malvern Hill and Kenneth M. Keefe, realtors, vs John R. Beacham, et as city commissioner of West Palm Beach, et respondents, praec.

for and writ of error from judgment entered July 21 denying peremptory writ, writ returnable in the supreme court September 24; Fleming, Hamilton, Diver Lichliter and Giles J. Patterson; Jacksonville. George Weiss, vs George S. Bals-ley, et be. fm.

alleging principal sum of $23,333.32 and int. at eight per cent since March 6, 1928, is due and payable on notes secured by mortgage covering Lot 62, Adams Addition to Palm Beach, subject to certain restrictions; Williamson Cain. R. F. Williamson vs Smith Asso-, be.

foreclose state and 1 county tax certificate on Lot Block 6, in LaKe tsoynion cbiaies, Plat No. Shelby Buford, Boyn-ton. J. E. Beardsley vs Julius Herring petition for unlawful entry, alleging that defendant has unlawfully turned him out of and withholds possession of Lot 1, in subdivision of fractional east half of Section 28, Township 43 South, Range 35 east, containing an estimated 31.75 acres of land, seeking possession and damages; Coleman Cook.

Mary Lillian Bell vs Burie Lefay Bell and Burie Lefay Bell vs Mary Lillian Bell, General Master J. L. Moore's notice of hearing. La Tienda, vs Ocean and Lake Realty Company, praec. for sums.

ad. resp. and declaration, dams. Mitchell D. Price and Charles W.

Zaring, Miami. MAKING UP LOST TIME Billy: Mummie, you said that if I was good for half an hour I could have what I liked. Mother: Well? Billy: I want to be naughty for two hours. The Humorist. I Charles J.

Parmelee, Mrs. Margaret I cjais here Wednesday asked the co-T. Trevail, Mrs. A. Aden, Mrs.

E. i operation of the public in filing This is to advise that the Service Stations formerly; operated by H. R. Brust, at o'clock. Garden party for benefit of Baptist Orphanage at Aicadia.

spon-soied by members of Homemakers' Class of First Baptist Church, at. home of Mrs. C. Tritt, 816 Park street, 4 to 6 o'clock. Public invited.

Free will offering. Radiant Music Class holds beach party on Hutton Beach, 5 o'clock. Phyllis Griffin hostess. Tourist Club bridge party at 2 15 o'clock. Public invited.

SATl KD AY, TWENTY-SECOND Tourist Club bridge party at 8 o'clock. Public invited. Rummage ale sponsmed by Thomas Benlon Ellis chapter, U. D. C.

for benefit of scholarship fund, on Clematis street, near Resent? ry, 7 o'clock. Anyone with rummage to donate is i equated to send it. to Woman's Club or notify Mrs. Victor Oliver, who will call for it. numoer ot reia- i Bell was as- ram by Elsie irne Hartley.

Mrs. Minna Lewis, sopranos and Professor Simpson, Mr. Bell's numbers included: "Rose of My Heart" "The Desert Song" "Mother Machree" and "Sing Me To Sleep." Mrs. Lewis sang: ''In the Garden of Tomorrow'- "This Would I Do" and "Just a Wearyin' for You" and Miss Hartley sang: "The Carnival," "Break of Day," "Kiss in the Dark" and "Beyond the Blue Horizon." Mr. Simpson gave several piano solos, which included "Polanaise" (Chopin) "Romance" in and "Glad Rag" which is Mr Simpson's latest composition.

At the close of the program Mr. Bell was presented with his diploma. An ice course was served by Mrs. Bell. Attending Mr.

and Mis. Warner H. Bell, Miss Eunice Bell, Norman Bell, Mrs. Eva O. Bell, Mr.

and Mrs. Leon A. Paine, Mis. A. E.

Bethschick, Miss Billie Vliet. Miss Ann Macey, Mrs, Bessie Hartley. Mrs. Lillle Simpson, Raymond Hoy-land, Miss Frances Jordan, Mrs. Minna Lewis, Miss Elsie Hartley, Mrs.

C. A. Kishpaugh and Arthur Simpson. HOMEMAKEKS CLASS MILL HAVE GARDEN PARTY The beautiful lawn at the home of Mrs. C.

E. Tritt. 816 Park street, will be the scene of a garden party given by members of the Home-makers Class of the First Baptist Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The public is invited to attend the affair, which is for the benefit of the Baptist Orphanage at Arcadia. A free will offering will be taken during the afternoon.

An interest- ing program will be presented during the afternoon, by Mrs. George Chalker, general chairman, which will Include violin and piano duets by Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty. Refreshments will be served by Mrs.

C. E. Tritt and Mrs. John Dutel. FRANCES CLEMENTS ENTERTAINS CLUB Miss Frances Clements entertain- ed members of the S.

S. S. Club at North Poinsettia Avenue At 6th Street and other locations in the city Are Under New Management B. Davis, Mrs. Georgie Whidclcn, Mrs.

Walter Haselhurst, Mrs. Clayton L. Snyder and Mrs. William H. Mathews.

MRS. WEADOCK HOSTESS TO SOUTHERN CLUB Mrs. JLarl Weadock entertained eitrht members of the Southern trudge Liuo ior mnciieon anu traet bridge at her home on Va encia. Road, Wednesday, using a quantity of roses for floral decora (ions. Mrs.

Weadock's guests were Mrs. 1 Tt Blown, Mrs. George O. Wright, Mrs. Howard G.

Rice, Mrs. J. Mark Wilcox anu vv. neimuu ai- nold. WEDNESDAY BRIDGE CLUB GUKST OF MRS.

COBUKN Members of the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club were guests of Mrs. Frank Coburn at her home on Avon Road, Wednesday afternoon. Contract was played, after which an ice course was served. Mrs. Coburn's guests were Mrs.

Horace E. Beacham, Mrs. James F. I Rily, Mrs. Cy Logsdon, Mrs.

J. H. Dewey and Mrs. Miles Johnson club members, Mrs. Robert Sneed and Mrs.

Al McMillan. I MRS. ROY SMITH TO ENTERTAIN DRILL TEAM Mrs. Roy Smith, captain of the Girls' Drill Team, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, will en tertain members of the drill team at her home, 842 Selkirk street this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The team will practice the drills and will also spend some time with needlework for a bazaar to be given during the first week in September.

All members of the drill team are invited. PERSONAL MENTION Dr. and Mrs. F. J.

Frazier and I children, Elizabeth and Dwight, left Wednesday for Davenport, Iowa, wnere rr. and Mrs. Frazier will at lvreum at the Palmer Miss I. V. Powell has as her guest 1 at her home, 217 Buena Court, her sister, Mrs.

C. P. Hall of Montgomery, Ala. Mrs. L.

J. Weadock has returned i from New Orleans and is the guest I of her daughter, Mrs. James Butler I and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Earl J. Weadock.

Mrs. Bob Clark and Mrs. stumpf are leaving Sunday for visjt ln Biowjng Rock, N. C. Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Winters and family left Wednesday for their summer home at Gainesville, Ga. Thela Delia Delia Sorori Musical The of the Hileus ments was the scene of a delight ful Musical Tea given by members of the Theta Delta Delta Sorority for the benefit of the Mary Mac- Scholarshin Fund. The color 1 scheme of yellow and white whs carried out in the floral decorations of roses and other flowers, with ferns and palms as a. back ground.

The sorority colots or yellow and white were also ec fried out in the refreshments. Miss Addie Holmes announced the following interesting program: piano solo by Miss Anita Anderson; banjo solo, Billy McKendrick; acrobatic dance by Bernice Blandford: tap ince by the Fleischer Sisters and vocal and piano numbers by George Chichester. Miss Winifred Hurley was accompanist for the dancers. Among those attending the tea were Miss Beth Harris, Mrs. W.

L. Fleischer, Mrs. W. L. Bazemore, Miss Rosemary Smith, Mrs.

H. V. Martin, Mrs. Joseph D. Farish, Mrs.

Refresh yourself with a sweetened drink. The Sugar Institute. season with Sugar" The new company is Florida owned, amply capitalized and proposes to render real super-service at all times. Its service men must be courteous, efficient and do every detail of a job 100rc before reporting it finished. The good will and patronage of the motoring public is respectfully invited.

The usual courtesies will continue to be extended to commercial accounts. We maintain 24-hour station and road service at our super-service station at her home on Wildermere Road on Walter Green, Jrankmton. Tuesday night, at which time plans Mrs. John J. Dutel, Mrs.

E. H. 1 were made for a house party to be Seesholts, Mrs. C. R.

Clark, Mrs. I held early in September. The next Guy Powers, Mrs. Ada J. Bixler, meeting will be held at the home of Miss Marion Tatom, Miss Phyllis Miss Alice Miller, 315 Greenwood i Bryan, Mrs.

F. Blankford, Miss Drive. i Peggy Green, Frank Porter, Ches- i Attending were the Misses Aud- ter Green, Miss Nellis Green, Mrs. rey Alice Clegg, Darlyne Seesholts, Robert Atkisson, Mrs, Gordon Ran- Katie Lee Mcpherson, Wansa Jones kin, Billy McKendrick, Mrs. J.

M. Mary Paddison, Julia McKenzie, Stevens. Earl Halsey. Mrs. F.

L. Elizabeth Studstill and Jerry Ral- Porter, Mrs. C. E. Hayes, Mrs.

Ru-ston, members, and Charlotte Cut- I fus Holcomb, Mrs. George Humph- i ler, Mary Massie, Frances Clements ries, George Chichester, Miss Sue Alice Miller and Fontaine Jones, Wolf, Miss Jean Klemp, Miss Sara i pledges. 1 Pernell, Miss Vivian Darden, Miss NAVE A COOL SWEET DRINK WHEN the Business Girls' Club in the rec- Srnool 0f Chiropractics. reational hull of the Y. W.

C. Tuesday night. It was decided to Miss Genevieve Barry of Miami, hold a beach party next Tuesday i formerly of this city, is spending night instead of the regular surjper the week here visiting friends. meeting. Bunco was played at the close of a short business session, i Miss Edith Densmore has return-Attending were the Misses Mae ed from a vacation trip spent in Coventry, Wilma Arnold, Susie New York State.

Miss Dorothy Da hi, Mildred Hendry, Nina Ellis, Densmore is leaving today to spend Helen Sanders, Agnes Riddick, Mae vacation in New York. North Poinsettia Avenue At 6th Street TELEPHONE 5887 F. H. COONS, President TIRED AND HOT A fine way to keep cool and comfortable in summer is to drink cool drinks at the soda fountain or at home, sweetened to taste with sugar. There is nothing like sugar to sweeten home-made drinks such as lemonade, iced tea, coffee, chocolate and fruit punches.

And ther is no better sugar than refined cane tugar it is acknowledged everywhere as the standard. 'Flavor and Karnum, Marie Long, Freda. Stiff, Esther Thorpe, and Mrs. Lucy Gandis, members, Mrs. Mary Harrison, Miss Hilda Hilliard, Miss Emily Williamson and Miss Ivrna Fuller, guests.

SFW AND SO CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. SCHMIDT Mrs. Kurt Schmidt entertained members of the Sew and So Club for luncheon at her home, 728 Avon Road, Wednesday. Enjoying the day with Mrs. Schmidt were Mrs.

H. a. Jrratner, airs. j. nap-man, Mrs.

J. E. B. Munn, Mrs, J. G.

Findlev, Mrs. Frank C. Grimes and Mrs. W. A.


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.