Tunbridge Wells Courier from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England (2024)

Behold the but sensitive. Why do I wear it? near it to acknowledge a human bank manager. My Westminster Bank manager. Two ago (I'd gone to see him about that lick windfall from my godfather) he eased the agony (explanation by arguing Puccini versus Wagner. (I'm opera mad.) Well, I mean, if someone can come that far to meet me, I can return the compliment.

Hence the Bowler. You know. I think it rather suits me. the Westminster does. t.

var. mote about sof vs trios your Pt kn.n.. foe envy 4 Mao. I. 1 the oddness' we be pirpbnatit Rook or a pratrud to Pebile Illeastkes Mariana.

Mk Wnired.4l lAlloYy. LC.4 I 11 I I II MP 1 D. le. yr 0 Nos ON D. lis to.

It NO i --1 Is 4 IPT7- 1 4 11 isi IL I MINI i ty Wit i it 1 IMP 0 11 1 111 1 1111 1 1 1711111 HI II 1 I 11. .1, ifr i 1 I i 0,... new in the new 1964 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerators' 0 41 new Worn! Al my stag! 341 TAR MUD abaft Ompoillimalt la OS 0 1 31 idil Man Rados is ady shoo Oomllplamill Sot NW cough so keep from food food 111111111 kOsson) liarbs.ltaiiiihNokieratlODlEßa Choose a gumbo RlGsraztatnis from: Pal YOUR LOCAL met AUTHORISED DEALER A. WHITE manc.l) I 1 (awry aro Road 01433 IKE FRIGIDAIRE e(6 4o4 TOL 3419 TU NOR I 061 yaw Tel. MU Ap, WIRELESS For Ow FRIGIDAIRE ERVICES LTD.

WAGHORN ES cuser LTD. Monson Read MLLS Tel. 40 Mild) Serest IDGE WI IDINIIRIDGI MI For everything FRIGIDAIRE RD. tam. gmTNERSTONE ELECTRICAL SERVICE 288 -mi Raitneers.

Radio tratillualio Ltd. 1 1 wide. Road 31-3 3 Grorreser Road me im ileads a llisca WILLS Tettbridas Willi 111 11110 11106 MN 'M. 311 WESTMINSTER BAN 5 RIR BIEWBOIN Drainage costs soar Borough Council's General Purpose. Commtltee was told on Thursdav last week that if tho town's big diainzge scheme, started only a few months ago is to be a big addition to the financial esti.

mates would have to be approved At the council's meeting Ald. Kenneth Je, -op, chairman of the Public Committee said that the increase would nave to be in addition to the £12.000 provided by the council to deal with unexpected problems in the scheme. In a letter to the council. the civil engineering firm acting as. eonsultants for the work.

John Taylor and Sons. stated that the increase was being asked tor to deal with drainage syyK'oms on 550 local houses which did not meet the of the new More time needed' Thts was Orrovered after a detailed examination of properties in town by the consultant firm. Ald. Stanley Day, amending a proposal from Cr. Mrs.

M. M. MarFadyen that the recommendations should be approved. said thst he thought the council needed more time before passing such an important decision. He was supported by Ald.

Leslie Chalk. but the amendment was defeated. Three recommendations were passed by the committee. 1. That all hou connecdons and cork unoi.reround to the first chamber be carried out on a day-work basis 2.

That a variation in the present contract be made allowing for a maintenance period of six months for all work done affecting house connections above ground level. 3. That a suitable penman be appointed as an additional engineering inspector who, under the direction and super vision of the resident engineer would be responsible for the supervision of all house age alteration work. Mr. Stafford Miss Bashford ISMS Geraldine Elizabeth Bashford.

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rashford, of Mayor House.

Blackham. Tunbridge Wells, was married at Crow borough Register Office on Saturday to Mr. Robert George Stafford. son of Mr. mad Mrs.

H. G. Stafford. og Doncaster. Yorkshire.

The bride wore a cream Upon suit, with black acres sonee and a spray of the-valley. After a rece-t at the Greyhound Hotel Langton Green. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford left for their honeYinoon in Italy.

They wUI live at ilighworth. Wiltshire. Photo Iry Itiebaet T. Wheeler 14. i 44 1.

I 18., 4 lbo 111 ...1 1 It." a r.A.,"' .1 All 4... I 4 4 ok irk: 16., 4 A It: a I 4 4 1 li ktt4 1 1 -l, i IP s- i io i ELECTRICITY COUNCIL TOLD -OF METER COMPLAINTS AA MEETING of the District Committee of the South Eastern Electricity Consultative Council was held at Tenterden Rural Council offices. High Holden, on Thursday of last week. Chairman of the Committee for the year 1964 65 is Mr. G.

E. Tapp. of Tunbridge Wells, and the Deputy Chairman is Councillor W. P. Lebbon, of Eastbourne.

Matters considered lednied complaints al ssEMIIR tion in which as awsney the meters had been in quer Lion, and for which determine- Was had been sought from the Minister of Power's essay iner. The altlng of electricity meters in blocks of fiats and the temporary assessment far tariff purposes of a large house which was being cooverted into flats for elderly persona were also dloalmeed. Caso'lteration was aloaltvao to tom onsousr tot nowtoflllteue of accounts although, in fact, payment had been made about an error which had occurred in amassing a premises under the installed load tariff about allegod inadequate attention to a request at one of Seeboard's showrooms for a of a washing machine; and about an adequate supply to a farm where additional electrical farm equipment could not be used satisfactorily because the farm was situated at the end of a lengthy overhead line. 1- a 11.. 1 i 1, .4 i ik "41 i 1.

ie lii 1 1 1414 1 1 1114 I .4" 4, i 1 1 i lk 1 1 111 1 41 6 4 I MOO. 4, 1 2 1 4 4 14 i I i i 4 i1iP 0P. 1 4, 4 A 1 i Il 11 0 6 4 1.. 4, AO' i 2, 4 .4... 0 4" -1 7 DAY' SEES CASH ROLL IN Children give display of folk-dancing TIBET DAY on Saturday attracted more than 1 LNG people to the gardens of Crittenden House.

Malikld. the home of fruit farmer Mr. B. P. Tompsett.

The Day second in two in aid of Tibetan refugee children who are living at the Pestalozzi Children's Village at Sedlescombe. Sussex. it raised over and went a long way towards sustaining and increasing interest in the plight of Tibet, said Mr. Tompsett. He was Joint sponsor of the event with Mr.

F. Spencer Chapman, who is warden of the Pestalozzi village, where 22 Tibetan children and their adult leaders are staying. During the afternoon these children, whose ages range from five to 16, gave displays of folk dancing and music. Among them was Namgyal Dupok. the 16-year-old daughter of the Tibetan house parents.

Namgyal, who is named after one of the country's goddesses, was one of the first refugees to reach England. She r.nd her parents fi rst visited Switzerland to see Tibetan children in a village community there, before helping with the organisation at says Borstal governor PARENTS with out-dated attitudes to life today might be to blame for the difficulties involving modern youth in this country, suggested Mr. A. Gould, governor of Dover Borstal. Ile was speaking at the annual meeting of the West Charing Deanery Association for Church Social Work at Frittenden on Friday.

Adults did not adapt themselves into the world in widen children live, he said. Instedd they tried to compare their own childhood with that of their children. Adults often blamed too much money, television, entertainment and advertising for youth problems; but all this was provided by adults and they tried to opt out" of the responsibility. Parents taking the line of "when I was a child was not the solution. What on earth do kids think when we say this sort of thing he asked.

"Life has changed." Dear entertainment He raised the question of pocket money, comparing his own childhood allowance to the requirements of wars children. He had to make is. a week go round but today "they look at you aghast Is if you suggest that Ms. enough." Youngsters at a recent youth club meeting he attended told hint that 30s. an evening was more in line.

Entertainment was expensive. People, he said, had become coy about the words "moral welfare." He pointed out that the meeting he was address. fa*g used to be called "Moral Welfare" and bad changed Its title. Canon Reginald Bradshaw, Rural Dean and Vicar el Cranbrook. thanked Mr.

Gould for his talk. Parents must not be dull and stodgy, he said. He hoped points made by Mr. Gould could be discussed 'by the association's committee. The social worker, Miss Pamela King, reported that there had been 31 new cases dealt with during the year, of which 18 were maternity involving girls aged between 15 and 24.

Other cues Involved domestic, matrimonial an personalprOtileins7 Help in the work could bo given, she reported, by Christian families who were willing to give a temporary home to the girls who were pregnant and working but unable to remain at home, until they went to a Mother and Baby Home. There were very few offers of such a nature. Officers re-elected were: chairman: the Rev. C. G.

Eagling, Vicar of Marden secretary, Mrs. Mar gar et Parrish, of Cranbrook Social Worker. Miss Pamela King. Mr. E.

Kirby retired As treasurer and Mr. Grantham has replaced him. Sixteen of the parishes in the Rural Deanery raised a total of £386 16s. 10d. for moral welfare work during the year.

Most came from Hawkhunt 1E33 153.1, next was Cranbrook £44 111 and third harden 1 £37 10s.) with Goudburst only 2s. 6d. behind. Poorest results came from 111ddenden where only £3 was collected and the tiny villages of Neuenden and Smallhythe raised £4 9s. lid.

and £4 10s. 1 ii sieetWeii: iiiollenitini totai was sent direct to headquarters. UM mie attended the Day fete at 111011141 eg em Saturday. lett is a ma dem sa et the mord. Teg right are ton Menden a id Tendon uiaz a enjoyieg am lee area.

daring a Meek la the gargenemee et miked diesbag. Above, LL4ina. Sir NOIIIII9 dresses the slitters even as he opens the lati Ilie Ned awn sl i First MsMks sees Cairo ado as airmen MMus Is MM'S 4 ir A 7 1 i A 'Alt'' IL itl 4 1 Pip I. 1:4 1 ti i I I i 11 il 1 -4' 5 i 4' tc, 4 0 is, 4 se I se- jil 1 A 4 AN. I 'A 4 0010.

i 4 4 1 .4 i (.. J. i i s. 4 s. ek i ee 4.

1. I 4 16 .4.. let jt. I 1 14. Le- 4 No, must get up to date with life' Diplomatic mission It is wonderful here," she said.

"We all hope that there will be much help for us and our people." The "Day" was opened by Lt. Gen. Sir Philip Meanie, who was military advisor with the diplomatic mission to Lhasa in which Mr. Chapman was also a member. He appealed to the visitors to contribute as much as possible towards the upkeep of the Tibetan children at Sedlescombe.

where they are being trained and educated before returning to India to help their countrymen in refugee colonies there. National costume Among the guests were Mr. Surkhang ShapPe, the last Prime Minister of free Tibet, with his wife and small daughter. Yangehen; Sir John and Lady Glubb, Major George Sherrill, a well known traveller and botanist, and the families of two former British administrators of North East India. the late Sir Basil Goud and Sir Charles Bell.

Ills Excellency El Kony, the ambassador of the United Arab Rerublic, was unable to attend. Programmes for the afternoon were add by Pollak girls dressed in national costumes from the Pestidozzi village. Colour films of Tibet were shown by Major G. Sherrill. who has travelled extensively In Tibet.

Music was provided by the pipes and drums of the Ist Battalion Scots Guards. The grand draw was made by the Dowager Lady Hardlnge. of Penshurat. The Courier, May 22, .1964 Hughes Furnishing for a largo solution of Quality Carpets Ignol Linoleums, etc. Four spacious showrooms devoted to FURNITURE by all the leading manufacturers FABRICS suitable for Curtains and Loose Covers, Bed Covers and Draped Dressing Tables, which can be made up in our own workrooms, if desired Estimates free Mount Pleasant Tunbridge Wells Telspkone 27573 The Seeboarcl a 4 4 I i 4 0 0 A-, i 4 0 0..

4 4 4 lit 7.. .14 a 7 111 41111 1111 i lli iIL 4, 5 4 't l' PS a 5 ri, i i AL A.A. 5 superb refrigerator at the very low with the latest features and extras giving you wonderful value and quality too: Family Sire (3.7 cubic test) only or on Easy Payment Terms deposit and 12 quarterly payments of a. 14.11 d. A raid bargain price Guarantee Every refrigerstor carries Seaboard's free guarantee for one year (the refrigerating unit is fully guaranteed for 5 years).

Mao Large Family Size (5 cubic bat) only 07.111.0 d. or on Easy Payment Terms deposit and 12 quarterly payments of 12.4.0 d. ASK Ask Seeboard about this special offer and see the wide range of other modern and tested refrigerators at your ELECTRICITY SHOWROOM. SOUTH EASTERN ELECTRICITY BOARD 4 IIP 1 116 .111, 111.....1111111.1111.111111.3 Vynolay Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 THE ABOVE ACT HAS NOW LAW AFFECTS ALL PLACES UI EMPLOYMENT lbw so feu free advice es the Electrical. rd Plosibing towhee's's.

secoesaty t. 'sable yaw pita to centers' to the of the sew Act is the west ecesietsical sad officious stammer G. P. CREE LTD. Electrical Contractors sod Heating Engineers 7la ST.


Tunbridge Wells Courier from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.